Roma from home 2. Roman Tretyakov latest news, rumors, gossip. Life before the TV project

The star of the country's most popular TV show, Roman Tretyakov, was once the idol of millions. Girls from all over our vast Motherland dreamed of the same charismatic and bright man as Roma, and watched him with interest every evening on their television screens. However, after the departure of Roman Tretyakov from House-2, his fame and popularity practically vanished into thin air. You will learn about how the fate of the cheerful guy Roma turned out in today's article.

Life before the TV project

Little Roma from Taganrog with almost young years clearly aware of what he wants to be when he grows up. And he dreamed of becoming popular and recognizable. When it came time to choose a specialty and enter a university, Roman made a choice in favor of the Radio Engineering Institute. According to the showman himself, he applied to this university only because the word "radio" was in its name. It seemed to the young man that in such an uncomplicated way, that is, through the radio, he would come to popularity. But Tretyakov did not like to study, and he decided to join the team of the institute's KVN. Here he felt at ease!

Arrival at the TV set

Despite Roman's obvious desire to stand out, the local KVN did not bring the fame he would like to receive. Therefore, when a casting was held in his hometown for participation in an unknown show, Roman Tretyakov happily rushed to him. After all, the arrival of the film crew in Taganrog meant that the chance to get on TV is very close.

Despite his awkward appearance, he is short, unsympathetic, and besides, the casting director liked him thanks to his sense of humor and charisma. So Roma got to Dom-2.

Roman's bright novels on the show

From the first days on the TV show, Roman Tretyakov fell in love with the viewer, he became one of the most rated participants. After a short amount of time, the young man began a relationship with a bright brunette. But their couple lasted for several months, until the girl had to leave Dom-2. And the reason for this was the news that came to the management of the TV show that Lena is a former porn model. Neither Roman nor Lena herself could endure such glory.

But Roma was not sad for long. After all, very soon the beautiful Olga Buzova took a place in his heart.

Two "old men" of the construction site sorted things out, quarreled, arranged dates in front of millions of viewers for almost 3 years. During their romance, the couple wrote several books about their relationship under the guns of television cameras, which found great fame among fans. It seems like a dream little boy from Taganrog came true: fame, fans, a gorgeous blonde nearby, ready for anything for the sake of her beloved man ...

But in mid-2007, one of the oldest members leaves the project. As Roman Tretyakov himself later admitted, the leadership forced him to do this. Be that as it may, viewers were very saddened by this fact.

Marriage and birth of a son

For some time after leaving Dom-2, Roman Tretyakov continued to be a prominent media personality. Therefore, the wedding with his beloved woman Svetlana, which took place a year after the break in relations with Olya, was shown on television. The wedding itself went pretty well. A special surprise of the guests was the black dress of the bride. But the young people assured that they did not believe in superstition, and were going to live a long life side by side. Pictured is Roman Tretyakov with his wife Svetlana.

In 2009, Sveta and Roma became the parents of a wonderful boy. The name of the son, Nikita, was given by the father. But, unfortunately, either disbelief in tradition, or dissimilarity of characters made themselves felt. The young could not keep their cell of society, they filed for divorce.

After the project, Roman is engaged in organizing weddings and celebrations, scripts for which, thanks to his inexhaustible sense of humor, he writes on his own.

Now Roman Tretyakov is again a frequent guest on the screens. In particular, he found his calling in participating in humorous TV shows on the TNT channel. The audience was happy to meet a former participant in the TV show, who did not appear on TV for quite some time.

Today, Roma is trying with all his might to regain its former glory and draw attention to his person. To do this, he maintains a personal page on Instagram, where he shares with subscribers the main news from life and the tour schedule of a humorous show.

Roman Tretyakov - the captain of the KVN teams "Virtual Students" and "Quiet Don", a participant in the television project of the TNT channel "Dom 2", became famous for his connection with, showman, television and radio host.

One of the brightest participants in the show "Dom-2" Roman Tretyakov was born in Taganrog in the summer of 1980. But soon after the birth of his son, the head of the family moved his wife and little Roma to the town of Aramil, not far from Yekaterinburg. Over the next 10 years, the family changed their place of residence five times, moving from one garrison to another. These constant moves and the need to part with newly acquired friends forever discouraged Roman Tretyakov from following in the footsteps of the pope.

Roman Tretyakov's dream was simple: to become famous. Make sure that everyone recognizes and asks for an autograph when they meet. The way to achieve the goal was also simple: you need to "get on the TV." But this turned out to be more difficult. Therefore, the guy decided that at first the TV could be replaced with a radio, which also made it possible to achieve recognition.

Therefore, after graduating from a comprehensive school, Roman Tretyakov went to enter the Taganrog Radio Engineering University. The choice was made solely because of the presence of the word "radio" in the name of the university.

The learning process immediately seemed boring to Roman Tretyakov. A certain variety in gray everyday life was made by participation in the university team of KVN. Here, Roman could well roam, as he had creativity and a great sense of humor. The young man came up with new jokes, wrote scripts and appeared on stage as an artist.

In 2002, Roman Tretyakov's dream came true. Taganrog KVN workers "hit the TV." But, as it turned out, the dream came true only half. The guy, as before, was not recognized on the street, and no one stood in line for an autograph.

TV show

Roman Tretyakov did not want to give up. Therefore, having heard about the casting for those wishing to participate in the new show “Dom-2. Build your love”, the young man immediately went to the local palace of culture. The guy was ready for a lot, but he only needed to pick up the number and loudly say his own name and phone number. Roman was 100% sure that he would be accepted. Small height (164 cm) and dissimilarity to this confidence did not shake at all. Roma knew that he was damn charming and that his charisma could outshine even the notorious Hollywood star.

The calculation turned out to be correct: they took the guy. This is how it started creative biography Roman Tretyakov at an amazing project, which brought together no less amazing people with the goal of "building love."

The novel was in the right place at the right time. Tretyakov's jokes caused laughter. The creativity, talent of the mass entertainer and the artistry of the young man were immediately noticed. The guy became the star of the project and the soul of the company. True, the project participants sometimes called Roma "an evil dwarf" behind their backs. Some of the young man's provocations were not so harmless. Tretyakov became the initiator of scandals with other young men of the project. The audience watched the fights of Roman Tretyakov with Sergei Palych,.

At the beginning of the project, Roman Tretyakov undertook to "build love" with a charming one. The couple even played a comic wedding. Relations developed until Lena was asked to leave the project. The reason was a scandal from the emerging pornographic past of the girl.

Find and build new love Tretyakov did not succeed immediately. The feeling came about by chance. Once, Roman suggested that Olga Buzova, a participant with a model appearance, fool around and jump in the mud. The relations of young people of different character and temperament developed slowly. Roman Tretyakov and Olga Buzova often argued and quarreled. However, the couple received the highest ratings on the show.

Tretyakov and Buzova wrote a book about relationships. "Romance with Buzova", advertised by the TV channel, has become a bestseller. The guys decided to continue cooperation and immediately issued a second book, calling the work “Romance with Buzova. Love on-line. And this work about the love story of two participants in the television set also found a response in the hearts of young people.

Closer to the summer of 2007, the relationship between Tretyakov and Buzova deteriorated completely. Olga applied her strength to save the union, but to no avail. The couple broke up. At the end of August, Tretyakov left the show. Roman's stay on the project was long - 1202 days. The young man called "family circumstances" the reason for leaving. Later, Tretyakov wrote a book called Love for Money. P ... ts romance with Buzova, ”where he frankly said that he did not leave the project on his own, but with the help of management. Allegedly, the creators of the project did not like that the participant arbitrarily uploaded the video.

Tretyakov's adaptation to life outside the project turned out to be difficult and even led to a prolonged depression. Popularity passed, but there was no work. It was not possible to get a job on television. In the mid-2000s, the artist only received a cameo role in the hit sitcom Happy Together, where he appeared as a cameo.

Later, Roman Tretyakov began to earn a living by what he gets: arranges weddings, corporate parties and parties, scripts for which he writes himself.

In 2015, Roman Tretyakov excelled in a new role for himself. The showman was invited to work on the musical accompaniment of the series of Kazakh filmmakers "Zhibek" about a young girl who moves to Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, for the sake of her studies.

Personal life

A year after leaving the project, Roman got married. It happened in August 2008. The showman's wife was the model Svetlana Sokolova, whom the young man met on the plane. At first, the couple lived in love and harmony. In early 2009, the young had their first child, Nikita. But not so much time passed, and the relationship deteriorated. Even the son could not seal the shaky marriage.

In 2011, the personal life of Roman Tretyakov and Svetlana Sokolova reached the finish line: the couple divorced.

As far as we know, Roman Tretyakov is single these days.

Roman Tretyakov now

For four years, Roman has received a second higher education. Tretyakov is studying journalism at Moscow State University. At the university, the showman for the first time at one lecture delivered an improvisational monologue on behalf of an ancient Greek speaker and felt interested in the speech genre of stand-up.

In 2016, Roman Tretyakov began his second ascent to the Olympus of Glory. The artist appeared at the standup festival, which was held in Moscow, with his own humorous monologue and impressed the editors of the show. Tretyakov was among the top 80 participants with whom they began filming the television comedy show Open Mic. Soon the project moved to TV screens.

In 2017, episodes of the program began to appear on the TNT channel. The jury of the television version of the project included the pioneers of the genre in Russia -,.

The topics of Roman Tretyakov's speeches were the television project "House 2", relations with Olga Buzova, as well as studies at Moscow State University. Now Roman Tretyakov, together with the participants of the TV program, is traveling around Russia with solo numbers. From the page in Instagram» Roman Tretyakov announces his own concerts and posts photos from his travels around the world.


  • 2003 - "House-2. Build your love"
  • 2016 - Open Mic

Roman Tretyakov became one of the first participants in the Dom-2 project. How did the life of the ex-participant of the TV show turn out, why does he not like to remember his relationship with Olga Buzova and wants to leave Moscow - Roman told the website about this

15 years have passed since the arrival of Roman Tretyakov on Dom-2, and many still associate the guy's name with a reality show. If you think that this is glory, then Roman is sure of the opposite - such PR often only gets in the way ..

- Roma, you have said many times that you did not plan to go to the project, accidentally looked at the casting. As a result, "the holidays dragged on for 15 years." How did you decide to stay on the perimeter?

I doubted very much, there were a million people with whom I consulted, even astrologers among them. Tried to find out, to make a choice. Astrologers said "it is better to go than not to go." It sounded strange, but they always respond with very general phrases.

- Once on the court and understanding the rules of the game, the principles of survival, you drew attention to a well-known girl ( Olga Buzova. — Auth.). Was it sincere or did you just understand that the most convenient option is a certain blonde?

- Probably, it happens to many that you are in a relationship, but you still like some girl. Here is the answer. Of course, I paid attention to her before.

- What exactly hooked in Olga?

- Even if I most I spend time alone, I need a person with whom I can talk. Some set of external and internal characteristics is not fundamentally important - rather, you need Feedback. Any person needs a person, especially in a difficult situation. And on the project as a whole it is difficult, a person is in uncomfortable conditions around the clock. In such circumstances, it is even easier to survive together. But I would not like to talk about a man from the past.

- What do you value in girls now, what qualities are in priority?

- Basically, the same thing, but I used to understand it intuitively, but now it makes sense. As you grow older, the number of people who fit you decreases. First I want to see a certain set external characteristics, then internal ones are added. The ideal for me is a symbiosis of two girls with whom I had a serious relationship. For example, I value loyalty. Probably, there are no such men who will say: "Oh, she is a girl of easy virtue, let's date her." And if you are now, then my parents still treat her very well. Mom still says: "Rum, I think that Lena was the best, I saw that she loves you." Unfortunately, we do not support relations now.

I do not like to answer such questions, because I had girls before and after that I loved more. And when we talk about the same young lady all the time, it may offend some people.

- Is there someone now whom you are afraid of inadvertently offending?

- Yes, there is a person who, having seen these answers, may be upset. Therefore, I would not like to continue to talk about this topic.

- Do you communicate with the guys from the first composition of "House-2"?

- I keep in touch with Oscar. I would not want to offend anyone, forget. We have a general chat where we correspond, call each other for the holidays.

- Now the participants who go to Dom-2 are hungry for hype, fame, money. Are you following the project yourself?

- No, I don't follow at all. And glory is an illusion. I walked without knowing where I was going. There was a reality show about love - no one knew that the project would acquire so many stereotypes. As for the current participants, I don't think that going there is not justified. This does not work. People don't think about how much fast way getting fame will also end quickly. There are only a few examples of successful media people who left the project. I don’t know why they still remember me, probably because the former young lady is in favor. I would warn those who go to the project: guys, don't, better go study at the institute. It will be more useful.

— How does participation in the project affect your life today?

Until now, many perceive me as a character in a scandalous reality show, and not a specialist in any field. Despite the fact that I actually have three educations: the Taganrog Radio Engineering, advanced training courses at Ostankino, the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University with a red diploma and several other courses. But no, finding a job is problematic. In fact, before entering Moscow State University, I worked at STS. He took part in the development of the concept of the series "Fitness", which was recently released. I came up with an idea, offered it to the channel, then everything stopped, and three years later the finished product suddenly appeared on the screen. I'm not saying that something was stolen from me - this is all the time. Maybe I thought it was my design.

Before going to Dom-2, Roman Tretyakov turned to astrologers and psychics

- You have a good education, not everyone is ready to give so much time to study. What was the motivation?

- When I was developing the series, I realized that I lacked professional skills. In particular, in order to write a screenplay, it is not enough to read Robert McKee's "The Million Dollar Story: A Master Class for Screenwriters, Writers and More" and all the vaunted authors who teach how to write. You need to know the base. As a result, you either go to VGIK for screenwriting or journalism.

- Now you are doing stand-up. Is this a direction you want to pursue further?

Before "House-2" I was engaged in KVN for seven years. I do what I did before. Stand-up is a high degree of responsibility, probably the most difficult genre. It requires a lot of work, writing texts, from which you need to remove all unnecessary. You must constantly be on the lookout. Notice something. It's hard to find a good topic. For example, me, people who ask them annoy me. The same for 15 years. I talk about it in stand-up, people laugh at it.

What are your plans for the next five years?

- We need to finish my solo album - finalize it, shoot it and sell it. Personal life for me was and will be in the background. Most likely, I will continue to do what I do. As far as children are concerned, they are a product of love. A man loves his wife and, as a result, children appear, but they are born in love. In general, I am selective.

Roman Tretyakov has been trying to get rid of the glory of the Dom-2 project for 15 years
PHOTO: Y. Stein, [email protected]

- Do you think that for other young people you are an example of a simple guy who was able to achieve some success?

- I think that education and a diploma are my real merit, and not participation in Dom-2.

— Do you want to live in Moscow or do you dream of moving to another city?

- Moscow is not very close to me. I miss sunny days here. I like Evgeny Grishkovets in this regard: he lives in Kaliningrad, then he comes, films his concerts, sells books and goes home. It's great to return to a sunny town dear to your heart, where is your home, beloved wife, children. I am now trying to build just such a future for myself.

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Biography, life story of Tretyakov Roman

New member of House-2

Roman was born on June 2, 1980. He came to the project from his hometown of Taganrog, where he worked as a DJ at parties and local radio stations.

Roman was considered the main instigator of the project (or, as they say now, "creative"). It was he who came up with scripts for most of the practical jokes, parodies and contests. He was the favorite of the public, the soul of the company.

« I'm comical, but as you know, all comedians in life are sad”, Roma admitted at the beginning of the project. Now we know that Roma is not only comical and sad. He is also very reasonable when it comes to making a decision; jealous when his girlfriend flirts with another; honest when you need to "cut the truth"; enterprising when it comes to his future... Before the start of the project, he said that if he sees a goal, he will go to the last to achieve it. But even with such a philosophy, he considers it important to remain a reasonable person: “ The main thing is not to cross the line beyond which you no longer respect yourself.».

Roma was brought to the project, as he said, “ normal human curiosity: it was interesting to see how people live in such conditions, what they achieve, how they change ...". How has Roma changed during the project? After all, he is one of the few old-timers at Dom-2. Regular viewers still remember how he met, how the guys got married - albeit pretending, but from real romantic feelings. Lena left the project because of a scandalous story that unexpectedly surfaced from her pornographic past. Roma did not follow Lena: he decided that the girl could tell him the truth about her past. And since she didn’t tell, it means she wasn’t completely sincere with him. He talked about love like this: Love - emotional condition the total need that one person feels in relation to another. But true love is exclusively mutual. She shouldn't be suffering. She should be the guarantor of happiness". And Roma stayed on the project, looking for a new "guarantor of happiness" ...


Romance with Olga Buzova

It turned out to be a new guarantor of happiness. The relationship began funny: once Roma invited Olya to jump in the mud. Is serious relationship does it start like that? It turns out they are starting. And they continue. At the very beginning, the guys went through several serious conflicts and even almost reached a complete break. But they had romantic plans for a life together after the project: the guys often talked about the wedding, they had the highest ratings. Together with Olga, he broadcast on the radio, regularly went to the institute for classes and went in for sports.

And then Roma had a new disappointment in the project. On November 1, a vote was held for rooms in the Old House, and their “nest” on the ground floor was taken away from them and Olya, handing it over to the Nelidovs (and). Roman, of course, was very upset - he was sure that the "old man's" privileges were rightfully given to him, and now no one will take them away from him. But nevertheless, Tretyakov had to move to a bedroom in the New House.

He was very disappointed with the “Queen of House-2” contest, where his girlfriend with a model appearance took second place, losing to a completely non-model one. However, this situation only strengthened the relationship between the guys: Roma proved that he really appreciates his own and is ready to share with her all her successes and mistakes. In the fall, their first book, Roman with Buzova, went on sale. The most beautiful love story.

Break with Olga and leaving the project

However, by the summer of 2007, relations between Olga and Roman deteriorated noticeably, and on August 30, 2007, Roman Tretyakov left Dom-2. The official version of the project is due to mysterious "family circumstances".

On August 20, 2008, in the Moscow registry office No. 4, Roman's marriage with his chosen one Svetlana was registered, because of which one of the brightest participants in the project broke off relations with. Of the former participants in the project, only Sam Seleznev was present at the registration.

Roman and Svetlana met on the Lugansk-Moscow plane and, as they themselves say, they immediately realized that they were made for each other. Therefore, they did not begin to postpone the wedding celebration.

Svetlana gave birth to Roman's son, but two years later Tretyakov also left this girl.

As of 2012, Tretyakov is free again, and Roman admitted that he is regularly reminded of the participation in the show by traffic police inspectors, showing footage from porn films featuring his ex-lover on mobile phones.

Profile of the hero of House-2

Roman answered our questions on his 625th day on the project!

Tretyakov has already built love, he is quite successful as the host of the talk show Romance with Buzova. The main prize is within reach. But Dom-2 never ceases to amaze, because a month ago we could say the same about ...

The goal of the project is to build love. Don't you think it's strange to try to build love in a closed space with a limited number of potential partners?
- No, it doesn't. Because in life we ​​are distracted by a lot of different circumstances from what a person truly needs - love and relationships. In life, we have a job, we need to buy our own food, spend money on it, which needs to be earned somewhere. And there is often very little time left to build relationships. But here there are no such problems and you are entirely focused on relationships. I think this is the perfect place for love to be born, and in the process it will change. Of course, at some stage there will be a need to check this love beyond the perimeter. But, having double-checked each other in different situations, people can be sure that they have found exactly the person with whom they are ready to live their whole lives.

Who do you even like? What traits do you value in a person?
- I really appreciate the ability to be women in women. I like it when a woman is well-groomed, when she can present herself favorably, can flirt with me, flirt. When it’s always nice to look at her, when she’s a housewife: she keeps the house clean, comfortable and tidy, her dishes are washed, she can cook something at any time. At the same time, she can participate in a conversation, support a topic. She is smart and educated. This is all, to one degree or another, I found in . True, sometimes she still shows her claws, is naughty. But most importantly, in any situation, she remains a woman to the core. I see that a person is created in order to be loved, so that she loves. And it's very cool!

The project has been going on for quite some time. Which of the characters for all this time seemed to you the most interesting?
- I want to say that all the old ones are very interesting guys. I think that it should be attributed to the category of interesting guys. Of the retired guys, this is Katya Tacheva, the Karimov brothers (and) are also interesting guys, and also, Natasha Pavlova.

Which pair of formed on the project seems real to you?
- And everything seems real.

You are the object of attention of a huge audience. Like?
- I like it and I want to benefit from it. We now go on tour a lot, and often this attention is hypertrophied, when people do not understand that you also have a personal space, you sometimes want to be alone, with your girlfriend or in a circle of friends. For some reason, they think that since they came, I should give them maximum attention and answer their “interesting” questions, which I have already discussed five hundred times: is everything according to the script or not, when the project is over, “how do you feel about one hero, but how about another? Why do I have to break away from my girlfriend and explain something for this?

The project can be a good starting point. How do you see your future?
- Very chic. I plan to connect my future with television, because I have been working towards this for a very long time, but what form the cooperation will take is another question. There are very different ideas. I would like to continue to broadcast, at the same time I would like to come up with some new programs, I would like to try myself in different industries. Here we are now

Member of "Dom-2" Date of birth June 8 (Gemini) 1980 (39) Place of birth Taganrog Instagram @roman_tretyakov_

From the first days after appearing in House 2, Roman Tretyakov became one of the most interesting participants. Perhaps the reason for the popularity is that he has a rich KVN past. Tretyakov also has an undoubted creative talent, which he still realizes to this day.

Biography of Roman Tretyakov

From early childhood, Roman often had to move. He was born in the family of a military man and before receiving the certificate he changed 5 schools. At the same time, from an early age, Tretyakov wanted to become a celebrity. One of his main aspirations was to get on television or work at a radio station.

But after graduating from the Tretyakov school, he entered the radio engineering university of his native Taganrog. Study was given to Roman hard. The only thing that brought him joy was participation in the KVN student team. Tretyakov not only participated in skits, but even then wrote scripts for performances.

Passion for student KVN made Roman's dream come true. In 2002, his team participated in the qualifying rounds and the guys' game was shown on the central television channel. But fame did not come after that.

Not stopping there, Tretyakov was looking for opportunities to become famous and one day he heard about the casting of participants in the television project Dom-2. Thanks to his natural charm and great sense of humor, Tretyakov was immediately accepted into the project. Neither the producers of the show, nor Roman himself have ever regretted such a decision. With his appearance in reality shows, various contests began to appear, the author of which he was.

On the project, Roman was called the "evil dwarf" for his short stature and short temper. However, thanks to his creativity, outward calmness and self-confidence, together with Olga Buzova, Tretyakov got a place as a radio and television presenter. Roman was engaged in these projects in parallel with participation in House 2.

For a long time, the pair of Roma and Buzova was the most rated. In the wake of such popularity, Tretyakov published 3 books about the details of their relationship on and behind the project. However, after 3.5 years of living in a reality show, Roman left him. A few months earlier, Roman Tretyakov became extremely irritable and reacted very aggressively to all the actions of his beloved on the project, Olga.

Since 2007, Tretyakov has experienced a difficult period of adaptation to ordinary social life. For a long time he could not find a job. He was not taken to television, and his popularity was steadily declining.

Personal life of Roman Tretyakov

Roman married in August 2009. Model Svetlana Sokolova became his wife. Already in early 2009, the couple had a son, Nikita. But the marriage lasted less than 2 years. Since September 2011, Tretyakov has been officially divorced.

Latest news about Roman Tretyakov

Tretyakov is actively involved in writing humorous scripts for television programs. Roman also often works as a guest host at corporate parties, weddings and parties. Tretyakov writes scripts for these holidays himself.