Dictation in the Belarusian language 5 with tasks. Working materials. Dictation "Winter Forest"

Nature was generous and gave warm days. But autumn ...

Dictation (104 words) After I. Sokolov-Mikitov

The Russian forest is good at all seasons: in winter, summer, autumn and ...

Dictation (93 words)

Morphemic parsing of words spreads, approaches, ...

Dictation (96 words) D. Zuev

October. The colors of the fall leaves play, and it shines through ...

Dictation (According to A. Kuprin) (115 words)

Find nouns that have no form ...

Dictation "Mouse Peak" V. V. Bianchi

A drowsy lethargy more and more covered Pike. Now he doesn't ...

Dictation "Late Flowers", A. P. Chekhov (114 words)

The day is clear, transparent, slightly frosty, one of those ...

Dictation Apricot (A. Smirnov) (124 words)

The apricot is native to the hot and waterless mountains. So he's good ...

Dictation August (90 words)

August is the best summer month. At this time, you can still ...

Dictation Balagan G. Kochetkov (46 words)

Our booth is painted in all colors of the rainbow. But the long one ...

Squirrel dictation (From the encyclopedia) (120 words)

You walk along a forest path, admire the trees. All of a sudden...

Belkin's dictation V. Bianchi's drying room (49 words)

The squirrel took one of its round nests under the pantry ...

Dictation Boyar son V. Vozovikov (41 words)

Half a month later from Pereslavl-Ryazansky with two boys ...

Dictation In the Earl's Garden Sun. Soloviev (44 words)

In this garden, among the gazebos, kiosks and all sorts of picturesque ...

Dictation In the cabin of Y. Klimenchenko (54 words)

The captain opens a door hidden by a curtain. We find ourselves ...

Spring shower dictation (149 words)

On this day, nothing foreshadowed a thunderstorm. Bright rays of the sun ...

Dictation Spring in the taiga (107 words)

Well in the taiga in early spring! Next to a narrow winding ...

Dictation Spring came to the forest (127 words)

The most noisy and joyful time has come. Spring is the time ...

Dictation Evening, Artyukhova N. (57 words)

T .. it was a lot and pos .. but. b..l..sho .. region..k., from .. moved .. from ... Vygl..nul ...

Glukhari dictation after I. Sokolov-Mikitov (90 words)

In deep pine forests they live, winter, feed on resinous ...

Dictation Road to Baikal N. Pechersky (62 words)

The road was deserted. Around - no bush, no tree ...

Dictation Ancient hunting V. Peskov (60 words)

I saw hunting with birds of prey. Attacking falcon. Victim -...

Breath of the sea dictation (154 words)

Greenish gloomy air filled with solar smoke ...

Dictation Firebird Folk Russian fairy tales (59 words)

Suddenly the forest rustled, the waves rose on the sea - it flies ...

Dictation Winter in Mikhailovsky S. Geychenko (46 words)

Winter on Pushkin's land can be capricious - “then like a beast ...

Dictation Winter evening Sun. Soloviev. (39 words)

A frosty winter evening was already over St. Petersburg. IN...

Dictation Winter Day (50 words) (A. Yugov.)

P..t..weaved. St..yal (not) bright winter d..nёk. Sh..l quiet and re..ky ...

Dictation Winter Night from a magazine (124 words)

Night fell quietly on the forest. Along the trunks and branches of trees ...

Dictation Winter Night after I. Sokolov-Mikitov (115 words)

Night fell in the forest. On the trunks and branches of thick trees ...

Dictation Sultry Afternoon after S. Aksakov (89 words)

A sultry afternoon is blazing. Perfect silence. Will not shake ...

Dictation from a magazine (113 words)

Find words with the root -rast-, -rosh-. Explain graphically ...

Dictation From the encyclopedia (120 words)

Option 1 Write down the words with alternating vowels in the root ...

Dictation July - top of summer (111 words)

Bad weather is a rare phenomenon of this wonderful summer season ...

Dictation To the flood Y. German (65 words)

It was damp, cold, brainy. The wind blew from the sea. To the flood ...

Pantry Pica dictation, V. Bianchi, 52 words

The days of st..n..wilted to..roche, nights - x..l..day. On cereals with ... ripened ...

Hummingbird dictation after I. Sokolov-Mikitov (96 words)

Europe met hummingbirds 60 years after its discovery ...

Dictation Cat-teacher (109 words) According to E. Charushin

The village children brought hares from the meadows. They're on ...

Dictation Epiphany frosts by A. Kuznetsov (50 words)

In Ilyinsky, the old people did not remember such severe Epiphany ...

Dictation Bathing ducks A. Novikov-Priboy (53 words)

The sun says goodbye to the forest, illuminating only its tops. Below ...

Dictation Kutsy by V. Chaplina (110 words)

The short one was a tall and skinny fox. Big, pointed ears, a little ...

Dictation Swan From the encyclopedia (112 words)

Since ancient times, the swan has served as a symbol ...

Summer Thunder dictation (86 words)

Nothing foreshadowed rain, but suddenly, it got dark outside ...

Dictation Summer Night S. Aksakov (57 words)

Summer, short, wonderful night embraced all nature. Not yet...

List dictation, Sun. Ivanov (45 words)

The leaf was a weak tobacco color and only resembled in shape ...

Dictation Hollow Vs. Ivanov (38 words)

A hollow was opened, overgrown with oak trees. Deep below, where ...

Dictation Favorite film V. Zheleznikov (71 words)

Seryozhka has been waiting for this movie for a whole week. And the film was old ...

Dictation Small Homeland after E. Nosov (110 words)

Here they write: "Small homeland ...". But what is it? Where is her ...

Dictation Little People A. Pogorelsky (59 words)

Meanwhile, Alyosha, with any ... tests ... m all r ... s ... matr ... val ...

Dictation Mayak S. Dikovsky (65 words)

At dawn we saw a low wooden cape lighthouse ...

Dictation Frosty haze B. Belov. (33 words)

White haze hung over the rooftops. Piles of houses and ...

Dictation on the Dnieper A. Yugov (44 words)

The Dnieper lay motionless, as if icy. And under indirect ...

Dictation At the stable (49 words) (V. Bianchi.)

So..ntse has already settled in the village of lyokiy forest k..gda Yegorka pr..b..shaped in ...

Dictation At the edge of the forest after I. Sokolov-Mikitov (103 words)

An old moose cow with a long-legged calf came out to the edge of the forest and ...

Dictation In a forest glade magazine (117 words)

The forest glade was wrapped in fluffy snow. White flakes of snow ...

Dictation On the Lake A. Chapygin (48 words)

Dimly with..yalo behind the doors..yami of the lake..ro. At ber..ga l ... sting (semi) ...

Dictation Unexpected Summer V. Bianchi (49 words)

Either cold, icy wind, then suddenly the sun will look out, and ...

Dictation On the Cunning I. Goncharov (63 words)

Trick .. there is - all r .. but that small m .. net on the second (not) ...

Dictation Ovin V. Belov (39 words)

The barn is warm and no longer smoky. Smooth continuous heat goes to ...

Dictation Waiting for winter 48 words (M. Volkonsky)

From p..year..and pr..ish..dilo meanwhile that (that) countries..e. In the most ...

Dictation Autumn Forest K. Simonov (48 words)

After yesterday's rain, there was again dry windy weather ...

Dictation Autumn outfit A. Novikov-Priboy (51 words)

It's half of September, and it's warm in the woods. Above the branchy ...

Dictation Autumn in the forest (133 words)

How beautiful the autumn forest is. The air is fresh and filled with aromas ...

Dictation Easter (131 words)

Easter, or the Resurrection of Christ is the main holiday ...

Dictation First haymaking (77 words)

It's time for haymaking. I went to the meadow for the first time with my father ...

Dictation after A. Volkov (96 words)

(student choice) Define theme and main idea ...

Dictation by A. Kuprin (106 words)

Define the text style and title it. What are the rules,...

Dictation by A. Kuprin (98 words)

What is the role of the first sentences of each paragraph? ...

Dictation after A. Tambiev (127 words)

Write down the words with the spelling “The letters o, e after the hissing in ...

Dictation after G. Skrebitsky (122 words)

Write down the words with alternating vowels at the root and sort ...

Dictation by L. Kudryavtseva (113 words)

Find synonyms for artist. Are the words young ...

Dictation after M. Prishvin (97 words)

1st option: select unchangeable prefixes in words. 2nd ...

Dictation after N. Nadezhdina (122 words)

Option I: determine the gender and case of adjectives, ...

Dictation after N. Sladkov (140 words)

Write out two words from the text with alternating vowels in ...

Dictation after S. Bagrov (98 words)

(students' choice) What language means ...

Dictation after Y. Dmitriev (105 words)

What do the poisonous tarantula spider and the funny one have in common ...

Dictation Late Autumn (111 words) + tasks

Each season has its own charm. Wildlife is sensitive ...

Dictation Flood (138 words)

Spring has come. The river got rid of the ice shackles and ...

Dictation After the rain (42 words) (V. Bianchi.)

Cloud pr..n..lu n..yd..n..o quickly. At once the shower ended ... and ... ...

Dictation Last Bell G. Matveev (73 words)

The whole school gathered in the hall. There were little ones in front ...

Dictation Last Snow (48 words) (N. Artyukhova.)

San..ch..ki p..squeak..wave with..ex..or on m..st..yu Here is the square ...

Dictation Sunset Sun (49 words) (A. Kuznetsova.)

(K) evening..ru pr..dz..katnoe with..ntse k..simi ray..mi pos..lost ...

Dictation Approaching Spring A. Peregudov (54 words)

Approaching spring Spring is getting stronger every day - it does not come ...

Dictation Winter has come (96 words)

At the end of November, the frosts are getting stronger. Feels approaching ...

Dictation Walk G. Grebnev. (60 words)

Yura howled..t..l in the sun..ch..nuyu..wind..n..year..y His...

This is what I happened to observe in the Sayan Mountains. I grew up there ...

Dictation Sad A. Veresov. (43 words)

Only a small, cramped cell in the basement is missing from the inventories, ...

Dictation Firefly N. Pechersky (60 words)

Silence entered the room on tiptoe. Big round moon ...

Christmastide dictation (122 words)

Between Christmas and Epiphany there is ...

Dictation Sisyphus Vs. Ivanov (43 words)

Night fell. Stars gazed through the branches of the oak trees. Branches ...

Dictation titmouse extraordinary by N. Sladkov (132 words)

Dictation Blue Dragonfly (73 words)

R..ka (n ..) when (n ..) sleeps - only s..m..ra..t only ...

Dictation Starlings after A. Kuprin (87 words)

We were impatiently awaiting when they would fly to our garden again ...

Starlings' dictation according to Kuprin (110 words)

Animals have a lot of their own wisdom, incomprehensible to people. Birds...

Dictation Footprints in the snow from a magazine (115 words)

The cold winter has come. Snow with a huge fluffy blanket ...

Dictation Snow and sleep by V.V.Bianchi (102 words)

Birds no longer came to peck grain. The grass lay tight ...

Behind the pink pillars, the jets of the fountain rang pleasantly. They...

Dictation Cold Whirlwind A Green (50 words)

Fishing boats, dragged ashore, formed on white ...

Bird cherry blossoms earlier than other trees. Against the background ...

Dictation Rosevnik A. Smirnov (142 words)

Thorny thorns of a wild rose can be found near Moscow and in Siberia, in ...

Dictation Chocolate N. Pechersky (71 words)

I took a close look at the pantry and decided to buy ...

Dictation in Russian for grade 5

Dictation No. 1.

Autumn in the forest.

It was late autumn. The weather is rainy. A sharp autumn wind is blowing more and more often. The sun sends farewell rays from the blue sky.

How beautiful the forest is in autumn! The air is fresh. Yellow, orange, crimson leaves quietly fall from black trees and slowly sink to the cold ground.

The silence of the sleeping forest is not disturbed by the singing of birds, because they flew south. The alleys of the garden became empty, noiseless. But here in the summer it was so joyful, wonderful! Birds flocked here from the surrounding parks for a festive concert.

In autumn, the forest looks like a painted tower. It is good to settle down under a white-trunk birch and look at the golden colors of the forest, the lilac edge of the sky for a long time.

Quiet, comfortable. In the vast thickets of the forest, you can hide from the autumn wind. The soul is easy and calm.

(115 words)

Dictation number 2.

Hedgehogs are getting ready for winter.

In late autumn, hedgehogs begin to prepare for hibernation. They have little prey, because lizards, bugs and frogs are hiding under the snags.

A prickly hedgehog is slowly creeping through black bumps, small meadows, dangerous ravines, past narrow streams.

On wonderful autumn days, the hedgehog tries to prepare a wide, warm burrow for himself. Day and night, he carries fragrant leaves, soft forest moss, dried grass and twigs that he found in the forest to the house. I want to take care of him a comfortable bed.

A huge snowdrift covered the mink, and the hedgehog took refuge under such a fluffy blanket. It's good for a happy hedgehog to live in his burrow! He sleeps here, has wonderful dreams, and we are happy for him. The hedgehog will wake up in a good mood, and then go to inspect his farm.

(118 words)

Dictation No. 3.

Sorceress winter.

For a long time winter struggled with rainy autumn. In November, snow covered the frozen ground, and now it was real winter.

A cold, sharp wind howls terribly in the field, a blizzard is walking. And the forest is quiet. You will go into the wilderness and you will not recognize familiar places, because everything is hidden under the snow. Frost frozen the river.

Dressed in a fur coat and a huge oak tree. Its dense crowns will last all winter, and even an evil hurricane will not break their power. Willows, birches, mountain ash drowned in dense snowdrifts.

Suddenly a squirrel ran along the branches. She appears black amidst the dazzling, untouched whiteness of light. Because of this restless bustle, a huge snow cap fell down onto the path. Where is she in such a hurry?

What air! What harmony! There are no words to describe such a miracle of nature.

(118 words)

Dictation number 4.

Squirrels in the forest.

From morning to late evening, cheerful, nimble squirrels are busy in the forest. You have absolutely no time to follow their movements.

"Mom, I see a squirrel!" - exclaimed the joyful kid. And the squirrel is already gone.

The mischievous squirrels will rise to the top of a huge pine tree, jump from branch to branch. Then they will go downstairs for food: delicious mushrooms, selected nuts, dried berries.

These wonderful hostesses will hide what they found in the forest pantries.

They will make warm nests in a cozy hollow house, settle in them, and soon little squirrels will appear in new apartments. They will grow up quickly and be raised by caring parents.

And in the fierce winter, happy families of squirrels will flee from severe frosts, sharp, cold winds and heavy snowfalls. Live safely in warm, cozy nests.

(120 words)

Dictation number 5.

Moonlight night.

Nice autumn moonlit night in the vicinity of the village of Ilyinsky! Young trees froze on the sides of the road: birches, spruces, pines, aspens.

Rare snowflakes fall on the sleeping ground, and a bright yellow moon illuminates the forester's hut, which is located near the narrow river Lyuban. The gloomy sky is full of frequent stars and looks down upon the night land.

There is an extraordinary silence all around. But suddenly there was a slight rustle of foliage on the left. "Yes, it's a squirrel!" I shouted. Leaves fell on me as she jumped from one branch to another.

The approach of winter is already felt. Soon the ice will bite the river, its banks will be covered with a fluffy carpet, and a huge snowdrift will cover the forester's hut.

The beam throws light on the clearing, and the trees burn with all the colors of the rainbow: orange, gold, crimson. Around the crimson lights of late autumn. Hello moonlit night!

(120 words)

Dictation number 6.


Spring is an amazing time of the year. The sun gently warmed the awakened earth. Snow has long since fled from the fields in muddy streams. From the driveway to the nearest village, winter rye turns green, and whitish clouds float across the blue sky. In the distance there is a birch grove, and on its edge there is a young growth of bushes. There is no longer any dampness in the air, which usually occurs in early spring.

Life seemed to be roused and filled with some new sounds. From the surrounding groves, from arable lands and pastures, a joyful bird noise is heard. There was the noise of a truck at the crossing. "Yegorych, open the road!" - a cheerful cry of the driver is heard. In the forest thicket, in every groove someone's whisper is heard.

Everything around begins to change: the smallest twig grows, the delicate stem gathers strength and straightens towards the sun.

Nature is celebrating spring renewal. Hello Spring!

(119 words)

Dictation number 7.


Rowan is an autumn beauty. Other trees have already given their fruits, and she is just beginning to unload itself into crimson-red clusters. Cold weather sets in, and the birds eat bittersweet berries.

You can find rowan everywhere: on the outskirts, on the edges, in the meadows. It grows near houses, scatters twigs from behind the fence, is located on the outskirts and stands happy, proud, majestic.

This plant likes solitude, not solid thickets. In some places near rowan trees feel better, because a huge number of birds flock to it, which destroy pests.

A thin trunk bends in the wind, but does not break. Rowan does not give up, and every autumn again her adorable outfit enchants us. "This is last year's beauty!" we exclaim joyfully.

We expect to meet the mountain ash next fall, when we come to admire its crimson brushes.

See you, miracle tree!

(119 words)

Dictation number 8.


Once my mother called her youngest son: "Yura, look at the butuzik I brought!"

Mom was holding a purse, where someone in a fur coat was swarming on a mat of soft leaves.

“Get out, baby, don't be afraid,” my mother suggested. Instantly an oblong muzzle with a smooth nose, shiny eyes and small erect ears appeared from the purse. The animal's muzzle turned out to be extremely amusing: everything was gray above and below, wide black stripes stretched from the nose to the ears in the middle.

What a wonderful baby! Some plump, clumsy butt. The fur is light gray, and the legs are dark, as if he were dressed in boots and mittens.

Mom took out a bottle with a nipple from the sideboard and poured milk into it. The kid immediately realized what was the matter. He took the whole nipple and closed his eyes. Wonderful badger, funny animal!

(119 words)

Dictation number 9.

Polar owl.

Snowy owls usually hibernate in the tundra. In the darkness of the night they fly over the snows twinkling in the starlight. They feed on mice and hares, mercilessly exterminate these helpless animals. A rare hare may not be in the sharp claws of a dangerous owl when it is going to hunt.

But still the polar night ends. In the stone placers you will not notice the owl's nests, because they are located almost at the very feet. The warmth in the nests remains in severe frosts, as they are covered with light down.

This is the nest I found in the crevice. Suddenly a huge white bird flew up from under my feet, and the spread wings merged with the whiteness of the snow.

"Sergei, what is there?" my friend asked in surprise. A frightened chick cringed in the nest, and warm eggs lay next to it.

(118 words)

Dictation number 10.


In early spring, bird flocks unite on the southern shores of Europe and Africa. "Home! Hurry home! " - a restless cry rushes from everywhere.

Countless migratory chains stretch to their native places, and people are always happy to meet him. But during a long, difficult journey, some of the birds remain, scatter and settle in the surrounding lakes and rivers. The hardiest ones fly to the White Sea. Here they are located on sandy shores, divided into pairs to build nests and hatch chicks. Caring parents are raising kids all summer long.

In autumn the chicks will grow up, get stronger, and the birds begin to stray into flocks before flying to warm regions. There is everything for a carefree life: sun, sea, wonderful vegetation.

But you can't live long in a foreign land. And every spring you see how tired caravans return to their homeland.

(119 words)

Dictation number 11.


Once Gaidar went to a meeting with the guys in the camp and took his five-year-old daughter Zhenya with him. The surprisingly arrogant girl seemed to boast: "I am a famous dad's daughter and will soon grow up!"

While reading the fairy tale "Hot Stone" everyone sat quietly, but Zhenya at first looked down from above, then stomped restlessly and began to run up and down the stairs. The boys looked at her menacingly and would have poured in, but they were shy about the famous writer.

Suddenly Gaidar paused, put down his notebook and said sternly: "Take the girl away, she's interfering!" Zhenya cringed, burst into tears, but all the same, the delighted boys dragged her off the stage.

Gaidar read the tale to the end. The guys' happy eyes spoke of everything: love for the writer, respect.

“Gaidar for justice,” they wrote in the book they gave him.

(120 words)

Dictation number 12


Chickens are the jungle cat's favorite treat. Somehow the predator went hunting, but suddenly a magpie appeared from somewhere, twitched its black and white tail and chirped. It was dangerous, and the cat decided to stop so as not to attract attention. An annoying bird is located above his head.

The village wakes up, and the cat begins to tease the clucking of chickens, but he cannot get rid of the harmful guide. He restrained impotent anger and hatred for the obsessive companion, who sat on the branches of a pine tree. Then he began to make his way to the village. The magpie still did not put it down and still continued to guard him.

Suddenly, the cat arched its back, glared fiercely at its tormentor and shouted sharply: "Kha!" Then he made a leap to the side and disappeared into the thickets, and the bird screamed and circled.

Today, robber, you will lie hungry, because the hunt has failed.

(119 words)

Dictation in Russian for grade 5

Dictation No. 1.

Autumn in the forest.

It was late autumn. The weather is rainy. A sharp autumn wind is blowing more and more often. The sun sends farewell rays from the blue sky.

How beautiful the forest is in autumn! The air is fresh. Yellow, orange, crimson leaves quietly fall from black trees and slowly sink to the cold ground.

The silence of the sleeping forest is not disturbed by the singing of birds, because they flew south. The alleys of the garden became empty, noiseless. But here in the summer it was so joyful, wonderful! Birds flocked here from the surrounding parks for a festive concert.

In autumn, the forest looks like a painted tower. It is good to settle down under a white-trunk birch and look at the golden colors of the forest, the lilac edge of the sky for a long time.

Quiet, comfortable. In the vast thickets of the forest, you can hide from the autumn wind. The soul is easy and calm.

(115 words)

Dictation number 2.

Hedgehogs are getting ready for winter.

In late autumn, hedgehogs begin to prepare for hibernation. They have little prey, because lizards, bugs and frogs are hiding under the snags.

A prickly hedgehog is slowly creeping through black bumps, small meadows, dangerous ravines, past narrow streams.

On wonderful autumn days, the hedgehog tries to prepare a wide, warm burrow for himself. Day and night, he carries fragrant leaves, soft forest moss, dried grass and twigs that he found in the forest to the house. I want to take care of him a comfortable bed.

A huge snowdrift covered the mink, and the hedgehog took refuge under such a fluffy blanket. It's good for a happy hedgehog to live in his burrow! He sleeps here, has wonderful dreams, and we are happy for him. The hedgehog will wake up in a good mood, and then go to inspect his farm.

(118 words)

Dictation No. 3.

Sorceress winter.

For a long time winter struggled with rainy autumn. In November, snow covered the frozen ground, and now it was real winter.

A cold, sharp wind howls terribly in the field, a blizzard is walking. And the forest is quiet. You will go into the wilderness and you will not recognize familiar places, because everything is hidden under the snow. Frost frozen the river.

Dressed in a fur coat and a huge oak tree. Its dense crowns will last all winter, and even an evil hurricane will not break their power. Willows, birches, mountain ash drowned in dense snowdrifts.

Suddenly a squirrel ran along the branches. She appears black amidst the dazzling, untouched whiteness of light. Because of this restless bustle, a huge snow cap fell down onto the path. Where is she in such a hurry?

What air! What harmony! There are no words to describe such a miracle of nature.

(118 words)

Dictation number 4.

Squirrels in the forest.

From morning to late evening, cheerful, nimble squirrels are busy in the forest. You have absolutely no time to follow their movements.

"Mom, I see a squirrel!" - exclaimed the joyful kid. And the squirrel is already gone.

The mischievous squirrels will rise to the top of a huge pine tree, jump from branch to branch. Then they will go downstairs for food: delicious mushrooms, selected nuts, dried berries.

These wonderful hostesses will hide what they found in the forest pantries.

They will make warm nests in a cozy hollow house, settle in them, and soon little squirrels will appear in new apartments. They will grow up quickly and be raised by caring parents.

And in the fierce winter, happy families of squirrels will flee from severe frosts, sharp, cold winds and heavy snowfalls. Live safely in warm, cozy nests.

(120 words)

Dictation number 5.

Moonlight night.

Nice autumn moonlit night in the vicinity of the village of Ilyinsky! Young trees froze on the sides of the road: birches, spruces, pines, aspens.

Rare snowflakes fall on the sleeping ground, and a bright yellow moon illuminates the forester's hut, which is located near the narrow river Lyuban. The gloomy sky is full of frequent stars and looks down upon the night land.

There is an extraordinary silence all around. But suddenly there was a slight rustle of foliage on the left. "Yes, it's a squirrel!" I shouted. Leaves fell on me as she jumped from one branch to another.

The approach of winter is already felt. Soon the ice will bite the river, its banks will be covered with a fluffy carpet, and a huge snowdrift will cover the forester's hut.

The beam throws light on the clearing, and the trees burn with all the colors of the rainbow: orange, gold, crimson. Around the crimson lights of late autumn. Hello moonlit night!

(120 words)

Dictation number 6.


Spring is an amazing time of the year. The sun gently warmed the awakened earth. Snow has long since fled from the fields in muddy streams. From the driveway to the nearest village, winter rye turns green, and whitish clouds float across the blue sky. In the distance there is a birch grove, and on its edge there is a young growth of bushes. There is no longer any dampness in the air, which usually occurs in early spring.

Life seemed to be roused and filled with some new sounds. From the surrounding groves, from arable lands and pastures, a joyful bird noise is heard. There was the noise of a truck at the crossing. "Yegorych, open the road!" - a cheerful cry of the driver is heard. In the forest thicket, in every groove someone's whisper is heard.

Everything around begins to change: the smallest twig grows, the delicate stem gathers strength and straightens towards the sun.

Nature is celebrating spring renewal. Hello Spring!

(119 words)

Dictation number 7.


Rowan is an autumn beauty. Other trees have already given their fruits, and she is just beginning to unload itself into crimson-red clusters. Cold weather sets in, and the birds eat bittersweet berries.

You can find rowan everywhere: on the outskirts, on the edges, in the meadows. It grows near houses, scatters twigs from behind the fence, is located on the outskirts and stands happy, proud, majestic.

This plant likes solitude, not solid thickets. In some places near rowan trees feel better, because a huge number of birds flock to it, which destroy pests.

A thin trunk bends in the wind, but does not break. Rowan does not give up, and every autumn again her adorable outfit enchants us. "This is last year's beauty!" we exclaim joyfully.

We expect to meet the mountain ash next fall, when we come to admire its crimson brushes.

See you, miracle tree!

(119 words)

Dictation number 8.


Once my mother called her youngest son: "Yura, look at the butuzik I brought!"

Mom was holding a purse, where someone in a fur coat was swarming on a mat of soft leaves.

“Get out, baby, don't be afraid,” my mother suggested. Instantly an oblong muzzle with a smooth nose, shiny eyes and small erect ears appeared from the purse. The animal's muzzle turned out to be extremely amusing: everything was gray above and below, wide black stripes stretched from the nose to the ears in the middle.

What a wonderful baby! Some plump, clumsy butt. The fur is light gray, and the legs are dark, as if he were dressed in boots and mittens.

Mom took out a bottle with a nipple from the sideboard and poured milk into it. The kid immediately realized what was the matter. He took the whole nipple and closed his eyes. Wonderful badger, funny animal!

(119 words)

Dictation number 9.

Polar owl.

Snowy owls usually hibernate in the tundra. In the darkness of the night they fly over the snows twinkling in the starlight. They feed on mice and hares, mercilessly exterminate these helpless animals. A rare hare may not be in the sharp claws of a dangerous owl when it is going to hunt.

But still the polar night ends. In the stone placers you will not notice the owl's nests, because they are located almost at the very feet. The warmth in the nests remains in severe frosts, as they are covered with light down.

This is the nest I found in the crevice. Suddenly a huge white bird flew up from under my feet, and the spread wings merged with the whiteness of the snow.

"Sergei, what is there?" my friend asked in surprise. A frightened chick cringed in the nest, and warm eggs lay next to it.

(118 words)

Dictation number 10.


In early spring, bird flocks unite on the southern shores of Europe and Africa. "Home! Hurry home! " - a restless cry rushes from everywhere.

Countless migratory chains stretch to their native places, and people are always happy to meet him. But during a long, difficult journey, some of the birds remain, scatter and settle in the surrounding lakes and rivers. The hardiest ones fly to the White Sea. Here they are located on sandy shores, divided into pairs to build nests and hatch chicks. Caring parents are raising kids all summer long.

In autumn the chicks will grow up, get stronger, and the birds begin to stray into flocks before flying to warm regions. There is everything for a carefree life: sun, sea, wonderful vegetation.

But you can't live long in a foreign land. And every spring you see how tired caravans return to their homeland.

(119 words)

Dictation number 11.


Once Gaidar went to a meeting with the guys in the camp and took his five-year-old daughter Zhenya with him. The surprisingly arrogant girl seemed to boast: "I am a famous dad's daughter and will soon grow up!"

While reading the fairy tale "Hot Stone" everyone sat quietly, but Zhenya at first looked down from above, then stomped restlessly and began to run up and down the stairs. The boys looked at her menacingly and would have poured in, but they were shy about the famous writer.

Suddenly Gaidar paused, put down his notebook and said sternly: "Take the girl away, she's interfering!" Zhenya cringed, burst into tears, but all the same, the delighted boys dragged her off the stage.

Gaidar read the tale to the end. The guys' happy eyes spoke of everything: love for the writer, respect.

“Gaidar for justice,” they wrote in the book they gave him.

(120 words)

School Olympiad in Russian



Chickens are the jungle cat's favorite treat. Somehow the predator went hunting, but suddenly a magpie appeared from somewhere, twitched its black and white tail and chirped. It was dangerous, and the cat decided to stop so as not to attract attention. An annoying bird is located above his head.

The village wakes up, and the cat begins to tease the clucking of chickens, but he cannot get rid of the harmful guide. He restrained impotent anger and hatred for the obsessive companion, who sat on the branches of a pine tree. Then he began to make his way to the village. The magpie still did not put it down and still continued to guard him.

Suddenly, the cat arched its back, glared fiercely at its tormentor and shouted sharply: "Kha!" Then he made a leap to the side and disappeared into the thickets, and the bird screamed and circled.

Today, robber, you will lie hungry, because the hunt has failed.

(119 words)

Control dictations for grade 5

Summer is coming to an end. The fires of falling leaves are brighter and brighter. Autumn has painted birches and maples yellow, and the leaves of aspen trees have blushed. She went into the forests, into the fields, into the meadows, removed the golden bread from the fields, and in the meadows swept the fragrant heaps of hay into tall stacks.

Shoals of birds rose into the sky: cranes, ducks, geese. Here, under the very clouds, large white birds fly and send farewell greetings to their native places. "Goodbye birds!" - people see them off.
Autumn is in a hurry, in a hurry. Cold rain washes off the variegated dress of leaves. The sun came out from behind a cloud, and under its gentle rays the gloomy picture of autumn changed. (92 words)

(According to G. Skrebitsky)


The last smile of the sun melts and fades on the delicate greenery of the birch. Her sticky leaves are blooming. Once a year there is such a fresh scent.
The first star is already entangled in the ligature of the branchy summit and looks curiously at the ground. Birds flood: robins, finches. The most vociferous singer at this time is a thrush. You can not only hear him, but also see him. He sits on top of a fir tree, spins and sings loudly.
The radiant colors of the sunset shimmer wonderfully. When twilight deepens, its purple goes out. The resounding evening goes into the darkness of the night. The blackbird whistled for the last time and flew away. Suddenly a hurried stream began to speak, and the voices of birds ceased to echo the singing of the water. An enchanting moment of forest silence! (101 words)

(According to D. Zuev)


We wandered through the forest for a long time. The day was ending and dusk was approaching. The distant sun went down the horizon and threw its last rays on the ground. The forest glades were filled with dense darkness, and it crawled from the ground to the tops of trees: firs, pines.
But then the birds fell silent, only sometimes the lonely voice of a bird is heard. Soon, with great difficulty, we began to notice the outlines of the branches, for the rays of the evening sun barely illuminated the forest.
As the sun disappeared behind the treetops, the trail of the familiar path began to disappear.
The first star appeared above the tree. The night came into its own. “It's time to go home,” we decided. (91 words)


In adulthood, I saw the sunrise many times. I met him in the forest, when before dawn the wind passes over the tops of the heads, when the black tops of trees are clearly indicated against the background of the sky. There is dew on the grass. A spider web stretched in the forest sparkles with many sparkles. Smells like tar on a dewy morning. You are trying to make a path through the forest thicket to the river.
I saw the sunrise over my native fields, over the dense thickets of bushes near the river. In the transparent mirror of the water, pale stars are reflected, the thin crescent of the month. The sun rises to the singing of countless birds and the whisper of reeds. The cool dew in the meadows shines like a diamond. You sit on the shore and wait for the birth of a new day. (100 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

In the Pamir mountains

We are in the Pamirs. Rocky ridges rise above pinkish clouds. In the valleys there are villages where gardens grow, people sow barley and wheat.
Ruins of ancient fortresses are found along the river banks. Now their walls and loopholes are overgrown with dense vegetation. Black jackdaws make their nests in deep cracks, snakes huddle in the cracks of stones. One of them flashed in the sun and disappeared among the stones.
We approach the foot and settle down here to rest. We breathe in the aroma of flowering plants with pleasure. Suddenly we notice drawings on the rocks. This artist, many centuries ago, painted animals, people, wrote numbers. Rock painting tells about the ancient Pamirs. We looked at these amazing drawings for a long time. (102 words)

Protect the forests!

Our forests often perish from the ruthless treatment of them. People unconsciously throw a match, and large areas of the forest die from its fire. A lot of forests are being cut down. Cutting down a tree is easy, but it takes decades to grow it.
The planting of young trees is supervised by a forester. He establishes the places that have suffered from the fire, outlines where it is necessary to clear the forest from the windbreak, allocates areas for the work of loggers, and participates in the fight against forest pests. Caterpillars sometimes eat up growing shoots, eat leaves. Hares, mice gnaw at the roots of young trees. But the forest also has friends - birds - they are wonderful assistants to forestry.
Take care of the forest, guys! This is our wealth. (98 words)


On a moonlit night it is light in a birch forest. The light of the moon is reflected on the snowdrifts, and the forest becomes like a huge hall with white columns. The silence of a clear winter night is full of secrets.
A bear is dozing in the den, but he is sensitive to the life of the winter forest. Snowflakes rustle barely audibly against the bark of old aspens, slide along slender peaks, cling to needles.
The night is coming. Complete silence. And suddenly the snow crust crunched, the dry forest crackled. The bear ruffled, pricked up his ears, flashed his eyes. It's moose! The sloth calmed down, put his head on his front paws, closed his eyes.
The weather will walk around, snow will fall in flakes, and the wind will howl in the peaks. The lullaby of the blizzard will lull the bear. Sweetly slumbering in his den.
March is the last month of hibernation for the forest owner. (108 words)


In April, the last snow melts in the fields, merry streams ring along the ravines, break the winter ice of the river. In spring, the earth awakened from winter sleep smells. Resinous fragrant buds inflate in the forest near the trees.
The white-nosed rooks have already arrived. Starlings are basking in the sun. Singing larks ascend into the blue sky with songs.
A special hour is coming in Russian nature. The invisible blue gates will open up to the sky, and schools of migratory birds will appear. From the warm south to the cold seas, their cheerful voices will be heard.
Forest sounds are also varied. A transparent drop fell from a slender birch tree, and a thin, crystal ringing was heard. The hunter's sensitive ear already fancies the whisper of the awakened earth. (101 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov)


Real spring comes from mid-March. Long icicles flow from the rooftops, hang down. Sparrows chirp happily under the rays of the bright sun. On forest paths, thorny snow falls underfoot.
Gardens are already blooming in the south. An army of migratory birds is preparing for the journey. From distant Africa they set off on a long journey. The first close guests are rooks. In old parks, on tall trees, they arrange their nests and fill the surroundings with noise and din. Soon the first larks will appear on the spring thawed patches.
The sun warms more every day. Spring streams run under the snow. April is coming soon. April is the noisiest month of spring water, the awakening of the earth, and the rapid movement of juices. (98 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

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Dictation in Russian for grade 5

Dictation No. 1.

Autumn in the forest.

It's late autumn. The weather is rainy. More and more harsh autumn blows

wind. The sun sends farewell rays from the blue sky.

How beautiful the forest is in autumn! The air is fresh. Yellow, orange, crimson leaves are quiet

fall from black trees and slowly sink to the cold ground.

The silence of the sleeping forest is not disturbed by the singing of birds, because they flew south. IN

birds flocked here for a festive concert.

In autumn, the forest looks like a painted tower. It is good to settle down under the white-barrel

birch and long look at the golden colors of the forest, the lilac edge of the sky.

Quiet, comfortable. In the vast thickets of the forest, you can hide from the autumn wind. In my heart

easy and calm.

(115 words)

Dictation number 2.

Hedgehogs are getting ready for winter.

In late autumn, hedgehogs begin to prepare for hibernation. They have little prey,

because under the driftwood lizards, bugs and frogs are hiding.

A prickly hedgehog is slowly crawling through black bumps, small meadows, dangerous

ravines, past narrow streams.

On wonderful autumn days, the hedgehog tries to cook himself a wide, warm

hole. Day and night, he drags fragrant leaves into the house, soft forest moss, dried

blades of grass and twigs that I found in the forest. I want to take care of him about a comfortable


A huge snowdrift covered the mink, and the hedgehog reliably hid under such

beautiful dreams and we are happy for him. The hedgehog will wake up in a good mood, and then

will go to inspect his farm.

(118 words)

Dictation No. 3.

The sorceress is winter.

For a long time winter struggled with rainy autumn. In November, snow covered the frozen ground

and now the real winter has come.

A cold, sharp wind howls terribly in the field, a blizzard is walking. And the forest is quiet. Will you come

into the wilderness and you don't recognize familiar places, because everything is hidden under the snow. Frost

ice-bound the river.

Dressed in a fur coat and a huge oak tree. Its dense crowns will last all winter, and their

might not be broken even by an evil hurricane. Willows, birches, mountain ash drowned in dense snowdrifts.

Suddenly a squirrel ran along the branches. She seems black among the dazzling

the pristine whiteness of light. Because of this restless bustle, a huge snow cap

fell down on the path. Where is she in such a hurry?

What air! What harmony! There are no words to describe such a miracle of nature.

(118 words)

Dictation number 4.

Squirrels in the forest.

From morning to late evening, cheerful, nimble squirrels are busy in the forest.

You have absolutely no time to follow their movements.

"Mom, I see a squirrel!" - exclaimed the joyful kid. And the squirrel is already gone.

The mischievous squirrels will rise to the top of a huge pine tree, jump from branch to

branch. Then they will go downstairs for food: delicious mushrooms, selected

nuts, dried berries.

In the forest storerooms, these wonderful hostesses will hide what they found.

In a cozy house-hollow they will make warm nests, settle in them, and soon in

new apartments will have little squirrels. They will grow up quickly and

be raised by caring parents.

And in the fierce winter, happy families of squirrels will flee from severe frosts, sharp,

cold winds and heavy snowfalls. Live safely in warm, cozy nests.

(120 words)

Dictation number 5.

Moonlight night.

Nice autumn moonlit night in the vicinity of the village of Ilyinsky! On both sides

young trees froze on the road: birches, spruces, pines, aspens.

Rare snowflakes fall on the sleeping ground, and a bright yellow moon illuminates the hut

forester, which is located near the narrow river Lyuban. Gloomy sky is full of

with frequent stars and looks down upon the night land.

There is an extraordinary silence all around. But suddenly on the left I heard some kind of light

she jumped from one branch to another.

The approach of winter is already felt. Soon the ice will bite the river, with a fluffy carpet

its banks will close, and a huge snowdrift will cover the forester's hut.

The beam throws light on the clearing, and the trees burn with all the colors of the rainbow: orange,

golden, crimson. Around the crimson lights of late autumn. Hello moonlit night!

(120 words)

Dictation number 6.


Spring is an amazing time of the year. The sun gently warmed the awakened earth.

Snow has long since fled from the fields in muddy streams. It turns green from the road to the nearest village

winter rye, and whitish clouds float across the blue sky. In the distance is a birch

grove, and on its edge there is a young growth of bushes. The air is no longer

dampness is felt, which usually occurs in early spring.

Life seemed to start up and filled with some new sounds. Of

the surrounding groves, from arable lands and pastures, one can hear a joyful bird noise. There was a noise

truck at the crossing. "Yegorych, open the road!" - a cheerful cry of the driver is heard. IN

forest thicket, in each groove someone's whisper is heard.

Everything around begins to change: the smallest branch grows, a delicate stalk

gathers strength and straightens towards the sun.

Nature is celebrating spring renewal. Hello Spring!

(119 words)

Dictation number 7.


Rowan is an autumn beauty. Other trees have already given their fruits, and she only

begins to unload in crimson-red clusters. Colds come and the birds eat

bittersweet berries.

You can find rowan everywhere: on the outskirts, on the edges, in the meadows. She grows

near houses, scatters twigs from behind the fence, is located on the outskirts and stands

happy, proud, majestic.

the trees feel better, because a huge number of birds flock to it,

which destroy pests.

A thin trunk bends in the wind, but does not break. Rowan does not give up, and each

we exclaim joyfully.

We expect to meet the mountain ash next fall, when we arrive

admire her crimson brushes.

See you, miracle tree!

(119 words)

Dictation number 8.


Once my mother called her youngest son: “Yura, look at the butuzik whom I

brought it! "

Mom kept a purse, where on a bed of soft leaves someone was swarming

"Get out, baby, don't be afraid," Mom suggested. Instantly from your wallet

an oblong muzzle with a smooth nose, shiny eyes and

small erect ears. The animal's muzzle turned out to be very amusing: above and below

everything was gray, in the middle from the nose to the ears stretched wide black stripes.

What a wonderful baby! Some kind of plump, clumsy butt. Wool

light gray, and dark legs, as if he was dressed in boots and mittens.

Mom took out a bottle with a nipple from the sideboard and poured milk into it. Baby immediately

realized what was the matter. He took the whole nipple and closed his eyes. Wonderful badger, funny

(1 19 words)

Dictation number 9.

Polar owl.

Snowy owls usually hibernate in the tundra. In the darkness of the night they fly over

snows twinkling in the starlight. They feed on mice and hares, mercilessly

exterminate these helpless animals. A rare rabbit may not be in sharp

the claws of a dangerous owl when it is going to hunt.

But all the same, the polar night ends. In the stone placers you will not notice the nests of the owl,

because they are located almost at the very feet. The heat in the nests is retained in strong

frosts, as they are covered with light fluff.

This is the nest I found in the crevice. An unexpectedly huge white bird

flew up from under my feet, and the open wings merged with the whiteness of the snow.

"Sergei, what's there?" - asked my friend in surprise. Shriveled in the nest

a frightened chick, and there were warm eggs lying nearby.

(118 words)

Dictation number 10.


In early spring, bird flocks unite on the southern shores of Europe and Africa.

"Home! Hurry home! " - a restless cry rushes from everywhere.

Countless migratory chains stretch to their homes, and people are always happy

meeting with him. But during a long, difficult journey, some of the birds remain, scatter and

they are located along sandy shores, are divided into pairs to build nests and hatch

chicks. Caring parents are raising kids all summer long.

In the fall, the chicks will grow up, get stronger, and the birds begin to stray into flocks before

flying away to warm regions. There is everything for a carefree life: sun, sea, wonderful


But you can't live long in a foreign land. And every spring you see how tired

caravans are returning to their homeland.

(119 words)

Dictation number 11.


Once Gaidar went to a meeting with the guys in the camp and took with him

five-year-old daughter Zhenya. The surprisingly arrogant girl seemed to be boasting: “I

famous dad's daughter and will soon grow up! "

During the reading of the fairy tale "Hot Stone" everyone sat quietly, but at first Zhenya looked down on

looked around, then stomped restlessly and began to run up the stairs and

down. The boys looked at her menacingly and would have poured her in, but they were embarrassed by the famous


Suddenly Gaidar paused, put down his notebook and sternly said: “Take away girl,

she interferes! " Zhenya cringed, burst into tears, but still delighted boys

pulled her off the stage.

Gaidar read the tale to the end. The happy eyes of the guys spoke about everything: about love

to the writer, about respect.

"Gaidar for Justice", - they wrote in the book they gave him.

(120 words)

School Olympiad in Russian



Chickens - the jungle cat's favorite treat. how - then the predator went hunting,

but suddenly from where - then a magpie showed up, twitched black - white tail and chirped. It was

dangerous, and the cat decided to stop so as not to attract attention. Annoying bird

settled over his head.

The village wakes up, and the cat begins to tease the clucking of chickens, but he cannot

get rid of the harmful guide. He held back a powerless anger and hatred for

obsessive companion, who is perched on pine branches. Then he began to make his way to

the village. Forty all - she did not put it down and still continued to guard him.

Suddenly the cat arched its back, glared fiercely at its tormentor and sharply


Today, robber, you will lie hungry, because the hunt has failed.

(119 words)

Control dictation on the topic "Vocabulary. Phraseology"

Place of execution

Place of execution - the oldest architectural monument of Moscow. Originally this

there was a rounded brick platform with a wooden fence under a hipped canopy on carved

pillars. It is located in the center of Troitskaya Square, from the middle of the 17th century it became

be called Red Square.

places were announced by state decrees. Here the people learned about the accession to the throne

kings, the declaration of war and the conclusion of peace.

The boyars were carried to the Execution Ground on the shoulders of the heir, when he performed

sixteen years. And the people saw the future king in order to be able to distinguish him from the impostor.

From the Execution Ground, the patriarchs said prayers. From him on Palm Sunday

the patriarch distributed to the tsar, bishops, boyars, okolnichy and Duma clerks consecrated

willow and read the Gospel to the people.

Place of execution was not the place of execution. The executions were carried out side by side on wooden


(V. Butromeev.)

1) Find obsolete words in the text. Explain the meaning of 2 - 3 obsolete words.

2) Any complex sentence indicate grammar basics.

3) Perform phonetic analysis of words:

Option 1 - boyars;

Option 2 to him.

Chorus ... w ... b..runny light groves! As soon as it goes off in a dream, it will swell on birches

smoky scented buds. In these spring days, the Breaks will treat us with slack juice.

Far away in the grove, the whole song of glsystgo drzda races. From dervo to dervo they transfer

nimble tits. Blue and white snowdrops spread out like a wonderful square under the birches.

Good in a birch grove and in a sultry summer season! Under the cool grind

whipping juicy young folks. Smell the smell with a soulful snake. I want to go high

thick grass and see the vršny beryo, where snow-white floats across the blue summer sky

(According to Sokolov - Mikitov I.)

Autumn in the forest.

(beginning of the year).

After the warm days of summer, a golden autumn comes. At the edge of the forest you can find

aspen mushrooms, pink russula, slippery milk mushrooms. On old stumps they huddle together

mushrooms. In forest glades, clusters of mountain ash turn red, and in moss swamps on hummocks

cranberries appear. Every blade of grass is visible at the bottom of a forest stream. Light wind

chasing clouds across the transparent sky. On quiet days, a weightless cobweb flies above the ground.

The birds are preparing to fly south. Wild geese and cranes leave their native land. Long away

Calf (October).

It was in May. Vitya went to the forest in the evening. The weather was bad. Blew sharp

wind. The boy heard the murmur of a stream in the bushes and ran to the water. Suddenly he heard

little calf! The poor thing is lying wet, trembling. Vitya pulled him out onto the road. The calf is not behind him

walks, rests on his legs. The boy stroked his head and led him away.

At home, Vitya put him in a corner and covered him with an old fur coat. Later the boy found

pacifier, fed the calf with delicious milk from a bottle. So the calf remained to live with

Viti until the fall.

The task.

1. Parse the words: delicious, corner, trembling (1B), long, fur coat ,

is sitting (2B).

2. Find test words, highlight roots in words: delicious, calf,

coat (1B),rainy, poor thing, autumn (2 B).

3. Underline the HO in the sentences of the last paragraph.

In the forest (October).

We are walking along a narrow path along the shore of a large lake. Above the nearby forest rises

the sun. A blue lake sparkles under its bright rays. Behind him a wide strip lay

swamp. It's dangerous to walk here.

We are entering the green thicket. Tall pines stand in even rows. Rare beam

the sun is pouring through the dense greenery. It's cool under the trees. Peace and quiet in the forest.

Fluffy squirrels live in this area. Here the animal jumped from branch to branch,

We are walking along a narrow path along the shore of a large lake. The sun rises over the nearby forest. A blue lake sparkles under the bright rays of the sun. A swamp lay behind it in a wide strip. It's dangerous to walk here. We are entering the green thicket. Tall pines stand in even rows. A rare ray of sun pours through the dense greenery. It's cool under the trees. Peace and quiet in the forest. Fluffy squirrels live in this area. Here the animal jumped from branch to branch, dropped a pine cone. We stood at the edge and went to the village. A steep climb leads uphill. This is the end of our journey. Amount of words: 89

I went from hunting in the evening. The storm was approaching. Ahead, a huge purple cloud rose slowly from behind the forest. Long gray clouds swept overhead and towards me. The road wound in front of me between thick hazel bushes. I moved forward with difficulty. A strong wind suddenly roared in the heights, trees raged, large drops of rain pounded sharply, slapped on the leaves. Lightning flashed and a thunderstorm broke out. The rain poured down in streams. I rode at a walk and was soon forced to stop and take refuge in a wide bush. I patiently waited for the end of the bad weather. Suddenly on the road I thought of a tall figure. The unknown seemed to have grown out of the ground. Amount of words: 86

There is a pond at the edge of the young forest. An underground key springs from it. It is in swamps and viscous bogs that the Volga is born. From here she goes on a long journey. Poets and artists glorify the beauty of our native river in amazing fairy tales, songs, paintings. The low bank is covered with a green carpet of meadows and bushes. Flowers are dazzling in the meadow. Their sweet scent spreads in the soft air. You breathe in the scent of meadows with your full chest. The slope on the banks of the Volga is very beautiful. Locals love to spend their weekends here. They admire the surroundings, fish, swim. Amount of words: 88

Spring comes every day. The sky revives, turns blue. A warm wind drives airships along it. Larks swim high above the ground in the sun. Their songs of height are pouring with joyful trill. It's nice to take a walk in the spring forest on a fine day. A winding path winds between the trees. It smells like spring buds. How good and easy it is to breathe! Here is a small bird spinning on a maple branch. A prickly hedgehog is in a hurry about his business. A nimble squirrel quickly descends along the tree trunk. A woodpecker marks the arrival of spring with a ringing shot. Far away the wonderful song of the vociferous thrush is carried. The chirping of the birds is echoed by a talkative stream. A forest path leads us to it. Willow branches lean towards the water and look in a transparent surface. Amount of words: 102

Can you read the heavenly book? Words in an ordinary book are made up of letters, and the stars in the sky form different constellations. Sailors from the star book find their way in the vast sea. We know the weather by the clouds. White fibers stretch across the blue sky. They promise rainy weather. On a hot summer day, white cloudy mountains suddenly appear in the sky. They are the messengers of the storm. And birds can tell a lot. Swallows fly in the clear sky and portend good weather. The arrival of rooks means the onset of spring. We read a heavenly book and wonderful things are revealed to us. Amount of words: 87

You walk along a forest path, admire the trees. Suddenly you will see a light and agile animal with a bushy tail or hear a sharp clattering sound. These frisky squirrels fearlessly jump from branch to branch. These animals live in the forests. There is food for them here: cones, nuts, acorns, berries. In winter, squirrels do not sleep, they lead an active lifestyle. In the summer they store food for the winter. The squirrel menu even includes dried mushrooms. Dry their proteins themselves. Hats are strung on sharp dry knots or hung on twigs. Ripe nuts are chosen. Squirrels hide all this in moss or hollows, and in winter they find it unmistakably. A squirrel warehouse can hold several pounds of delicious food. If you find it, then do not rush to use it. After all, squirrels will remain in the winter cold without food. Amount of words: 120

In the dark spruce forest, agile squirrels are busy from morning until late at night. Squirrels will climb to the top of a tall spruce, jump from branch to branch, and then descend to the ground for nuts. At a fork in a spruce knot, a squirrel hung out to dry a boletus, small mushrooms. She hid selected nuts in the forest pantries. In late autumn, the squirrel will change its red dress for a gray winter coat. A squirrel made a warm nest at the top of a thick spruce. There she brings up squirrels, in winter she escapes from severe frosts and cold winds. The funniest animal in our forests is the nimble squirrel. Amount of words: 86

It was a hot July day. The sun burned the dry earth with slanting hot rays. Thick dust rose along the road and filled the air. The clouds combined into a large cloud. A distant thunder rumbled. And now the clouds have already covered the sun. It looked out for the last time and disappeared. In nature, everything has changed dramatically. A whirlwind flew, the aspen grove trembled. From gusts of strong wind, young aspen trees bend to the ground. Bunches of dry grass fly across the road. Thick reeds rustle dully by the river. Lightning flashed, and there was a deafening thunderclap. The first large drop of rain fell. The downpour poured down. Amount of words: 85

For a long time winter struggled with rainy autumn. In November, snow covered the forest with a fluffy outfit, and winter came. A blizzard is walking. Everything in the forest drowns under a white cover. You will go into the wilderness and you will not recognize familiar places. The branches of firs are densely covered with fluffy flakes of snow. Long braids of birches whisper in the wind. Hedgehogs hide in a burrow, squirrels hide in winter nests from frost. Bad for birds in winter. They often die from cold and hunger. How can I help them? Stock up on bird food in the fall. Make feeders for them. Birds are our friends. Help them! Amount of words: 86

Spring came with March thunderstorms. But suddenly, in the fourth week of March, a mighty snowfall began. Everything in nature has changed. The snow covered the earth and food like a blanket. The birds became hungry. For a long time no birds have come to the winter feeder, and a handful of seeds swollen from dampness did not attract even the sparrows. But on this day, the birds remembered the winter dining room. Even the starlings sat on the edge and carefully pecked at the old crumbs. Other birds seek refuge in a stampede. Finches, songbirds, and larks flew to the south. Countless lapwings overtake them, easily overcome the headwind over the Don. Even at noon, when the sun began to warm, the flow of birds did not stop. Amount of words: 100

Evening was falling. Reflections of the sunset fell on the water through the dense coastal thickets, stretching in living streams into the depths. Vasyutka looked at the input and froze: fishes were swarming about the grass, wiggling their gills and tails. There were so many fish that Vasyutka doubted, he thought: "Seaweed, probably?" The sky had already darkened, dusk was falling into the forest. The middle of the lake now looked like a red-hot stove. The dawn was burning out. In the darkened blue of the sky, rare motionless clouds froze. The stars began to cut through. A small, nail-like month appeared. Vasyutka was tired during the day, but he did not sleep. He threw wood into the fire and lay down on his back again. The clouds are gone. A nap came. Amount of words: 94

The coast quickly darkened, becoming blue, blue, purple. It was already evening on land. It was still light at sea. The glossy swell reflected the clear sky. Still, the evening was felt here too. The convex glasses of the imperceptibly lighted signal lamps on the steamer's wings were so dark and thick that it was impossible to guess their color during the day. They were now shining green and red and glowing brightly. The blue city with the domed roof of the city theater and the colonnade of the Vorontsov Palace appeared at once and obscured the horizon. The watery stars of the harbor lanterns were liquidly reflected in the bright and motionless lake of the harbor. Amount of words: 89

Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov was a famous Russian manufacturer, a wealthy merchant, and also a true friend of artists. He used his fortune to purchase paintings by Russian painters. Tretyakov bought them from famous and young masters, if he saw in them talent and dedication to art. Quietly, without further ado, Tretyakov did a great job. And when he collected a large collection, created a gallery, he donated it to Moscow. When P.M. Tretyakov died, his house turned into a museum, and the facade of the gallery had to be rebuilt. The project was proposed to be developed by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. V.M. Vasnetsov created a wonderful tower. Red, white, with carved stone decorations, with gold lace under the roof. High above the entrance, in a figured kokoshnik, there is a black bas-relief - the ancient coat of arms of Moscow: George the Victorious defeating the snake. Amount of words: 113

Leave urgent matters, go out late in the evening on the sandy bank of the river. If you listen for a long time, you will hear incomprehensible rustles, incessant sounds in the reed thickets. One night I was sitting at my desk. The night was quiet, windless, only some distant sounds could be heard from the river. Suddenly, from under the floor, some quiet voices were heard. They were like the whispering of chicks awakening in the nest. I was overcome with a desire to understand who was talking under the floor. Then I guessed that I heard hedgehogs scurrying. Hedgehogs are useful animals. They do no harm to anyone, they are not afraid of anyone, they destroy harmful insects, they fight mice. Hedgehogs fall asleep for the winter. Their little dens are covered by snowdrifts, and they sleep peacefully in them all winter. Amount of words: 108

Hot day. The sun's rays make their way through the dense green foliage. My throat is dry and thirsty. But there is no water nearby. The traveler makes his way through the impenetrable forest thickets. The road is difficult. What is there among the branches of the tree? A curved branch or a huge boa constrictor dangling its flexible body? Ahead is a clearing. You can take a break. But even here you need to be on the lookout. A striped side of a terrible beast flashed through the bushes. But he did not notice the man, he passed by. The tired traveler lies down on the grass and watches carefully. Multicolored butterflies and bugs fly and whirl. Busy bees crawl into the flower cups. Ants drag dry blades of grass into their nest. A life full of adventure is boiling everywhere. It seems that I would have been lying all day, peering into the dense, juicy thickets. Amount of words: 116