Thank you for our happy childhood. Thanks to Comrade Stalin for our happy childhood! Leader and teacher

I came to the reception of the child rights ombudsman in the Yaroslavl region and was a little shocked by the picture that hangs on the wall behind the secretary's chair, could not resist, took a picture ...

The traditional "battle" of supporters and opponents of Stalin developed in the comments.

Someone invented a story about a girl "our people, cunning to gossip, picked up these nonsense and went ... For me personally, Stalin is a" bloody leader "and I condemn his brutal rule. But until a position is expressed at the level of the government and the president of the Russian Federation the law condemning the Stalinist regime; such portraits and posters are quite legal and do not contradict the laws of the Russian Federation. And now it all resembles a concussion of air. By the way, he is not the first who hung the "leader" on the wall; the width of the avenue in Moscow ...

In the original photo, the daughter of the chairman of the Buryat-Mongolian republic. If the decorator of the workplace knew or thought about the fate of the little girl and her father, he might have been more careful with the choice of the picture.

As the commissioner himself stated Mikhail Krupinin an interview with “the Insider”, not in the reception room, but in one of the offices, there is indeed a portrait of Stalin:

I can comment on it this way: we have portraits of all the leaders of our country with children: Lenin, Putin, Stalin and so on ... And only one of them is with Stalin. And Lenin, in your opinion, is also a dictator?

Mikhail Krupin previously held the post of deputy chairman of the regional government and was not noticed in love for the “red” ideology, despite the photo with Lenin in the background. Moreover, the Communist Party faction in May 2016 refused to support his candidacy for the post of children's ombudsman.

About the fate of little Gela Markizova in last years many wrote. The girl, who in the 30s was a symbol of a happy Soviet child, in the 90s became a symbol of the cynical politics of Stalinism.
Literary critic Yuri Borev in the collection of intellectual folklore "Staliniada" in the sketch "Friend of children" writes:

From childhood, people of my generation knew and loved a photograph of the leader with a black-haired girl in her arms. The leader smiles tenderly. The girl shines with delight. This is a Buryat woman named Gel Markizov.
Her parents, not knowing whom to leave their little daughter to, took her to an appointment with Stalin. The girl gave the leader flowers and ended up in his arms. All children's institutions in the country were decorated with a photograph of the leader with Geli in his arms and the slogan: "Thank you Comrade Stalin for our happy childhood." Many thanks! Especially a lot from Geli: after all, she soon became orphaned, her father, the People's Commissar of Agriculture of the Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, was arrested, and after him her mother went to the camps.
In the thirties, Stalin issued an order stating that children from 12 years of age were subject to criminal responsibility, up to execution.
Nevertheless, my entire generation knew from childhood that Comrade Stalin was the best friend of Soviet children.

Engelsina Markizova (Cheshkova) at a diplomatic meeting with Indian leader Jawaharlal Nehru.

) that the current neobanderites should pray to the founding fathers of the USSR, who divided the state along ethnic lines. Yes, the idea was not theirs, and even the first steps on this path were taken by the Austro-Hungarians with the Poles in Galicia. But it was the Bolsheviks who did not let these seedlings dry out.

On the contrary, they cared for and cherished, seated and defended the party of the dictatorship of the proletariat by merciless force. I don't even want to argue that it was justified by objective conditions - this is not the point. The main thing is that this is the handiwork of the Bolsheviks of the Stalinist period in the first place.

Yes, Ukrainization began even before Lenin's death. The same Stalin back in 1921 at X Congress of the RCP (b) declared: “... Recently it was said that the Ukrainian republic and Ukrainian nationality are an invention of the Germans. Meanwhile, it is clear that ukrainian nationality exists, and the development of its culture is the duty of the communists ... You can't go against history. It is clear that if in the cities of Ukraine, Russian elements still prevail, then over time these cities will inevitably be Ukrainianized ».

But even after Lenin's death nothing changed, and the brochure "On the Right of Nations to Self-Determination" was not burned. On the contrary, the USSR was built from a "union of nations" with the right to secede from the USSR. Moreover, when after the Victory it was possible to transform the USSR into a single state with "a new community of Soviet people" - this was not done either.

So it was the party and it was in the USSR that created the Ukrainians as a nation, turned Little Russia itself into a huge, full-fledged founding state of the UN, gathered all the territories into this state up to the Crimea in its composition and, in a Stalinist manner, rigidly and uncompromisingly planted ukrainian language even where he was not born.

Historical fact - there were no "Ukrainians" in RI! Look at any census. You will find there all the peoples of the empire, except for one ... In order not to be unfounded (RI 1897 census: http: // There were no Ukrainians in neighboring countries either. There were Russians or Rusyns, Ruthenians, Little Russians, whoever. There were no Ukrainians until the First World War even in the United States and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which just on its territory in Galicia raised the Ukrainians from the Rusyns (fortunately, the Polish backlog was made along the way). We must pay tribute to the Russian Empire, in which the "Ukrainians" were fashionable and popular (remember the reburial of Shevchenko).

However, only world War started official Ukrainization. Pay attention to the passport of the newspaper # 61 dated October 13, 1914 and compare the passport of the next number 62 for October 15, 1914.

But these were only beginnings.

Unsuccessful attempts to split the warring Russian Empire. And even all sorts of UNR Hrushevsky, Hetmanats Skoropadsky and Petliura's Directory were not crowned with success. With the ending civil war the winners could replay everything - and the attempt to create the Donetsk-Kryvyi Rih Republic is just one example of a different construction. But for the reasons that I wrote about in the previous article (Stalin and the time bomb that destroyed the USSR), the Bolsheviks followed the principle of national division of the USSR.

It was the most cruel and all-encompassing of Ukrainizations - Yushchenko is resting (in total, under the USSR, there were at least three waves of Ukrainizations with all the secretaries general, except for the little-ruled Andropov and Chernenko). It was in the USSR that the population of the Ukrainian SSR and the adjacent territories of the RSFSR learned that they were "Ukrainians". Stalin did not "destroy" the "Ukrainians" - he created them!

In 1923, at the XII Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Stalin, in accordance with Lenin's ideas, made a decision on "indigenization" - replacing the Russian language with local national languages in administration, education and culture. In Ukraine, as well as in the Kuban, in the Stavropol Territory, part of the North Caucasus, Kursk and Voronezh regions such indigenization was quite officially called Ukrainization.

The very same Hrushevsky, the head of the UPR from Galicia, already favored by the Soviet regime, wrote: « about 50 thousand people moved to the Ukrainian SSR from Galicia with wives and families, young people, men. Many Galicians work in the apparatus of the People's Commissariat for Education of Ukraine. M.I. Yavorsky, K. I. Konik, M. L. Baran; A. I. Badan-Yavorenko and then Zozulyak were the learned secretaries of the People's Commissariat of Education; the personal secretary of Skrypnik was a Galician N. V. Erstenyuk.

Together with them, 400 officers of the former Galician army were discharged from the then Polish Galicia to the Ukrainian SSR, led by G. Kossak, the uncle of Zenon Kossak, who became the author of 44 rules of life for a Ukrainian nationalist. I can imagine how delighted Piłsudski & Co. was.

From Gorky's letter to the Ukrainian writer A. Slesarenko: “Dear Alexey Makarovich! I am categorically against the reduction of the story "Mother". It seems to me that the translation of this story into the Ukrainian dialect is also unnecessary. I am very surprised by the fact that people, setting one and the same goal, not only assert the difference of adverbs - they strive to make the adverb a "language", but also oppress those Great Russians who find themselves a minority in the area of \u200b\u200bthis dialect. "

IN 1930 in Ukraine, 68.8% of newspapers were published by Soviet authorities in Ukrainianlanguage, in 1932 there were already 87.5%. In 1925-26. 45.8% of the books published by the communists in Ukraine were printed in Ukrainian; by 1932 this figure was 76.9%. There was no market, the growth and distribution of circulations was purely a party matter and was not dictated by demand.

Here is a quote from the decision of the 4th plenum of the Donetsk regional committee of the CP (b) U: “ Strictly observe the Ukrainization of Soviet bodies,resolutely fighting all attempts of enemies to weaken Ukrainization. " The decision was made in October 1934.

And six months before that, in April, the same regional committee made a strong-willed decision “On the language of city and regional newspapers of Donbass”. In pursuance of the party's decisions on Ukrainization, the Donetsk residents decided to completely translate 23 out of 36 local newspapers into Ukrainian, 8 more had to print at least two-thirds of the information in Ukrainian, 3 in Greco-Hellenic and only TWO newspapers (!) In the region were decided leave in Russian.

Before the revolution, there were 7 Ukrainian schools in the Donbass. In 1923, the People's Commissariat of Education of Ukraine ordered the Ukrainianization of 680 schools in the region within three years.

But the peak of the Ukrainianization of education here fell precisely in 1932-33! As of December 1, 1932, out of 2,239 schools in Donbass, 1,760 (or 78.6%) were Ukrainian, another 207 (9.2%) were mixed Russian-Ukrainian.

By 1933, the last Russian-language pedagogical technical schools were closed. In 1932-33 academic year in the Russian-speaking Makeyevka there is not a SINGLE Russian-speaking class in primary school, which caused violent protests from parents. This year, no more than 26% of the region's pupils could study in Russian.

Party bodies (well, yes, of the very party that are now trying to accuse of genocide of the Ukrainian people) have also been actively Ukrainianized. If in 1925 the ratio of Ukrainians and Russians in the CP (b) U was 36.9% by 43.4%, in 1930 - 52.9% by 29.3%, then in the peak year of the "Holodomor" (1933. ) - 60% Ukrainians 23% Russians

Wow, “destroying” “Ukrainians”, Stalin for some reason planted MOV everywhere and persecuted the Russian language. Some kind of strange "destruction".

And here's another interesting document for you:

Decree of December 14, 1932 of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On grain procurements in Ukraine, the North Caucasus and in the Western region", quote:

d) Suggest the Central Committee of the CP (b) U and the Council of People's Commissars of Ukraine to pay serious attention to the correct implementation of Ukrainization, to eliminate its mechanical implementation, to expel the Petliura and other bourgeois-nationalist elements from party and Soviet organizations, to carefully select and educate Ukrainian Bolshevik cadres, to ensure systematic party leadership and control over the conduct of ukrainization.

Read - an interesting document. The fight against hunger and (ATTENTION!) Ukrainization are discussed! In the same place, by the way, it is decided to abolish Ukrainization in the Kuban, tk. the local population does not understand MOV well. :)

"Confirm that only persons who speak Ukrainian can be hired, and those who do not own can be accepted only by agreement with the District Commission for Ukrainization. " R-401 op.1, d.82 Presidium of the Luhansk Okr. executive committee: "To confirm to employees that careless attendance at courses and unwillingness to learn Ukrainian language entails their dismissal from service." R-401, op. 1, case 72.

In July 1930, the Presidium of the Stalin Okrug Executive Committee made a decision "to prosecute the leaders of organizations formally related to Ukrainization, who have not found ways to Ukrainize their subordinates, violating the current legislation in the case of Ukrainization." Newspapers, schools, universities, theaters, institutions, inscriptions, signs, etc. have become Ukrainian. In Odessa, where Ukrainian students accounted for less than a third, all schools were Ukrainianized. In 1930, only 3 large Russian-language newspapers remained in Ukraine.

Ukrainization of the Communist Party of Ukraine

Years Party members and candidates Ukrainians Russians others
1922- 54818... 23,3 %...... 53,6 % 23,3 %
1924- 57016... 33,3 %..... 45,1 % 14,0 %
1925- 101852 36,9 %... 43,4 % 19,7 %
1927- 168087 51,9 %.. 30,0 % 18,1 %
1930- 270698 52,9 %.. 29,3 % 17,8 %
1933- 468793 60,0 % .. 23,0 % 17,0 %

It would be a mistake to think that Ukrainization ended in the mid-30s. Yes, it quietly faded away in the Kuban Stavropol Territory and the North Caucasus. But without exception, all the lands that joined the Ukrainian SSR were harshly and mercilessly Ukrainized. In 1939 it turned out that the inhabitants of Galicia were also insufficiently Ukrainianized due to the prevalence of the Polish language. The Jan Kazimir Lviv University was renamed in honor of Ivan Franko and Ukrainianized in the same way as the Lviv Opera, which received the same name. The Soviet government opened new Ukrainian schools en masse and founded new Ukrainian-language newspapers. It's just that here they changed not Russian to Ukrainian, but Polish.

Derusification also took place in Transcarpathia after joining the Ukrainian SSR. About half of the locals, even before the First World War, through the efforts of the Austro-Hungarian authorities, who used the Terezin and Talerhof concentration camps to persuade, chose the Ukrainian identity. The other half of the Rusyns adhered to a general Russian orientation and stubbornly considered Russian their native language. Nevertheless, in 1945 all Rusyns, regardless of their wishes, were called Ukrainians by the Soviet government. Well, there is no need to talk about Crimea, its Ukrainization began as soon as Khrushchev stuck it in the Ukrainian SSR.

I will not bore readers with a list of documents from different years - a few photocopies of newspapers:

"... pay serious attention to the correct implementation of Ukrainization, eliminate its mechanical implementation, expel Petliura and other bourgeois-nationalist elements from party and Soviet organizations, carefully select and educate Ukrainian Bolshevik cadres, ensure systematic party leadership and control over the conduct of Ukrainization"

A smiling girl in Stalin's arms is a symbol of a happy childhood in the USSR.
Gela Markizova from Buryatia, 6 years old.

"In 1936, an event happened that turned my whole life upside down - my dad and I got to see Stalin ..."

The Belarusian documentary filmmaker Anatoly Alai has dreamed all his life of finding the very girl from the poster "Thanks to Comrade Stalin for our happy childhood" that has been engraved in his memory. In 2004 they met. We recorded a 10 minute interview. We agreed to shoot a documentary. And we parted forever. With the permission of Alai, "MK" set out these 10 minutes on paper.

"They dressed me up very nicely - my mother bought me a new sailor suit and gave me shoes, which my father, of course, forgot to change me. I then stood on the podium in felt boots. When we approached the Kremlin, my father was very worried, but the sentry said that the children We went into the hall, all sat down at tables. And then the collective farmers began to speak. These endless speeches lasted a very long time. I was terribly bored. I endured, endured, and then got up and went ...
- Where are you going? - only the party officials who crowded behind the back of the "leader of the peoples" asked the baby.
- To Stalin!
- Well, go, go ...
Joseph Vissarionovich was sitting with his back to me. Voroshilov patted him on the shoulder and said: "They came to you." Stalin turned around and very gladly put me on the presidium table. Voroshilov asked me to give a speech. "This is greetings to you from the children of Buryat-Mongolia," I quickly blurted out. Stalin answered: "Hello" - and took both bouquets ... Then they began to shout: "Kiss him, kiss." I kissed. Everything flashed at once - the correspondents were filming the historical moment ... "
“Then the editor-in-chief of the Pravda newspaper, Lev Mekhlis, exclaimed:“ God himself sent us this little burial! We will make it a living symbol of a happy childhood, ”Anatoly Alai reproduces the historical words left in the chroniclers' record.

And they did. Millions of propaganda posters depicting Stalin and Geli were distributed throughout the country.

"I was greeted like cosmonauts later."... "The next day, when I went to the hotel lobby, I saw that all the newspapers published a portrait of this girl with Stalin. So I became very famous. Everyone brought me gifts. The room was just full of toys ..."

For ten minutes of confession to the director Engelsina Ardanovna will make a reservation several times: she will say "that girl" instead of "me". Or maybe it was not a slip of the tongue - for six decades she had already tightly separated herself from that girl in the photo.
Gela Markizova becomes a real idol of all Soviet children. Sales of blue and white sailors, such as Geli in the photo, are growing exponentially. Parents take their children to the hairdresser with only one request - "cut your hair like the girl in the photo with Stalin." A six-year-old toddler who touched the legend was bathed in glory.

"The return to Ulan-Ude was triumphant - they greeted me like cosmonauts later. I was invited to all presidiums. I was very popular for a year and a half ..."

On the wave of fame of the Buryat girl, the famous sculptor Georgy Lavrov creates a sculptural composition "Stalin and Gel".
- The widow of Georgy Dmitrievich told me that as soon as the sculpture was ready, they made three million copies, - recalls the documentary filmmaker Anatoly Alai.

In 1937, his father, the People's Commissar of Agriculture of the Buryat ASSR, was arrested:
"In October-November 1937, a bourgeois-nationalist, anti-Soviet, pan-Mongolian organization was liquidated on the territory of the Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. It was carrying out insurrectionary, sabotage activities on the instructions of Japanese intelligence ... One of the leaders of this organization was the Marquis ... Under the leadership of Markizov, great sabotage was carried out in the zootechnical construction, as a result of which the cattle were exposed to colds and deaths. The departure of young animals amounted to 40,000 heads ... "

“Under my mother’s dictation, I wrote a letter to Stalin. I wrote that my father was a party member, a participant in the Civil War. I wrote that I was at his reception. And I signed it to the Kremlin. To Stalin…”

On June 2, 1938, Ardan Markizov will be shot, shot - the entire Buryat government. Gela and her mother will be sent into exile in Turkestan.

The leader could not hug the daughter of the enemy - Mamlakat Nakhangova, a pioneer Stakhanovka, who was the first to learn to pick cotton with both hands, was selected for the role of Geli.

Throughout the Union, they begin to interrupt the inscriptions on the Lavrovsk sculptures. Now the pedestal does not say "Stalin and Gela", but "Stalin and Mamlakat," explains Alai. - Lavrov's widow said that Mamlakat was even brought to her husband's workshop, photographed, and then given this "forgery" in the newspapers. The caption under the frame was something like this: the matured Mamlakat came to look at "her" sculptural portrait with the father of nations. And the fact that Mamlakat was already 13 years old by this time does not matter. We can say that with Stalin, Nakhangova was photographed in early childhood.

In 1938, Geli's mother unexpectedly dies. “I found out the truth after I looked at her case with the FSB. There I found one document that finally revealed the secret of her death. The head of the NKVD of Turkestan sends a request to Beria with the following content:“ Here is the exiled Markizova, who keeps gifts from Stalin and five portraits of her daughter with the leader. What to do? "And on the side in blue pencil it is written very clearly:" ELIMINATE. "Then it became clear to me that she did not commit suicide - she was simply eliminated, killed. She was found in the hospital with a slit throat ..."

Of the witnesses to Gelina's happy debut, only one person remains alive by 1938 - the sculptor Georgy Lavrov. He could easily expose the substitution - and 15 years in the camps.

The widow of Georgy Dmitrievich, during our conversation with her, recalled that at night a "funnel" drove up to their house, the apartment was thoroughly searched, and some French catalogs were found. Allegedly prohibited. And the sculptor was taken away, - Anatoly Alai retells the conversation with Lavrov's wife. - Then for a long time he could not understand why he was taken. I told my wife that it was a mistake. That they were about to sort it out and let him go.

"If something happens to me, take your brother and go to Moscow - to your aunt," as if anticipating her fate, as Geli's mother repeated the spell before her death. The girl did just that.
“Our relatives lived in Moscow at that time: Sergey Dorbeev and his wife, a girl, only 12 years older than her mother,” explains Lola Komarova. “Despite all the danger, they adopted a mother.

Since that moment, no one has heard anything about Gela Markizova. Now she had a new surname - Engelsina Dorbeeva. New patronymic. A new life ... About what happened in the past, the stepfather ordered to be silent. And the girl herself already understood what was in this world.

Grandpa - as I called Sergei Dorbeev - then sacrificed his career for his mother, - explains Lola Erikovna. - At that time, he was an employee of the NKVD in some minor position, like a caretaker. No, he was not fired. It was just that, despite all its potential, they did not give a raise. Until the end of his life, he remained a caretaker.

"After the death of my mother, my life was completely invisible. I was completely excommunicated from this portrait. Nobody needed to tell that it was me. Because no one would have believed it. I practically forgot about this episode and lived like an ordinary Soviet person ..."

“We studied at the same faculty. I knew that she was Stalin’s daughter. And she knew that I was the girl who was at her father’s reception. But we didn’t try to get closer to her. If our fathers are enemies, why we can communicate with her ... "

After the history faculty, I got married to a Soviet cultural attaché in India. Again, public life, communication with the powerful. Her pictures with Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Khrushchev went around many newspapers.

As soon as any delegation arrived, it was taken out to be photographed. She was so beautiful that any party biscuit softened under the spell of her smile, explains Anatoly Alai.

She willingly took pictures with politicians. But she did not admit to anyone that the main photograph in her life had already been taken. In 1936.

Mom really wanted to tell the truth about her fate, but she could not. She was not interested, she was forgotten. The first person to unearth this story was a German journalist. It was in the midst of perestroika, - recalls daughter Lola. - Therefore, when my mother saw the director Anatoly Alai on the threshold of her apartment, she was delighted in earnest.

I only had 300 meters of film with me. We shot a test take and agreed on a second interview - a longer one. I returned to Minsk for the film. And when I called Engelsina Ardanovna again to warn about my arrival, I heard from my son: "Mom is dead." She really wanted to look even more beautiful on TV and went to Turkey to get tanned. She was found on a sun lounger without movement. Doctors have not established the cause of death. After the first and last interview, Engelsina Ardanovna firmly decided to restore her name. She called Mamlakat Nakhangova to dot the i's. But the conversation didn't work out. The most famous pioneer of the country, who stole the face of a girl in a sailor's jacket on a whim, did not want to communicate.

Markizova-Cheshkova Engelsina (Gel) Ardanovna (b.1931). Daughter of the Minister of Agriculture of the Buryat-Mongolian autonomous republic Ardan Angadykovich Markizov, who in January 1936 was one of the leaders of the delegation from Buryat-Mongolia that arrived from Ulan-Ude to Moscow. On January 27, at a meeting with the government in the Kremlin, A.A. Markizov and his wife (then a student at the Moscow Medical Institute) took their daughter Gela with them (completely - Engelsin, in honor of F. Engels).
Stalin gave Gela as a gift a commemorative medal with the inscription "From the Leader of Stalin's Party to Gele Markizova."
They say the girl wrote a letter to Stalin, but he did not answer (Soviet culture. 1988. December 1). In the USSR, legal acts have already entered into force (like the law of March 30, 1935) on the punishment of family members of traitors to the motherland and a decree of April 7 of the same year, extending all punishment, including the death penalty, to children from 12 years of age ( True. 1935. April 8).

In September 1937, all members of the Buryat regional party committee were expelled from the party and arrested "as leaders and patrons of bourgeois nationalists and spies." The newspaper "Buryat-Mongolskaya Pravda" published more and more revelations in almost every issue. One of the articles was called "Llamas - agents of Japanese intelligence" (1938, March 3). Following this, the datsans began to be closed; virtually all Tibetan medicine specialists were repressed as "representatives of the counter-revolutionary clergy and spies."

In the book of M. Djilas "The Face of Totalitarianism" (Moscow, 1992), Stalin's review of F.M. Dostoevsky: " Great writer, - and a great reactionary. We do not publish it because it affects young people badly. "

Used materials of the book: Torchinov V.A., Leontyuk A.M. Around Stalin. Historical and biographical reference book. Saint Petersburg, 2000\u003d\u003d 3D8603 & h \u003d 423 & w \u003d 300 & sz \u003d 25 & tbnid \u003d 3J9TDs7f2dCZnM: & tbnh \u003d 126 & tbnw \u003d 89 & prev \u003d / images% 3Fq% 3D% 25D1% 2584% 25D0% 25BE% 25D1% 2582% 25D0% 25BE1% 25D1% 2582% 25D0% 25BE1% 25BE% 2B % 25B0% 25D0% 25BB% 25D0% 25B8% 25D0% 25BD% 25D0% 25B0% 2B% 25D0% 25BD% 25D1% 2580% 25D0% 25B0% 25D0% 25B6% 25D0% 25B4% 25D0% 25B0% 25D0% 25BD% 25D1 % 2581% 25D0% 25BA% 25D0% 25B0% 25D1% 258F% 2B% 25D0% 25B2% 25D1% 2580% 25D0% 25B9% 25D0% 25BD% 25D0% 25B0 & usg \u003d __ JIIYUiU5Cy04z_IqMhTsIVs & image & cjVTO \u003d safi_IqMhTsIVs & image & cjVTO \u003d 7 \u003d 0CBkQ9QEwBg

) that the current neobanderites should pray to the founding fathers of the USSR, who divided the state along ethnic lines. Yes, the idea was not theirs, and even the first steps on this path were taken by the Austro-Hungarians with the Poles in Galicia. But it was the Bolsheviks who did not let these seedlings dry out.

On the contrary, they cared for and cherished, seated and defended the party of the dictatorship of the proletariat by merciless force. I don't even want to argue that it was justified by objective conditions - this is not the point. The main thing is that this is the handiwork of the Bolsheviks of the Stalinist period in the first place.

Yes, Ukrainization began even before Lenin's death. The same Stalin back in 1921 at X Congress of the RCP (b) declared: “... Recently it was said that the Ukrainian republic and Ukrainian nationality are an invention of the Germans. Meanwhile, it is clear that ukrainian nationality exists, and the development of its culture is the duty of the communists ... You can't go against history. It is clear that if in the cities of Ukraine, Russian elements still prevail, then over time these cities will inevitably be Ukrainianized ».

But even after Lenin's death nothing changed, and the brochure "On the Right of Nations to Self-Determination" was not burned. On the contrary, the USSR was built from a "union of nations" with the right to secede from the USSR. Moreover, when after the Victory it was possible to transform the USSR into a single state with a "new community of Soviet people" - this was also not done.

So it was the party and it was in the USSR that created the Ukrainians as a nation, in fact, Little Russia turned into a huge, full-fledged founding state of the UN, gathered all the territories into this state up to the Crimea in its composition and, in a Stalinist manner, rigidly and uncompromisingly implanted the Ukrainian language even where he was not born.

Historical fact - there were no "Ukrainians" in RI! Look at any census. You will find there all the peoples of the empire, except for one ... In order not to be unfounded (RI 1897 census: http: // There were no Ukrainians in neighboring countries either. There were Russians or Rusyns, Ruthenians, Little Russians, whoever. There were no Ukrainians until the First World War even in the United States and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which just on its territory in Galicia raised the Ukrainians from the Rusyns (fortunately, the Polish backlog was made along the way). We must pay tribute to the Russian Empire, in which the "Ukrainians" were fashionable and popular (remember the reburial of Shevchenko).

However, only World War II started official Ukrainization. Pay attention to the passport of the newspaper # 61 dated October 13, 1914 and compare the passport of the next number 62 for October 15, 1914.

But these were only beginnings.

Unsuccessful attempts to split the warring Russian Empire. And even all sorts of UNR Hrushevsky, Hetmanats of Skoropadsky and Petliura's Directory were not crowned with success. With the end of the civil war, the winners could replay everything - and the attempt to create the Donetsk-Kryvyi Rih Republic is just one example of a different construction. But for the reasons that I wrote about in the previous article (), the Bolsheviks followed the principle of national division of the USSR.

It was the most cruel and all-encompassing of Ukrainizations - Yushchenko is resting (in total, under the USSR, there were at least three waves of Ukrainizations with all the secretaries general, except for the little-ruled Andropov and Chernenko). It was in the USSR that the population of the Ukrainian SSR and the adjacent territories of the RSFSR learned that they were "Ukrainians". Stalin did not "destroy" the "Ukrainians" - he created them!

In 1923, at the XII Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), Stalin, in accordance with Lenin's ideas, made a decision on "indigenization" - replacing the Russian language with local national languages \u200b\u200bin administration, education and culture. In Ukraine, as well as in the Kuban, in the Stavropol Territory, part of the North Caucasus, Kursk and Voronezh regions, such indigenization was officially called Ukrainization.

The very same Hrushevsky, the head of the UPR from Galicia, already favored by the Soviet regime, wrote: « about 50 thousand people moved to the Ukrainian SSR from Galicia with wives and families, young people, men. Many Galicians work in the apparatus of the People's Commissariat for Education of Ukraine. M.I. Yavorsky, K. I. Konik, M. L. Baran; A. I. Badan-Yavorenko and then Zozulyak were the learned secretaries of the People's Commissariat of Education; the personal secretary of Skrypnik was a Galician N. V. Erstenyuk.

Together with them, 400 officers of the former Galician army were discharged from the then Polish Galicia to the Ukrainian SSR, led by G. Kossak, the uncle of Zenon Kossak, who became the author of 44 rules of life for a Ukrainian nationalist. I can imagine how delighted Piłsudski & Co. was.

From Gorky's letter to the Ukrainian writer A. Slesarenko: “Dear Alexey Makarovich! I am categorically against the reduction of the story "Mother". It seems to me that the translation of this story into the Ukrainian dialect is also unnecessary. I am very surprised by the fact that people, setting one and the same goal, not only assert the difference of adverbs - they strive to make the adverb a "language", but also oppress those Great Russians who find themselves a minority in the area of \u200b\u200bthis dialect. "

IN 1930 in Ukraine, 68.8% of newspapers were published by Soviet authorities in Ukrainianlanguage, in 1932 there were already 87.5%. In 1925-26. 45.8% of the books published by the communists in Ukraine were published in Ukrainian, by 1932 this figure was 76.9%. There was no market, the growth and distribution of circulations was purely a party matter and was not dictated by demand.

Here is a quote from the decision of the 4th plenum of the Donetsk regional committee of the CP (b) U: “ Strictly observe the Ukrainization of Soviet bodies,resolutely fighting all attempts of enemies to weaken Ukrainization. " The decision was made in October 1934.

And six months before that, in April, the same regional committee made a strong-willed decision “On the language of city and regional newspapers of Donbass”. In pursuance of the party's decisions on Ukrainization, the Donetsk residents decided to completely translate 23 out of 36 local newspapers into Ukrainian, 8 more had to print at least two-thirds of the information in Ukrainian, 3 in Greco-Hellenic and only TWO newspapers (!) In the region were decided leave in Russian.

Before the revolution, there were 7 Ukrainian schools in the Donbass. In 1923, the People's Commissariat of Education of Ukraine ordered the Ukrainianization of 680 schools in the region within three years.

But the peak of the Ukrainianization of education here fell precisely in 1932-33! As of December 1, 1932, out of 2,239 schools in Donbass, 1,760 (or 78.6%) were Ukrainian, another 207 (9.2%) were mixed Russian-Ukrainian.

By 1933, the last Russian-language pedagogical technical schools were closed. In the 1932-33 academic year in the Russian-speaking Makeyevka there was not a SINGLE Russian-speaking class in elementary school, which caused violent protests from parents. This year, no more than 26% of the region's pupils could study in Russian.

Party organs (well, yes, of the very party that are now trying to be accused of genocide of the Ukrainian people) have also been actively Ukrainianized. If in 1925 the ratio of Ukrainians and Russians in the CP (b) U was 36.9% by 43.4%, in 1930 - 52.9% by 29.3%, then in the peak year of the "Holodomor" (1933. ) - 60% Ukrainians 23% Russians

Wow, “destroying” “Ukrainians”, Stalin for some reason planted MOV everywhere and persecuted the Russian language. Some kind of strange "destruction".

And here's another interesting document for you:

Decree of December 14, 1932 of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On grain procurements in Ukraine, the North Caucasus and in the Western region", quote:

d) Suggest the Central Committee of the CP (b) U and the Council of People's Commissars of Ukraine to pay serious attention to the correct implementation of Ukrainization, to eliminate its mechanical implementation, to expel the Petliura and other bourgeois-nationalist elements from party and Soviet organizations, to carefully select and educate Ukrainian Bolshevik cadres, to ensure systematic party leadership and control over the conduct of ukrainization.

Read - an interesting document. The fight against hunger and (ATTENTION!) Ukrainization are discussed! In the same place, by the way, it is decided to abolish Ukrainization in the Kuban. the local population does not understand MOV well. :)

"Confirm that only persons who speak Ukrainian can be hired, and those who do not own can be accepted only by agreement with the District Commission for Ukrainization. " R-401 op.1, d.82 Presidium of the Luhansk Okr. executive committee: "To confirm to employees that careless attendance at courses and unwillingness to learn Ukrainian language entails their dismissal from service." R-401, op. 1, case 72.

In July 1930, the Presidium of the Stalin Okrug Executive Committee made a decision "to prosecute the leaders of organizations formally related to Ukrainization, who have not found ways to Ukrainize their subordinates, violating the current legislation in the case of Ukrainization." Newspapers, schools, universities, theaters, institutions, inscriptions, signs, etc. have become Ukrainian. In Odessa, where Ukrainian students accounted for less than a third, all schools were Ukrainianized. In 1930, only 3 large Russian-language newspapers remained in Ukraine.

Ukrainization of the Communist Party of Ukraine

Years Party members and candidates Ukrainians Russians others
1922- 54818... 23,3 %...... 53,6 % 23,3 %
1924- 57016... 33,3 %..... 45,1 % 14,0 %
1925- 101852 36,9 %... 43,4 % 19,7 %
1927- 168087 51,9 %.. 30,0 % 18,1 %
1930- 270698 52,9 %.. 29,3 % 17,8 %
1933- 468793 60,0 % .. 23,0 % 17,0 %

It would be a mistake to think that Ukrainization ended in the mid-30s. Yes, it quietly faded away in the Kuban Stavropol Territory and the North Caucasus. But without exception, all the lands that joined the Ukrainian SSR were harshly and mercilessly Ukrainized. In 1939 it turned out that the inhabitants of Galicia were also insufficiently Ukrainianized due to the prevalence of the Polish language. The Jan Kazimir Lviv University was renamed in honor of Ivan Franko and Ukrainianized in the same way as the Lviv Opera, which received the same name. The Soviet government opened new Ukrainian schools en masse and founded new Ukrainian-language newspapers. It's just that here they changed not Russian to Ukrainian, but Polish.

Derusification also took place in Transcarpathia after joining the Ukrainian SSR. About half of the locals, even before the First World War, through the efforts of the Austro-Hungarian authorities, who used the Terezin and Talerhof concentration camps to persuade, chose the Ukrainian identity. The other half of the Rusyns adhered to a general Russian orientation and stubbornly considered Russian their native language. Nevertheless, in 1945 all Rusyns, regardless of their wishes, were called Ukrainians by the Soviet government. Well, there is no need to talk about Crimea, its Ukrainization began as soon as Khrushchev stuck it in the Ukrainian SSR.

I will not bore readers with a list of documents from different years - a few photocopies of newspapers:

"... pay serious attention to the correct implementation of Ukrainization, eliminate its mechanical implementation, expel Petliura and other bourgeois-nationalist elements from party and Soviet organizations, carefully select and educate Ukrainian Bolshevik cadres, ensure systematic party leadership and control over the conduct of Ukrainization"
Here is such x ..., little kids.

Thanks to Comrade Stalin for our happy childhood!
For the first time this phrase sounded in 1936 as a slogan carried by the participants of the physical culture parade on Red Square. Subsequently, this expression sounded every time the topics "Stalin and children", "Stalin and youth", etc. arose.
On September 23, 1937, the newspaper Pravda published an editorial entitled "Happy Children of the Stalinist Era", which included the words "Thank you Comrade Stalin for a happy childhood." This publication (the editorial in Pravda expressed the official position of the authorities) finally consolidated this phrase in the political use of that time.
Used: ironically (with the appropriate name change) as a playfully exaggerated gratitude for something.

  • - Installed in Sverdl. from the end. 1920s. They were made of fragile materials and were temporary. The first monumental images of Stalin appeared in the form of huge shields mounted on the buildings of Sverdl ...

    Yekaterinburg (encyclopedia)

  • - Happy childhood! - about children's age in general. Wed Jedes Kinderherz ist ein Stückchen Paradies. Fliegende Blätter. No. 2332. S. 211. Cf. O selig, o selig, ein Kind noch zu sein. S. Reger Alb. Gust. Lortzing. Zar und Zimmermann. 3, 14 ...

    (original spelling)

  • - Happy misfortune. Wed I wish you to doze in the unhappy one. Griboedov. Woe is out of mind. 4, 14. See What I don't know, I don't miss that ...
  • - From the ode "God" by Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin. Jokingly and ironically about something big, significant, which makes itself felt in small details, reflections ...

    Dictionary of winged words and expressions

  • - you have to pay for the work, and not just express gratitude ...

    Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions

  • - you have to pay for the work, and not just express gratitude ...

    Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions

  • - about childhood generally Wed. Jedes Kinderherz ist ein Stückchen Paradies. Fliegende Blätter. No. 2332. S. 211. Cf. O selig, o selig, ein Kind noch zu sein. S. Reger Alb. Gust. Lortzing. Zar und Zimmermann. 3, 14 ...

    Explanatory phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - Wed I wish you a happy nap in ignorance. Griboyedov. Woe from wit. 4, 14. See what I don't know, I don't miss that ...

    Explanatory phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - See OWN -...
  • - See OWN -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Russian proverbs

  • - See OWN -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Russian proverbs

  • - It's not our business to sharpen the staff, our business to sip from the staff ...

    IN AND. Dahl. Russian proverbs

  • - See WORK -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Russian proverbs

  • - See HAPPINESS -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Russian proverbs

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 rutted ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Thanks to Comrade Stalin for our happy childhood!" in books

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