Methods of identifying the ability to perform multitasking. Psychological diagnosis of abilities. Ideas about the structure of intelligence

Object and methods

Abilities- These are the individual properties of the individual, which are subjective conditions for the successful implementation of a certain kind of activity.

The diagnosis of abilities has a pronounced humanistic orientation, since promotes the choice of the most suitable opportunities and tenders of the person professions, ways and ways to build training taking into account individual characteristics.

The problem of abilities has consistently attracted the attention of domestic psychologists. Works are well known in this area of \u200b\u200bprominent our scientists B. G. Ananyeva, A. N. Leontiev, V. M. Mycishcheva, K. K. Platonova, S. L. Rubinstein, B. M. Tpleova, M. S. Leithhes And others. The most clearly defining the abilities, their main signs, development factors are formulated by B. M. Teplov in his famous work "Abilities and gifts" (warm B. M., 1941).

Thermal distinguishes three main signs of abilities as individual and psychological characteristics of a person:

· First, they distinguish one person from the other,

· Secondly, they are related to the success of performing any activity,

· Thirdly, they do not reduce cash, skills, skills, but can explain the ease and speed of their acquisition.

From materialistic positions is solved by domestic psychologists the question of the role natural, congenital factors In the formation of abilities. They are considered as anatomy-physiological deposit underlying the formation of abilities, abilities are always the result of development in concrete activities.

B. M. Heat indicates some conditions for the formation of abilities. By themselves, the ability cannot be congenital. Congenital can only be deposit

Maxi Heat understood as some anatomo-physiological Features. The depositors underlie the development of abilities, and the ability is the result of development. If the ability in itself is not congenital, therefore, it is formed in postnatal ontogenesis

Another term consumed by thermal - inclinations. The addictions are certain human relations to activities. "... the abilities do not exist outside of certain human relations to reality, as well as relations are not otherwise implemented both through certain abilities." The given quote indicates that tendency and ability are closely interrelated. The inconsistencies are a motivational component of activity. Therefore, without preplanation, certain activities may not begin, and the ability, accordingly, will not be formed. On the other hand, if there is no successful activity, the tendency of man will not be determined.

Adopted allotment general and special abilities .

General abilities (for example, general mental) provide mastering different species Knowledge and skillswhich man implements in many activities.

Unlike general special abilities are considered in relation to special, special areas of activitywhat is expressed in their classification by type of activitysound (mathematical, artistic, musical, etc.). In domestic psychology, the ratio of common and special abilities is understood as the ratio of general and special.

. Allocate the following types of special abilities:

· Training and creative

· Mental and special

· Mathematical

· Constructive technical

· Musical

· Literary

· Artistic and fine

· Physical abilities

Specific example: for mathematics not enough good memory And attention. People who are capable of mathematics distinguishes the skill to catch the order in which the elements must be located necessary for mathematical evidence. The presence of intuition of this kind is the main element of mathematical creativity.

Musical abilities It can be divided into two groups:

· Technical (game on this musical instrument or singing)

· Hearing (musical hearing).

Musical abilities in the existing general psychological classification refer to special, that is, those necessary for successful classes and are determined by the nature of the music itself as such.

In extreme conditions, when there is a need to solve the ultra-conceit, a person can recover, or sharply increase the ability.

Stages of development of abilities:

· Plugs

· Abilities

· Ottoman


When studying abilities used a wide range of diverse methods: observation, natural and laboratory experiment, analysis of activity et al., But according to formal criteria, these methods are usually not brought to the level of requirements imposed by psychodiagnostic methods.

The actual tests of special abilities began to be developed in order to obtain data on the development of human characteristics, are not relatedh. with his intellectual development And however complementing it. However, the use of factor analysis has shown that intelligence in itself includes a number of relatively independent abilities, such as verbal, mathematical, spatial.

Let's start our acquaintance with specific techniques with tests for motorcy.

Motor tests directed

1. To study accuracy and speed of movements,

2. Summary motor and kinestezically motor coordination,

3. Dexterity of the movements of fingers and hands,

4. Tremera,

5. Muscle effort accuracy, etc.

The paper presents a variety of tests for the study of the tempo, rhythm, coordination of movements, tone, strength, reaction speeds, etc. The general scheme of the study of motility, which includes a description of the amounts of external signs obtained by observations and characterizing the condition of the whole organism or its individual parts and movement (motoscopy), these special measurement data (motorometry) and the results of analysis of images, writing, movement prints (motography).

If, in the first period of the study of motor abilities, researchers believed that there is a general factor, in the future, due to the use of factor analysis, it was shown that each of the highlighted motor abilities is characterized by high specificity, Since the results obtained by different tests are little connected.

Numerous works by E. A. Fleishman and his colleagues allowed to distinguish the following independent factors: accuracy of movements, retaliatory orientation, coordination, reaction time, hand speed, control rate, manual dexterity, dexterity of fingers, hand hardness, wrist and finger speed.

High-speed classification technique The method of differentiation of incentive objects N.I.Huprikova and T.A. Tathanova is that the subject receives a sequentially several deck of cards with objects depicted on them (figures, letters, words) and sorts each deck as possible every deck into two groups in accordance with criteria features.

Creators of tests recognize that motor functions can be rapidly training and the level of their development on different stages Mastering the profession of unequal in. High motility training and the specificity of motor functions complicate the creation of highly reliable tests. Reliability of motor tests fluctuates, as a rule, from 0.7 to 0.8,. Concerning validity, then she is small. When establishing the validity of motor tests, it is especially important to choose relevant criteria that can include only individual elements of professional work, and not the effectiveness of professional activities in general.

One of the applications sensory tests is clinical testing aimed at identifying defects in the development of certain sensory functions. However, these methods are most widely found in the selection of military and industrial personnel, in particular drivers of various vehicles. Although the psychological study of sensory abilities applies to all modalities, standardized methods are mainly created for studying vision and hearing.

Tests visual and auditory Differentiating and depending on what characteristics of perception they are measured. For studying visual abilities Used measurement tests acute view, distinctive sensitivity, coloring, perception of depth and muscle balance. Among the most popular tests can be called

1. The table is stolen with the image of letters gradually decreasing in size,

2. Test Orto - Reuters,

3. Test "Visual Visor",

4. "Visual test" and a number of others.

They differ from each other to cover the various characteristics of visual perception, methods for conducting research, processing methods. What riding the validity of these tests, then, according to A. Anastasi, J. Tiffin and McCormik, there are positive correlations between test data and efficiency and quality of labor.

For studying auditory perception Used Diagnostics Tests acute hearing, highlighting signalsfilled with noise, adequate reaction to the sounds of high volume, timbre, height of sounds. Most often the test is exposed acuity of hearing. As an irritant used not only clean sound, but also human voice pronunciation, words or suggestions, because in many areas of activity it is precisely the distinction of speech acquires paramount importance.

The following group of tests of special abilities is represented by tests mechanical or technical abilities . These methods were developed among the first among the methods of diagnosing special abilities. Since intelligence tests focused on learning mainly "abstract" functions, the need for the methods of studying more "specific", "practical" abilities arose. To a large extent, this need was satisfied due to the development of tests of technical abilities.

Very popular learning test technical understanding is an test Bennetawhich includes a series of pictures with short questions. In order to answer, it is necessary to understand the general technical principles found in ordinary situations. To study spatial representations, many diverse tasks have been developed, they are included in the batteries of individual abilities and in the tests of intelligence. One of the well-known and widely used tests of this kind is new edition of the Minnesota test for the perception of space. The tasks are presented in the form of cards with the image 6 geometric figures: One cut into two or more parts and 5 integers. The subject must mentally connect the cut parts and determine which of the 5 figures will succeed. The test reliability coefficient is 0.80. The main coefficients of the correlation results of testing with external criteria range from 0.30 to 0.60.

From a series of professionalized abilities most often in practice apply tests of so-called conformal abilities The tasks from these tests are included in very many batteries of tests of common and special abilities.

Diagnostic methods special abilities As a rule, applied in practice in a complex with other tests. Most often, they are combined in test batteries.

There are batteries tests for the diagnosis of completely defined professional abilities and test batteries for diagnostics of general abilities .

The first of these second-type test batteries ( DAT) It was created for the needs of high school and found the application in the professional orientation of students. According to its first creators, it had to include the measurement of such qualities that matter to continue education in higher School. Dates includes eight subtests.

ü Verbal thinking. Tasks are offered in the form of a double analogy. From the subject it is required to fill in the skipping words in the sentence

ü Numeric (countable) abilities.

ü Abstract thinking. A series of task figures is located in a specific sequence. The subject must continue the series by choosing the appropriate figure out of the 5 proposed.

ü Spatial relationship. Dana scan of a geometric body. The subject should determine which figure will turn out when folding this sweep.

ü Technical thinking. Tasks similar to the test of the Bennet.

ü Speed \u200b\u200band accuracy of perception (optional of desktop abilities).

ü Using language, spelling. A list of words is given, some of which are written with errors. The subject must check the correctness of their writing.

ü Using language, suggestions. A proposal containing one or more errors in the construction or punctuation is given, it is divided into parts, it is necessary to allocate all errors in parts from the subject.

The total time required for testing exceeds 5 hours, so it is recommended to break into two stages. The battery is designed in two equivalent forms. The reliability coefficients of individual tests are 0.90 (on average). The interconference of individual subtests (with the exception of the subtest on the speed and accuracy of the perception of the clerk) ranges about 0.50. The test battery was standardized on a sample of more than 64,000 students. The creators of this battery lay high hopes on it, believing that the data obtained with its help would help exercise a more diverse and differentiated forecast than this is done using intelligence tests.

Batteries like DAT There are many, but the differential validity of their low. Absolutely A. Anastasi's right, which allocates a number of specific reasons that reduce the validity of these test batteries. Another very famous battery tests of common abilities Gatb.was developed in the 40s and was used in industry and in the army for professional advice, Placement of frames for work posts. The creators of this battery conducted a preliminary analysis of almost 50 tests developed for different professions, and found that they largely coincide. 9 abilities were allocated, which were measured in all analyzed techniques, and it was for them that GATB tasks were prepared.

Modern form This battery includes 12 subtestsmeasuring these 9 abilities.

o Diagnosis of general mental abilities is carried out with the help of three subtests.

o Verbal abilities are diagnosed by assigning synonyms and antonyms.

o Numeric abilities are studied using two subtests for calculations and on mathematical thinking.

o Spatial perception is analyzed using tasks similar to the 4th subtest DAT (geometric sweeps).

o perception of the form is represented by two subtests in which the subject compares various tools and geometric forms.

o The perception rate of the clerk is represented by pairs of words, the identity of which must be installed.

o Motor coordination is a task to tested to make a pencil note in a series of squares.

o Manual dexterity is studied using a test similar to those with whom we acquainted, discussing the problem of testing motor abilities (two subtests are given in the battery).

o The finger motor is studied using two subtests, in which the subject connects and disconnects rivets and washers, respectively.

The test battery was standardized on a sample of 4000 human. For each profession, the ability necessary to master the ability and minimum values \u200b\u200bof standard indicators, which are considered sufficient for the successful mastery of the profession. Reliability coefficients range from 0.80 to 0.90, however, the reliability of motor tests is slightly lower. According to E. Gizelly, the average validity of all intellectual tests, and therefore, the tests of general abilities are higher on the criteria of vocational training (0.39), rather than on professional success criteria (0.22). The maximum validity relative to the criteria of professional success is 0.46.

Test Amthauer

For the first time, the test structure of the intellect was described by R. Amthauer in 1953 the group test was intended to evaluate the structure of the intelligence of persons aged 13 to 61 years. The author set the task to develop a method that could be used in practice. for professional orientation and consulting on the problems of choosing a profession. Amthauer included in his test task to diagnose the following intelligence components: verbal, countable mathematical, spatial, mesmerous. The average number of mutual correlations between these factors in the test is 0.36. The test was developed in three parallel forms.

The modern version of the Amthauer test includes the following subtests:

· For general awareness and awareness in different fields of knowledge;

· On the classification of concepts;

· To establish analogy:

· To summarize two concepts under the general category (generalization);

· On the ability to solve simple arithmetic tasks;

· On the ability to find numerical patterns;

· On the ability to mentally operate the images on the plane

· PA Skill mentally operate with images of bulk figures;

· To memorize words.

Every subtest, except for the fourth consists of 20 tasksIn the fourth subtest intect 16 tasks.

Examples of tasks from each subtest.

The tasks of the first subtest are sentences, in each of which one word is missing. The subject is necessary of the five data to choose words to choose something that is necessary in meaning. The opposite of the concept of "loyalty" is .... a) love, b) hatred, c) friendship, d) betrayal, e) enmity.

In the 2nd subtest on the classification of concepts, the subject was offered from five words data to delete one, not suitable for the remaining four, which are similar to a certain feature: a) figure, b) picture, c) graphics, d) sculpture, e) painting.

In the 3rd subtest, the subject had to establish an analogy. Wood: strict, iron: a) minimize, b) bending, c) pour, d) grind, e) to kill.

In the 4th subtest, it was necessary to find a unifying generic or species concept of two offered: rain - snow, the right concept will be "precipitation".

Substist 5 included arithmetic tasks: "How many kilometers will pass a comma train in 7 hours if its speed is 40 km per hour?".

In the 6th subtest, it was necessary to continue numerical rows, built according to certain rules: 6 9 12 15 18 21 24.

In the 7th subtest, the subjects proposed images of geometric figures (plane), cut into several parts. It was necessary to mentally connect the pieces of the figure and determine which figure would turn out as a result.

In the 8th sub-place, the subjects were presented with images of cubes, with different margins. The cubes were in a certain way turned and turned over in space, so sometimes new, unknown subjects appeared, it was necessary to determine which of the five sample cubes is depicted on each picture.

The execution time of each subtest is limited and fluctuated from 6 to 10 min. Whole this test was carried out in 90 minutes. Thus, the tasks of the test consist of verbal and numerical materials, as well as from images. K. Amthauer assumed that with the help of this test you can judge the structure of the test of subjects According to the success of the implementation of individual subtests. For coarse analysis of the "mental profile", it offers the following: if the highest results are obtained on the first four subtests, it means that the theoretical abilities are more developed, but if the next five subtests are practical abilities.

As a criterion, focusing on which you can compare the test examination data, K. M. Gurevich proposes to use the so-called socio-psychological standard (Spr).

In the compressed form, the SPN can be defined as the system of claims that society makes each of its members. In order not to be rejected from the existing outside of his community, a person must master the requirements that are presented to it, and this process is active - everyone seeks to take a certain place in its social community and deliberately implements this process of admission to his class, group. These requirements can also be the content of socio-psychological standards, which are, in essence, the ideal model of social community requirements for personality.

Assessment of test results should be carried out according to the degree of proximity to the SPN, which is differentiated in the formation-age boundaries. Such requirements can be enshrined in the form of rules, and include a wide variety of aspects: mental development, moral, aesthetic, etc. Requirements that make up the content of SPN are quite real, they are present in educational programs , in qualifying professional characteristics, public opinion, the opinion of teachers and educators. The use as a criterion for the development of SPN puts forward a qualitative method of data processing, in which it is necessary to take into account: a) what terms and concepts according to the degree of generalization are better learned, and what worse; b) what logic operations are more developed, and what less successful; c) In which circle of concepts and terms, students are oriented less, and in what more confidently.

Test "SHORS"

From the standpoint of a social and psychological standard, the tests of tests should be based on educational programs, textbooks, teachers' requirements. Under the leadership of K. M. Gurevich, the staff of the NIE and pedagogical psychology of the APN of the USSR was developed by School Test Mental Development (S /) For the diagnosis of mental, student development of 6-8 grades.

Getting Started with the selection of tasks, the authors, according to their understanding of the testing of tests, conducted a psychological analysis curriculum And textbooks for the 6th and 7th grade and throughout the work relied on the information obtained in conversations with subject teachers. The concepts were selected on the main cycles of educational disciplines, taught at school: natural, humanitarian and physical and mathematical.

Currently the test includes tasks of five types Components of six subtests: "Awareness" (two subtests), "Analogies" (one subtest), "Classification" (one subtest), "Generalization" (one subtest), "Numeric Rows" (one subtest).

When experimental verification, tasks were analyzed how successfully students 6, 7, 8 classes are coping with them. Here they proceeded from the assumption that the steady increase in the percentage of successfully performed tasks from the 6th to the 8th class to a certain extent suggests that the concepts used in this task are not narrowly-specific necessary only to assimage a limited section of programs, and are fundamental to This school discipline. Such assignments were left in the test. Next, the test was inspected in general. The experiment was carried out with schoolchildren of the 6-8 grades, the sample was about 400 people.

Based on the study, the reliability coefficients of the test were calculated (by the method of correlations of even and odd tasks), validity ratios (by correlatives of data on the performance and success of the test, as well as between the tests of the schuer test and the results of the AMTHAUER test), determined the degree of approximation to SPN data of individual Test and samples in general and a number of statistical procedures for testing test were held. The results obtained suggest that the test is already in the present form of the SCR can be used in the psychological service to study the mental development of students.

Areas of use of tests

The traditional use of tests of abilities is to use them. to predict the future professional success of applicants for a certain profession. Foreign testologists proceeded from the fact that the presence of abilities detected by tests, it is predetermined by success in a kind of activity. At the same time, neither psychological analysis of abilities nor the scientific substantiation of the use of tests to identify these abilities was carried out. The abilities were considered only as causes of quantitative results over tests.

Thus, the tests, as they used and still continue to be applied in the tradebor, cannot predict the professional future of people. This, however, does not mean that they cannot find their use in the psychological service. In our opinion, the most fruitful application of the methods of diagnosing abilities (in those forms that have developed today is possible to control the formation of an individualized structure of abilities, which intensively proceeds in the period school learning and mastering the profession.

In the works of domestic psychologists, we are more often we meet with tests as practical work tools on the professional work and consultations. It should be noted that the attitude to these methods and the assessment of their capabilities and borders of the application have a solid theoretical and methodological substantiation. It is emphasized by the need for evidence of the legitimacy of the use of trade intra. In particular, he may occur when a profession makes harsh requirements for such psychophysiological characteristics of a person who are little developmentable development is practically not changed during life, or in cases where the time for learning a profession is dramatically limited, and the professional activity itself places elevated Qualifications level requirements. In professions, where professionally important qualities are developing, change, where there is the possibility of compensation for some abilities by others, where success depends not on the level, but from a qualitative nature of the abilities, such a selection is not needed. Psychological testing is appropriate for monitoring the learning process of the profession, to identify the reasons for the lagging workers, finding weak points, which would allow individual training, as well as to study the causes of injuries and accidents.

An important distinguishing feature of domestic studies is an understanding of the limited testing opportunities to determine the professionality, the desire for a complex, systematic approach in the study of the patterns of professional formation. This is due to the understanding of the professionality of such a personality property, which is formed during the mastery of the profession and is always individually peculiar.

Thus, the main task of improving the methods of psychological diagnosis of abilities is to increase their prognostic force. Only in this case they will fully respond to their destination.

Test "Defining General Abilities" G. Aizenka

Test "Definition of Creative Abilities" (x.zivert)

Diagnostics of the structure of intelligence aMTHAUER test The Amthauer technique is one of the most popular tests for intelligence. The abbreviated version was developed by A. N. Voronin and S. D. Biryukov.

Koskom 2. Understanding teenagers. Understanding pedagogical situations. Sello, grip. Moral installations. Motivation of achievement. Emotional stability. Image, self-presentation. Soc. psychologist. competence. Verbal competence. Operational social competence. Ego competence. Communicative competence. Confidence. Stability of human relations. Motivation of approval (lying scale). Communicative and personal potential.

Correcting Benton Table The proposed version of the "proofreading" is a modification of a known correct proof of V. N. Amatuny, developed in the laboratory of the psychology of the Institute. V. M. Bekhtereva. Compared with the original methodology, the "Alphabet" of characters (digits) is reduced: only 800 digits.

Cultural and Free Intelligence Test R. kettella: short description Designed to measure the level of intellectual development, regardless of the influence of environmental factors (culture, education, etc.). It can be used both for individual and group examination.

Method for assessing the sustainability of representations It is used to determine the stability of the image of the presentation in time and is the fulfillment of the task to represent the movement of objects by graduated segment.

Methods "Analogies"The technique consists of 30 tasks to establish logical links between words on a given sample. It is intended to evaluate the features of verbal (conceptual) thinking.

Methods "Verbal Fantasy" During the story, the child's fantasy is estimated on the signs: the speed of the processes of imagination, the unusual, originality of the images, the wealth of fantasy, depth and workout (detailed) images.

Methods "Seasons of the Year" This technique is designed for children aged 3 to 4 years. The child shows the drawing and ask, carefully looking at this picture, say what time of year is depicted on each part of this pattern.

Methods "Allocation of essential signs"The technique is used to study the characteristics of thinking, the ability to differentiate the essential signs of objects or phenomena from insignificant, minor. By the nature of the features of the features, one can judge the predominance of one or another style of thinking: concrete or abstract.

Methods "Cut Figures" The technique is intended for psychodiagnostics of visual-effective thinking of children aged 4 to 5 years. Her assignment is to quickly and precisely cut out the shapes drawn on it. In six squares to which it is divided, various shapes are depicted.

Methods "Learn the Word" using this technique the dynamics of the memorization process is determined. The child gets a task for several attempts to learn by heart and accurately reproduce a row consisting of 12 words.

The method of "patterns of numerical series" The technique assesses theoretical mathematical abilities. The surveyed should find the patterns of building 7 numeric rows and write missing numbers.

The method of "Remembering and Practice" using this technique is assessed by the scope of the child's attention.

Methods "Remember Drawings" The technique is designed to determine the volume of short-term visual memory. Children as incentives get pictures.

Methods "Intelligent lability" study of lability, that is, the ability to switch attention, the ability to quickly move from solving one tasks to perform others, not allowing errors.

Methods "Exception of Excess" scale to assess the level of development of the generalization operation.

Methods "Exception of Concepts" The technique allows you to identify the level of processes of generalization and distraction.

Method "What objects are hidden in the drawings?" Evaluation of the level of visual perception.

Method "Quantitative relationship" This technique is intended for evaluation logical thinking Adult man and teenagers. The surveyed are offered to solve 18 logical-arithmetic tasks.

Methodology "Compassis"The technique is intended to define features spatial thinking. The technique is usually used for the purpose of vocational training.

Method "Who is lacking?" This technique is intended for psychodiagnosis of the thinking of children aged 3 to 4 years.

The method of "Cube Rubik" This technique is designed to diagnose the level of development of visual effective thinking.

Methods "Write the Word" The following technique determines the margin of words that are stored in the active child's memory. Adult calls a child some word from the corresponding group and asks it to independently list other words related to the same group.

The "Nelpitsy" technique with this technique is estimated by elementary figurative views, a child about the world around the world and about logical connections and relationships that exist between some objects of this world: animals, their lifestyle, nature. With the help of the same method, the child's skill is determined to reason logically and grammatically correctly express their idea.

Methods "The overall orientation of children in the outside world and the reserve of household knowledge" This version of the technique is intended for children entering school.

The method "Determination of the scope of short-term visual memory" is estimated by the volume of visual memory.

Methods "Definition of concepts" The level of development of conceptual thinking.

Methods "Child's attitude to school learning" The task of this technique is to determine the initial motivation of the exercise in children entering school, i.e. Find out if they have an interest in learning.

Methods "Assessment of the volume of short-term hearing memory" ...

Methods "Think of the game" The child gets a task for 5 minutes to come up with any game and tell it in detail about it, responding to the experimenter's questions.

Methods "pass through the labyrinth" in this task to children show the drawing and explain that it shows a labyrinth, the input into which is specified by the arrow located on the left above, and the output - arrow, located on the right above.

Methods "Spass Icons" The test task in this technique is intended to evaluate the switching and distribution of the child's attention.

The method of "divided into groups" The purpose of this technique is an assessment of the shape of the child.

The technique "Sculpture" is estimated by the fantasy of the child.

The method of "complex analogies" The technique is used to identify how the subject is the understanding of complex logical relations and the allocation of abstract ties. Designed for tested adolescent, youthful age and adults.

Methods "Comparison of Concepts" This technique refers to the classic, used to master the analysis and synthesis processes. It can be applied to study the thinking of schoolchildren of any age.

Methodology for the diagnosis of intellectual qualities of the head This technique is considered within the framework of the general test of management abilities (cub) developed by domestic psychologists E.M. Borisova, P.Logynova, M.O. Mdivani. They were allocated three main blocks of professionally important qualities of leaders: intellectual (competence, analyticalness of thinking), personal (leadership, resistance to frustrations, activity, business orientation) and dynamic (power and lability of nervous processes).

Methods of studying individual characteristics of solving problems Studying the main individual characteristics of solving problems: the speed of solution, intellectual activity, expressed in targeted finding the most rational ways to solve the problem.

Methods of studying the rigidity of thinking Rigidity is inertness, inflexibility of thinking when it is necessary to switch to a new way to solve the problem. Inertia of thinking and related trend towards the preference of reproductive, to avoiding situations in which new solutions need to look.

Methodology for studying the activity of thinking activity of thinking.

Methods for studying the speed of thinking Method allows to determine the rate of performing the estimated and operational components of thinking.

Methods of studying the flexibility of thinking Method allows to determine the variability of approaches, hypotheses, source data, points of view, operations involved in the process of mental activity. It can be used both individually and in the group.

Methods of study volume random access memory The volume of RAM.

The methodology for studying social intelligence Social intelligence is a professionally important quality for professions such as "man-man" and allows you to predict the success of teachers, psychologists, psychotherapists, journalists, managers, lawyers, investigators, doctors, politicians, businessmen.

Methodology for evaluating the skills of pedagogical communication Reflexive perceptual abilities. Abilities of teacher to self-dislocation. Dialogic approach.

Methods for assessing the success in pedagogical activity Designed for expert assessments of the activities of the teacher.

Schiana questionnaire The method of assessing the brightness (definition) of representations by self-mood.

Progressive matrices are equal This technique is intended to estimate visual-shaped thinking from a younger student. Here, under visual-shaped thinking it is understood as it is related to the operating of various images and visual representations when solving problems.

Psychodiagnostic technique "Red-Black and Blue Tables" The technique is intended to determine the level of development of attention. Also, the "Red-Black and Blue Tables" can be used to assess short-term memory.

Answer Plan

    The concept of abilities.

    1. The concept of abilities.

    2. Types of abilities

      Indicators and characteristics of abilities

    Diagnosis and development of abilities.

    1. Diagnostics

      1. Measuring abilities

        Measuring creative abilities

    2. Development

    Congenital and acquired in the development of abilities.

    Abilities and deposit.

    The concept of giftedness.

  1. The concept of abilities.

    1. The concept of abilities.

The abilities are the individual and psychological features of the person who express its readiness to carry out concrete activities, the natural prerequisites of the abilities are deposit. Abilities - the concept of dynamic. They are formed, develop and manifest themselves in activities.

Any ability is the ability to something to any activity. The presence of a person in a certain ability means its suitability to a certain activity. Every more or less specific activity requires a personality more or less specific qualities. We are talking about these qualities as a person's ability. The ability should include various mental properties and quality necessary due to the nature of this activity and the requirements that it presents.

Heat highlighted three main signs of abilities:

    individually psychological features distinguish one person from another

    not all sorts of individual features, but only those that relate to the successful performance of activities.

The concept of ability will not be reached by the knowledge and skills that have already been developed in this person. Abilities can explain the ease and speed of mastering certain skills.

In English, there are two terms for determining the abilities: ability and capacity - denotes congenital quality, while the first term is used to designate the acquired skill of the corresponding Capacity. Ability is the skills and skills, from this it follows that it is not the ability.

Only anatomy-physiological features can be congenital, i.e., the chambers that underlie the development of abilities, the abilities themselves are always the result of development. The concept of congenital deposits, not identically as the concept of hereditary deposits.

The ability is in itself the concept of dynamic, capable of manifestation and develop only within the framework of activity.

The development of abilities is not straightforward, its driving force is the struggle of contradictions, therefore, in certain stages of development, contradictions between the abilities and inconsistencies are quite possible (relations0.

However, not separate abilities determine the possibility of successful performing any activity, but only the peculiar combination of abilities, which characterizes this person.

The incomplete ability can be compensated for by the development of other abilities.

Existing forms (modifications)- 1939 - Vexler - Bellevue scale for diagnosing people's intelligence aged 7 to 69 years. The concept of age norm

Options for D. Vexler: Intellect scales for children 6.5 - 16.5 (Wisting 1950, Wisc-RV 1974), intelligence scales for adults16-64 years (Waisting 1955, WAIS-RV 1981), scale Intellect for children 4-6.5 years (WPPSI)

Waisiwisc is adapted in Russia

The first adaptation of the WAIST 1956 (Psychoneurological Research Institute. V.M. Bekhtereva)

Last adaptation WAVIV 1991 (St. Petersburg State University)

Adaptation Wisting 1973 (A.Yu. Panasyuk), in 1992, Yu. Filimonenko and V. Timofeev issued "Guide to the method of study of intelligence in children D. Waxler"

Theoretical base- Hierarchical model of the Intellect of Waxer. Diagnosis of common intelligence and its components: verbal and non-verbal.

When designing the scale D. Waxler proceeded from the desire to reflect in the tasks of the test not only intellectual, but also other factors on which the effectiveness of the manifestation of intelligence

Individual test

ScaleWais.- 11 subtests: 6 verbal (general awareness, understanding, arithmetic, similarity, repetition of numbers, vocabulary), and 5 non-verbal:

    encryption numbers (visual and motor speed)

    missing parts (visual observation and ability to identify essential signs)

    construction of blocks or "cob cubes" (Motor coordination and visual synthesis)

    sequential pictures (ability to organize a whole of parts, understanding of the situation)

    assembling object or drawing up the figures (the ability to synthesize the whole of parts)

The verbal scale is closely correlated with a common culture and academic achievement. The non-verbal scale diagnoses not only knowledge, but also the ability to engage in the engineering and perceptual interaction with the objects of the surrounding world

Wisc.R.- 12 subtests. Verbal and non-verbal subtests alternate. 3 group factor: general verbal understanding; perception of space; "memory". Used in defectological and pathopsychological diagnostics. For example, with differentiation of mental retardation and CPR.

WPPSI- 11 subtests (10 - basic, 1 - optional)

8 subtests - lightweight and adapted Wisc options, 3 subtests are re-developed: "Suggestions", "Animal House", "Geometric Schemes" (Copying Drawings With Color Pencil)

Processing procedure:

1) counting primary points for each of the verbal and non-verbal subtests used

2) Translation of "raw indicators" in standard

3) graphical display of received data

4) definition IQ

5) Calculation of additional indices

According to diagnostic studies: non-verbal intelligence is a comprehensive formation, the development of which is determined mainly by the experience of the subject to interact with the environment. The total intelligence (as well as verbal) is greaterly associated with hereditary and biological factors (for example, traumaticization during childbirth).

Reliability WAIS - 0.97. Correlation with academic performance and verbal scales 0.4-0.5

Diagnostics of abilities should be carried out by a highly qualified specialist. To identify the abilities, a psychologist conducts comprehensive consultation, which includes testing, consideration and interpretation of the results obtained, as well as the creation individual scheme development, which depends on the availability of certain abilities.

The most common methods of diagnosis of abilities can be attributed: battery tests of differential abilities (dates) and battery of common abilities (GATB) tests. Dates - 8 subtests (features of the development of verbal thinking, numerical abilities, abstract thinking, technical thinking, etc.). GATB - 12 subtests measuring the level of development of 9 abilities.

In addition, experts use special tests to establish features, as well as the level of development of intelligence. In some cases, psychologists complement their advice with other diagnostic techniques.

The purpose of identifying abilities is their further developmentwhich is a process that includes the development of operating mechanisms, a functional system, efficiency in the system of operating and functional mechanisms, and so on.

Complex batteries of abilities - measure a number of abilities and give a profile formed by the indicators of each ability. Tests of abilities are divided into:

General (intelligent - intelligence tests are used).

Special (special tests are applied).

The tests of mathematical, technical, musical artistic and other abilities are distinguished. In overseas dough, the scent is customary to classify the tests of this type on two grounds:

a) by types of mental functions - sensory, motor tests;

b) by type of activity - technical and professionalized tests, i.e., corresponding to a profession (office, artistic, etc.).

Motor tests are aimed at studying the accuracy and speed of movements, visual and engine coordination, dexterity of movements of fingers and arms, tremors, muscle accuracy, etc. The most famous test speed of manipulation with small objects of Krauford, etc. In domestic psychology, tests developed by M. I. Gurevich and N. I. Ges-Risky. To check the psychomotorist, the subjects in a rapid pace were offered to tie nodes, drive beads.

Sensory tests are developed to study different perception characteristics. For example, visual acuity and hearing, distinctive sensitivity, coloration, height differentiation, timbre, volume of sounds, etc. In the study of hearing, along with individual samples, the test of the musical gifting of the sishor, technical - Bennett acquired great popularity.

However, there are more general methods Studies of abilities - special test batteries.

The most famous is the battery tests of differential abilities (dates) and battery tests of common abilities (GATB).

The diagnosis of general mental abilities is carried out with the help of three subtests: "Word margin", "mathematical thinking" and "spatial perception in three-dimensional space";

verbal abilities are diagnosed with the assistance of synonyms and antonyms (vocabulary); Numeric abilities are studied using two subtests for calculations and mathematical thinking; Spatial perception is analyzed by geometric sweep; The perception of the form is represented by two subtests in which the subject compares various tools and geometric shapes; tasks for the rate of perception required for the clerk are presented in pairs of words, the identity of which must be installed; Motor coordination is checked by the task - make a note with a pencil in a series of squares; Hand agility (finger motility) is studied using a special device (4 subtests).

For the diagnosis of certain types of creative abilities, standardized tests are developed. Thus, artistic abilities include tasks:

1) to understand the works of art (diagnose one of the most important qualities required for creativity - aesthetic attitude to life). For example, in tests for understanding works of art, the subject must be selected from two or more options for the image of any object most preferred;

2) on productivity (i.e., the technique, the skill of execution) of activity.

Intelligence tests are designed to study the level of intellectual, mental development of a person. Under the intellect in this case implies cognitive processes and functions (thinking, memory, attention). Intelligence tests are historically early psychodiagnostic techniques. The concept of "intellectivity coefficient" (IQ) is used as the main and fair stable indicator of mental development. Among the most famous tests of intelligence used by domestic psychologists, D. Reshera, R. Amthauer, J. Eravera, can be called Tests, Stenford Bina.

The concept of ability. The abilities are called individual-psychological features of a person who contribute to his success in any activity. Abilities are manifested in activities, are formed in activities and exist relative to certain activities. Allocate common and private abilities. General and private are divided into elementary and complex. General people inherent in all people the main forms of mental reflection ability: feel perceived to remember to think to a greater or lesser extent inherent in all people's ability to communicate to universal activities Game a learning work to communicate privately inherent in all people's abilities: musical hearing accurate eye eye perseverance sense memory is not all people Abilities: Professional specific specific criteria for the presence of abilities can be considered the level of success in any activity compared to others, for example, less strength costs, speed. If the level of success in any activity is the same in two people, then one who has the originality of techniques will be more capable of this activity, the originality of the action methods. The ability is characterized by the success in acquiring knowledge, skills and skills and their transfer from one class of tasks to another. The ability in essence is not one single quality, but is a holistic complex of qualities. For example, the visual ability is a good visual memory, the acuity of visual perception, etc. In testing abilities, tests of special abilities, tests of common abilities (intelligence tests), integrated batteries of abilities. Special abilities tests are aimed at measuring abilities to certain activities. Used in solving problems in the field of trade guidance. In foreign literature it is customary to qualify special abilities on two grounds: according to the types of mental functions (motor, sensory), by type of activity (technical and professionalized, that is, the corresponding professions: artistic, artistic). In accordance with these groups, diagnostic methods are being developed. Comprehensive batteries of abilities are aimed at measuring relatively independent abilities. Used in solving tasks in the field of education and vocational guidance, especially when advising on the choice of specialization in education or profession. Tests achievements: if "tests of abilities are used to predict the subsequent execution of a particular activity and are used to assess the feasibility of passing the individual of a particular training course or to predict the level of its achievements in a new situation, for example, in the development of the profession, the achievements tests usually give The final assessment of the achievements of the individual upon completion of the training, they are maintained on the fact that the individual can do to date. " Two groups of achievements are distinguished: wide-oriented achievements tests, achievement tests for specific training subjects. Wide-oriented achievement tests are focused on assessing skills for the basic learning objectives (for example, tests for understanding scientific principles). Tests of achievements on specific subjects (achievements in reading and mathematics) are focused on assessing the assimilation of elements of curricula, specific topics, the level of ownership of skills (for example, countable). Such tests perform several functions: act as a means of assessing knowledge, identify the lack of learning, suggest the direction of follow-up learning, provide the student's motivation, help adapt learning to the needs of the individual, provide information about the level of knowledge learned by students. Personality tests: psychology allocate the following areas of personality research: L - data. (Life Record Data) Personality information can be obtained by registering real behavior man in everyday life; Q - Data. (Questionnaire Data) Personality information can be obtained using questionnaires and other self-esteem methods. T - Data. (Tests Data) Personality information can be obtained using objective tests. Personality tests are divided into action tests and situational tests. Actions tests are a procedure orienting respondent to perform any task. That is, it is given a target task to accomplish something, and it is not asked to describe the usual way of behavior (as, for example, in questionnaires). The purpose of these tests is disguised, the individual is not aware of which aspect of its actions is estimated. The tasks imposed by the subject are structured: thereby their fundamental difference from the tasks used in the projective techniques. Most tests are perceived by testing as a test of the abilities at which it must try to give a "correct" response (in contrast to projective techniques in which any answer is good.