What does the worm lady cause. How to call the Queen of Spades at home: the secrets of mystical divination. With lipstick

Those who tried to call the Tambourine lady do not advise anyone to do this. But human curiosity always overpowers caution and drowns out the self-preservation instinct. Surely there are those who can not resist ...

How to call a tambourine lady

In the world there are many different ways to find out your fate and your future. One of such methods is to call a tambourine lady. A tambourine lady is an otherworldly being who knows everything. The appearance of such a lady can be fraught with many dangers. You need to be careful when you call her. But if you are brave and do everything right as expected, you know how to call a tambourine lady, then she will tell you a lot of useful and interesting answers that will answer all your questions.

You will need:

1. The mirror;
2. Candles;
3. Red lipstick;
4. Dishes with water.

The science of esoterics believes that the best vehicle is water or a mirror. That is why all these items will be required to call a tambourine lady. Usually use items separately, either water or a mirror. Each of these items has its own specific technique for conducting the ritual.

Rite with a mirror

The room should be complete silence. Only you can be in the room. At midnight you need to light a candle, turn off the light. The candle must be brought from the church. Three times you need to outline yourself with it. She will protect you if your guest does not behave very well. A tambourine lady is often unpredictable, so be careful. The flame of a candle is a necessary carapace that protects you from otherworldly forces.

Stand opposite the mirror. Using lipstick, draw a spiral staircase with a door. The door in the figure should be open. This is a requirement. Through this door a tambourine lady will come to you. You must clearly and confidently pronounce her name. You can’t look away from the mirror. You should concentrate on the painted door.

After her appearance, you can ask questions of interest to you. Once you have received the answer to your question, immediately erase the door from the mirror. Then sprinkle water on the mirror and extinguish the candle.

Rite with water

Put dishes with water in the middle of the room. There should be 13 candles around it. After midnight, light all the candles, and pour the dishes to the top with water. The light must be turned off. With your index finger on the water, draw three eights. During the ritual, call on the lady. As a defense you will be served by a wedding ring or a small piece of birch bark. You need to hold in your right hand and do not release until the end of the session.

After the phenomenon occurred, you received answers to your questions, you need to hit the water with your fist and blow out the candles. Then all the materials that you used for the ceremony must be discarded. It’s dangerous to leave them in the house.

There is nothing complicated in calling a tambourine lady; the main thing is to adhere to all the necessary rules during the ritual. What is dangerous here, you ask, because she will only answer questions? But some answers you may very, very dislike ...

In the world there are many different ways to find out your fate and your future. One of such methods is to call a tambourine lady. A tambourine lady is an otherworldly being who knows everything. The appearance of such a lady can be fraught with many dangers. You need to be careful when you call her. But if you are brave and do everything as expected, then she will tell you a lot of useful and interesting things, give answers to all your questions.

What do you need for this:
1. The mirror;
2. Candles;
3. Red lipstick;
4. Dishes with water.

The science of esoterics believes that the best conductors are water and a mirror. Therefore, to call a tambourine lady, all these items will be required. Usually use items separately, either water or a mirror. Each of these items has its own specific technique for conducting the ritual.

How to do a rite with a mirror?
The room should be complete silence. Only you can be in the room. At midnight you need to light a candle, turn off the light. The candle must be brought from the church. Three times you need to outline yourself with it. She will protect you if your guest does not behave very well. A tambourine lady is often unpredictable, so be careful. The flame of a candle is a necessary carapace that protects you from otherworldly forces.

Stand in front of the mirror. Using lipstick, draw a spiral staircase with a door. The door in the figure should be open. This is a requirement. Through this door a tambourine lady will come to you. You must clearly and confidently pronounce her name. You can’t look away from the mirror. You should concentrate on the painted door.

After her appearance, you can ask questions of interest to you. Once you have received the answer to your question, immediately erase the door from the mirror. Then sprinkle water on the mirror and extinguish the candle.

How to do a rite with water?
Put dishes with water in the middle of the room. There should be 13 candles around it. After midnight, light all the candles, and pour the dishes to the top with water. The light must be turned off. With your index finger on the water, draw three eights. During the ritual, call on the lady. A wedding ring or a small piece of birch bark will serve as protection. They need to be held in the right hand and not released until the end of the session.
After the phenomenon occurred, you received answers to your questions, you need to hit the water with your fist and blow out the candles. Then all the materials that you used for the ceremony must be discarded. It’s dangerous to leave them in the house.

There is nothing complicated in calling a tambourine lady, the main thing is to adhere to all the necessary rules when conducting the ritual. If you think that by calling her, you will receive a tablet, dress, etc. You know, she will only answer questions ...

In the world there are many different ways to find out your fate and your future. One of such methods is to call a tambourine lady. A tambourine lady is an otherworldly being who knows everything. The appearance of such a lady can be fraught with many dangers. You need to be careful when you call her. But if you are brave and do everything as expected, then she will tell you a lot of useful and interesting things, give answers to all your questions.

What do you need for this:

  1. Mirror;
  2. Candles;
  3. Red lipstick;
  4. Dishes with water.

The science of esoterics believes that the best conductors are water and a mirror. Therefore, to call a tambourine lady, all these items will be required. Usually use items separately, either water or a mirror. Each of these items has its own specific technique for conducting the ritual.

How to do a rite with a mirror?

The room should be complete silence. Only you can be in the room. At midnight you need to light a candle, turn off the light. The candle must be brought from the church. Three times you need to outline yourself with it. She will protect you if your guest does not behave very well. A tambourine lady is often unpredictable, so be careful. The flame of a candle is a necessary carapace that protects you from otherworldly forces.

Stand in front of the mirror. Using lipstick, draw a spiral staircase with a door. The door in the figure should be open. This is a requirement. Through this door a tambourine lady will come to you. You must clearly and confidently pronounce her name. You can’t look away from the mirror. You should concentrate on the painted door.

After her appearance, you can ask questions of interest to you. Once you have received the answer to your question, immediately erase the door from the mirror. Then sprinkle the mirror with holy water and extinguish the candle.

How to do a rite with water?

Put dishes with water in the middle of the room. There should be 13 candles around it. After midnight, light all the candles, and pour the dishes to the top with water. The light must be turned off. With your index finger on the water, draw three eights. During the ritual, call on the lady. A wedding ring or a small piece of birch bark will serve as protection. They need to be held in the right hand and not released until the end of the session.

After the phenomenon occurred, you received answers to your questions, you need to hit the water with your fist and blow out the candles. Then all the materials that you used for the ceremony must be discarded. It’s dangerous to leave them in the house.

PS: There is nothing complicated in calling a tambourine lady, the main thing is to adhere to all the necessary rules when conducting the ritual. If you think that by calling her, you will receive a tablet, dress, etc. You know, she will only answer questions.

How to call a worm lady? Among all the characters that can be called on their own at home, the Queen of Hearts is one of the most popular. But is this really a harmless spirit, and is it worth undertaking to conduct such rites?

  • How to call a worm lady at home?

    The most diverse rituals that allow you to connect with the other world have survived to our days. With their help, you can call, or even.

    Many of us, as a child, tried to summon a lady of hearts without even thinking about the consequences. But is contact with such evil spirits of the lowest rank really safe?

    Every young lover of the supernatural should remember that even such a seemingly innocuous spirit can really cause severe damage, so you should prepare for the call. In order not to become a victim of the spirit, you must first protect yourself.

    As you know, the best way to create a protective barrier is to draw a circle with chalk and stand in it. When you call such a spirit, you can do just that. In addition, you will need to prepare a mirror, three wax candles, a flower, a piece of soap or lipstick. Usually such a ceremony is performed at night, but if you are very afraid, then perform it in the afternoon.

    One important condition:  it is necessary to properly shut all the windows so that the room is dark. Set yourself in a protective circle and place a mirror outside it, place three candles opposite it so that they all reflect in the mirror. Using soap or lipstick, draw from the upper right corner of the mirror to the lower left staircase. Then say:

    I bring you a flower as a gift, come, please.

    Now start peering intently into the mirror. In just a few minutes you will see how someone’s silhouette appeared on the top step. It will rapidly go down and increase. It may even come close to you. At this point, you must say:

    Sin, lady of hearts, Sin!

    After extinguish all three candles and turn the mirror so as not to see the reflection in it. So the ritual will be completed. You can’t go beyond the circle during the ceremony, interrupt the ritual, otherwise you will allow the lady to go outside the mirror, she will be able to lure you out of the circle and cause you damage.

    Among all the effective and popular methods that allow you to call the worm lady at home, this is especially in demand. When conducting it, one cannot allow the evoked spirit to leave the mirror.

    The ritual is also performed either late at night or in a room with curtained windows. Do not allow sunlight to enter the room where the ceremony is held. Go to the market first and buy a new deck of playing cards from a black-haired merchant.

    You will need only the queen of hearts and the king of hearts. In order to protect yourself as much as possible, again place yourself in a protective circle, place a mirror outside it, put a candle in front of it. Light it and say these words:

    Spirit, I urge you.

    At this moment, outside the circle, near the mirror, place the card of the Queen of Hearts. The king’s card should remain in your hands. Tease her spirit and say:

    I have your king, come, show.

    After that, start looking in the mirror. Rest assured, a lady will definitely come for her lover. After a while, the face of a very beautiful woman will appear in the mirror, who will in every way reach for you, persuade her to go to her kingdom in a place with the king.

    But you can’t believe such tricks, since this spirit can be very insidious, as soon as you go beyond the protective circle, it can begin to choke you. As soon as you admire the lady of hearts, the mirror should be turned upside down or covered with dark, dense material.

    In no case can you break an attribute, since you will not drive away the spirit with such actions, but on the contrary, release it into your world.

    The uniqueness of such a ritual lies in the fact that you have the opportunity not only to see the spirit, but even get good advice from it or ask to fulfill your desire. If you are too inexperienced, then undertaking such a ceremony is still not worth it, since it is rather laborious. First of all, you will need to prepare the following attributes:

    • three mirrors;
    • three wax candles;
    • new deck of cards;
    • lipstick
    • several pieces of dark dense matter;
    • white scarf.

    The ritual is held only on Wednesday or Friday, at exactly 12:00 a.m. Important: there should be no more soul in the house. Position the mirrors so that they form an isosceles triangle and are reflected in each other. A wax candle is placed in front of each attribute and lit with the left hand.

    Be sure to collect your hair and tie a headscarf on your head, as the appeared lady of hearts can grab you by the hair and drag you into the looking glass.

    On each mirror, draw a small heart with lipstick. After that, in the middle of all the magical attributes, put the card of the Queen of Hearts. Now look in the mirror that stands in front of you and say three times:

    Worm of hearts, I urge you, I want to hear the answer to my question.

    After a few seconds, you will not see your reflection in the mirror, but the silhouette of a woman. It is important to immediately pay attention to what color her outfit will be:

    • white - the lady today is in a very good mood, she is ready to talk with you, give answers to questions and even fulfill one desire. It should be pretty simple. One cannot ask for countless riches, the love of all women / men, beauty. In addition, construct your phrase so that it cannot be interpreted in two ways;
    • red  - today the lady is not ready to fulfill her wishes, but she can still give an answer to one question;
    • black  - today the lady is extremely unhappy and evil, so immediately, seeing her, extinguish the candles, cover the mirror with dark pieces of matter. Otherwise, the lady will not only not talk to you, but will also try to drag her to her.

    How to call a worm lady? In fact, it is not very difficult, but before proceeding with the ritual, you must protect yourself. Never let the ghost touch you or go beyond the mirror, as this is fraught with consequences.