The main directions contributing to the development of pedagogical skills. Ways to form and implement pedagogical skills. Pedagogical technique, its components

Report on the topic "Ways of forming pedagogical skills"

Over the past few years, the Russian education system has undergone dramatic changes. The federal state educational standard of the second generation has firmly entered the life of the entire educational process. He clearly defined what the state wants to see the graduate in general educational institution, and what is the role of the teacher in this. It should be noted that the requirements of the second generation FSES to the teacher are quite high. To fit necessary qualities, the teacher must constantly improve his pedagogical skills.

The relevance of the chosen topic is associated with the lack of awareness of teachers, especially young specialists, about the ways of developing pedagogical skills and lies in the need to generalize the experience of specialists.

An important place in the current realities of the educational process is occupied by the issue of the formation of pedagogical skills. The formation of a student as a comprehensively developed personality is a complex process and requires from the teacher not only deep knowledge, various abilities, a creative approach, but also constant self-improvement. as a creative person. Pedagogical excellence presupposes the formation and use of an individual and original style of activity by the teacher, which is distinguished by its expediency.

The main characteristics of the skill of teachers are also considered to be the ability to present complex problems in an accessible form, to captivate everyone with their subject, to direct the active activity of students towards the creative search for knowledge. In modern realities, an educational institution needs master teachers, highly qualified teachers and educators.

The well-known teacher Anton Semyonovich Makarenko argued that pedagogical skills are not a property of only talented people. The teacher achieves mastery after several years of work. 1 Accelerating the process of achieving pedagogical excellence is possible only with the right choice of a future teacher of his profession, as well as with mastering the system of necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, the formation of professionally important qualities, abilities and, most importantly, readiness for pedagogical activity. pedagogical skills. But, for a start, let's consider the stages of its formation:

Stage I - professional education. It begins in high school, when students are already seriously thinking about their future profession. At this stage, thanks to information received from teachers, parents, from the media, attitudes towards a particular specialty are formed, and students begin to prepare for admission to the relevant educational institutions.

Stage II - professional selection. It begins with training in secondary and higher educational institutions, where students acquire professionally necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Stage III - professional adaptation. It is associated with the pedagogical practice of students, during which they check the accuracy of theoretical knowledge in practice and strengthen their skills. We can say that there is a kind of "fitting" of the chosen profession to themselves by the students, as a result of which they make a conclusion about the correctness or incorrectness of their choice.

Stage IV - professional growth. It starts with the independent activity of young specialists. During its independent professional work they apply previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, gradually develop their pedagogical skills. This stage is long and its success depends on many factors. A young specialist must understand that his professional development as a teacher does not end within the walls of the pedagogical educational institution, it continues throughout the entire period of professional activity. For the formation of pedagogical skills, he will need to master the amount of knowledge, skills, abilities, to develop his personal qualities.

Thus, having become acquainted with the stages of the formation of pedagogical skill, it can be noted that its formation begins already at stage 1, when a young person is only determined with the choice of a profession and occurs throughout the entire pedagogical activity of a teacher.

Based on the analyzed experience of the outstanding teacher Makarenko, teachers Azarov, Khozyainov, we highlight the following ways of forming pedagogical skills:

1. Professional self-education and self-education. It should be noted that neither self-education nor self-education is impossible until the teacher himself sees gaps in general pedagogical knowledge, until he understands the insufficiency of his pedagogical skills. Before starting to work on oneself, the teacher must analyze his work for a certain period of time, collect recommendations from colleagues to improve their activities. This, once again, is proved by the experience of outstanding teachers - Sukhomlinsky, Makarenko, Amonashvilli, who achieved noticeable success in their professional activities through continuous systematic work on themselves, and who began work on self-improvement with an in-depth analysis of their own pedagogical practice, with the establishment of the reasons for both successes and failures. Analyzing the results and the process of his own activity, the teacher makes reflection, without which he will not be able to approach pedagogical skills. Having identified your pedagogical flaws and omissions, it is recommended to draw up a plan for working on yourself: a maximum plan for a long period of time and a minimum plan for a day, week or month.

In my opinion, in self-education and self-development the teacher will be helped by several principles that were highlighted by the founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia - Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky: calmness, directness, deliberate actions, decisiveness, not to talk about oneself unnecessarily, not a single word, not to spend time unconsciously, everyone evening conscientiously give yourself an account of your actions, do not brag. 2

2. Advanced training and retraining in postgraduate education institutions. Advanced training is understood as a type of additional professional education aimed at forming the employee's readiness to perform more complex tasks. Professional development is at the same time one of the forms of mastering better experience aimed at improving professional work. The main goal of improving the qualifications of teachers is to establish a correspondence between the level of their readiness to implement the tasks facing the school, the constantly growing social requirements for his personality and activities, and the level of modern scientific knowledge that form the basis of management processes in the education system.

Continuity of professional education of a teacher is a necessary prerequisite for the development of his creative abilities and a condition for the continuous development of individual pedagogical experience. If the teacher takes an active position and strives to additional education, then the growth of his professional skills is more intensive.

3. Work in methodological associations, creative groups. One of the important conditions for the formation of professional skills of a teacher is a well-organized system of methodological work at school, as a part of the system of lifelong education.

4. Certification of a teacher. The certification of teachers is carried out once every five years at the personal request of the teacher. The teacher himself determines the category and form of certification: a demonstration of extracurricular activities with students, a series of lessons, a creative report, an "exam" according to a specific program, defense of experimental or scientific and methodological development. The certification gives the teacher additional motivation to improve in their teaching skills. After all, it is known that it is motivation that is designed to improve the quality of work, efficiency, the level of services provided, improve the microclimate in the institution, as well as help achieve professional goals, give a positive perspective, train teaching staff for innovation, increase self-esteem and, ultimately, prevent outflow specialists.

5. Innovative pedagogical activity, the development of new pedagogical technologies. Innovative pedagogical activity is based on the understanding of practical pedagogical experience and is focused on changing and developing the educational process in order to achieve higher results, gain new knowledge, and form a qualitatively different pedagogical practice. 3 Innovative activity helps the teacher not to stagnate in place. Look for new ways and solutions to old questions and problems. Acquaintance with innovative activities helps the teacher to make the conducted classes more diverse and interesting.

6. Participation in scientific and pedagogical research (training in magistracy and postgraduate studies, work in an experimental group under the guidance of a scientist-teacher). Research activity is a leading factor in improving the pedagogical skills of a teacher, since it brings professional activity to the level of scientific creativity and affects the development of sustainable motivation for continuous professional improvement. Improving pedagogical skills is carried out in the process of developing research skills and abilities: from the creative use of the achievements of modern psychological and pedagogical science to the development and implementation of their own techniques, methods, technologies in pedagogical activity.

Participation in professional competitions gives the teacher the opportunity: to study the experience of colleagues, to realize their creative potential, to develop their own abilities, to establish new contacts at a professional level, to increase the authority in the teaching staff.

8. Broadcast of their own teaching experience. The transfer of accumulated knowledge is a kind of moment of reflection. The teacher systematizes his experience and knowledge, highlights the main aspects, as a result of which it turns out qualitatively New Product- article, development, program. Thus, passing on his pedagogical experience, the teacher not only earns pedagogical authority, but also renews the existing knowledge.

All these paths are interconnected, they must be used regularly, continuously, purposefully. Do not forget that none of the listed methods will be effective if the teacher himself does not realize the need to improve his own professional competence. This implies the need to motivate and create favorable conditions for pedagogical growth.


    Azarov, Yu.P. Secrets of pedagogical skill / Yu.P. Azarov. - M .: MPSI, 2010 .-- 432 p.

    Belyaev, V.I. Pedagogy of A.S. Makarenko: traditions and innovation / V.I. Belyaev. - M .: MIUPU, 2006 .-- 516s.

    Kotova I.B. Pedagogical interaction / I.B. Kotova, E.N. Shiyanov. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2013 .-- 298p.

    Neudakhina, N.A. Fundamentals of pedagogical skills / N.A. Neudakhina. - Barnaul: AltSTU, 2012 .-- 152 p.

    Slastenin, V.A. Pedagogy / V. A. Slastenin, I. F. Isaev, E. N. Shiyanov. - M .: Academy, 2009 .-- 510s.

    Hozyainov, G.I. Pedagogical skill of the teacher / G.I. Hosts .- M .: Higher. shk., 2010. - 201p.

1 Belyaev V.I. "Pedagogy of A.S. Makarenko: Traditions and Innovation". - M .: MIUPU. 2006.S. 312.

2 Neudakhina N.A. "Fundamentals of Pedagogical Excellence". - Barnaul: AltSTU. 2012.S. 64.

3 Azarov Yu.P. "Secrets of Pedagogical Skill". - M .: MPSI. 2010.S. 211.

  • 5. Musical abilities, their structure, factors of formation and development.
  • 6.Formation and development of musical abilities
  • 7.Creativity-
  • 8.Social and pedagogical character of human artistic activity.
  • 9. Diagnostics of musical abilities: techniques, methods, techniques.
  • 10. Tests of creativity as a method for diagnosing creativity
  • 11. Ideas of musical and aesthetic education in ancient times (up to the 5th century)
  • 12. Musical education in the Middle Ages
  • 13. Musical education in Europe during the Renaissance
  • 14. Musical education in Europe during the Enlightenment
  • 15. Musical and aesthetic education in Western European states and Russia in the 19-20 centuries
  • 16. Musical and aesthetic education in the Belarusian lands during the Renaissance and Enlightenment
  • 17. Modern systems of professional music education and music education in Belarus.
  • 5) The system of advanced training (Bel. Ipk).
  • 18. Modern world systems of musical upbringing and education.
  • 19. Regularities and principles of music education and upbringing.
  • 20. Goals and objectives of music education and upbringing.
  • 21. The content of music education, its structure
  • 22. Methods of music teaching, their classification and use in the professional activity of a music teacher.
  • 23. The method of problem learning.
  • 24. Means of musical education and their classification.
  • 25. Forms of organizing the study of musical disciplines. Types and types of music lessons.
  • 26. Typical structure of a traditional music lesson at the initial stage of education and the motivation for its change.
  • 27. Control and assessment of special artistic knowledge, skills and abilities of students at the initial stage of education.
  • 28. Basic requirements for a modern music lesson. Implementation of interdisciplinary connections in the process of musical education at the initial stage of education.
  • 30. The content, structure and ways of forming the pedagogical skill of the teacher-musician.
  • 31. Implementation of general pedagogical and special abilities of a music teacher in various types of professional activities.
  • 32. Pedagogical technique as a form of organizing the behavior of a teacher-musician in the educational process.
  • 33. The concept and effectiveness of pedagogical interaction in music lessons.
  • 2.Monological
  • 34. The pedagogical tact of the teacher-musician and the conditions for his development.
  • 35. Persuasion as a way of communicative influence of a teacher-musician on students
  • 36. Pedagogical communication, its functions and styles
  • 37. Suggestion as a way of the teacher's communicative influence
  • 38 Essence and structure of musicality
  • 39. Specificity of musical and pedagogical activity
  • 40. Principles of pedagogy of cooperation in the professional activity of a teacher-musician.
  • 41. Scientific organization of work of a teacher-musician and the culture of pedagogical work
  • 43. The embodiment of the pedagogical skill of the teacher-musician.
  • 44. Ways of forming the pedagogical skill of a teacher-musician (PM)
  • 45. The technique of speech of a teacher-musician
  • 47. Plan for the analysis of a lesson in music disciplines
  • 48. Types of mono lessons in music teaching
  • 49. Principles of musical education, their classification
  • 50. Musical training and its functions
  • Objective ones include: the technology of the relationship, the personality of the pupil.

    Subjective: pedagogical technique, culture of feelings, the influence of the personality and authority of the teacher. The main components of the ped. skill:

    1. the humanistic orientation of the teacher's personality will be manifested in ideals, interests, value orientations, which will ensure the humanistic orientation of the entire activity of the teacher. Humanism manifests itself in the following provisions: - reliance on all the good that is in the pupil; - the inadmissibility of insulting or humiliating a person; - lack of humiliating criticism, irony, rough value judgments.

    2. Professional knowledge is the foundation of ped. mastery and must be intertwined with knowledge in related fields. Acting in the form of DOS. links: - special. knowledge; - knowledge of pedagogy and psychology; - knowledge of the method of presentation of the material.

    3. Pedagogical abilities indicate the peculiarities of the course of psychological processes that contribute to the success of the ped. activities, the ability to feel the student, intuition, etc.

    4. Pedagogical technique - learning to manage your own behavior, facial expressions, pantomime, mood, speech culture, voice training, the beauty of language, the ability to influence the individual and the collective. Ped. tact allows you to regulate the relationship of people, a measure of the appropriateness of the impact of the teacher on his pupils. Communication style: democratic, authoritarian, liberal.

    Ways of formation: 1. self-education, development, upbringing. 2. regular professional development.

    31. Implementation of general pedagogical and special abilities of a music teacher in various types of professional activities.

    The success of the learning process depends on the pedagogical abilities of the teacher. Unlike any activity where a person deals with inanimate objects, each teacher is highly dependent on the object of his work, i.e. students. Teaching is a complex mental act of a creative nature. Therefore, in any pedagogical activity, it is always possible to single out direct, immediate results - what the student has learned, and long-term results - how the process of education and upbringing affected the formation of the personality, her convictions, choice of profession, the most professional level, personal life. Types of music-ped. activities: 1. Pedagogical. 2. Performing. 3. Research. 4.Musicology. 5. Methodical. 6.Educational.

    All of these activities should focus on the creative nature of the implementation that is associated with ped. giftedness. Structure of Pedagogical Gratitude:

    1 .Didactic ability- the ability expressed in the need to transfer knowledge to others and find ways to assimilate them. Pedagogical. giftedness is not always combined with great performing talent and skill. At the same time, comprehension of one's skills is the reason and guarantee of improving one's own performing skills. Didactic abilities in muses. pedagogy are: - in a consistent generalization of theory and practice; - in a complex set of pedagogical qualities of a teacher, which includes the ability to combine in his speech, demonstration and explanation of accessibility with amusement, persuasiveness with passion for music. 2 .Perceptual abilities- the teacher's ability to perceive and understand the psychology of the teacher, which helps to determine his cognitive, emotional, technical and pop qualities. The basis of perceptual ability is: pedagogical observation - a necessary component of ped. giftedness. 3 .Constructive ability Is the ability to foresee and project the development of an uch-ka. They allow planning and directing music-performing. development of the uch-ka. Constructive abilities are combined with personality traits such as independence and independence of thought. as in all types of creativity in ped. intuition plays an exceptional role in the process.

    4 .Express abilities- is the ability to convince and lead teachers. Stacked ped. experience, confidence in their actions, a taste for the search for new methods of teaching and courage in their implementation arises. The personal qualities of the teacher, his authority - this is the basis of the psychological impact on the teacher. the soil, a necessary condition for the functioning of the teacher's suttestative abilities is the receptivity and suggestibility of those to whom they are directed. 5 .communication skills Is the ability to communicate. Ped. the process is a two-way process. His productivity is the higher, the better contact is formed between the teacher and the student. The structure of the teacher's personality also includes such opposite qualities as ped. will and comfort (compliance). In the absence of pedagogical will, the most talented ideas remain unrealized. an important component of communication skills is ped. tact (touch). To ped. abilities include the organizational skills and artistry of the teacher. For success in ped. activity, in addition to giftedness, it is necessary to possess certain skills and abilities. The passive way of acquiring them is the accumulation of ped. experience.

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    Pedagogical excellence and ways of its formation

    Moscow 2010

    pedagogical teacher educational educational


    1. Pedagogical excellence and its meaning. Features of teaching excellence

    Pedagogical excellence is a high level of professional activity of a teacher. Outwardly, it manifests itself in the successful creative solution of a wide variety of pedagogical tasks, in the effective achievement of the methods and goals of educational work.

    Its more specific external indicators are: high level of performance, quality of the teacher's work; expedient, adequate to pedagogical situations, actions of the teacher; achievement of the results of training, education, independent work of students; the development of their ability to study independently, to acquire knowledge, to involve them in independent research.

    From the inside, pedagogical excellence is a functioning system of knowledge, skills, abilities, mental processes, personality traits, ensuring the fulfillment of pedagogical tasks. In this regard, pedagogical skill is an expression of the teacher's personality, his abilities to independently, creatively, skillfully engage in pedagogical activities.

    The inner side of pedagogical skill includes knowledge, skills, abilities, professionally important qualities of a teacher, a positive attitude towards pedagogical work, interest and love for it, pedagogical and organizational abilities, character traits that are adequate to the requirements of the profession, manifestations of temperament, features of mental processes, psychological readiness (long-term and situational) to the activity.

    Since upbringing, teaching, leadership are in the teacher's activities in unity, pedagogical skill has its psychological basis in a system of knowledge, skills, abilities, professionally important qualities necessary for the successful and creative solution of the problems of education, training, management of students' mental activity and the organization of their independent work. ...

    The knowledge required by a university teacher can be divided into two groups.

    One of them includes:

    1. Knowledge of the foundations of Marxist-Leninist theory;

    2. Knowledge of your subject;

    Psychological knowledge (knowledge of the essence and conditions of the formation of mental processes in students, personality traits, socio-psychological phenomena, psychological characteristics activities of students and teachers);

    Pedagogical knowledge (knowledge of goals, laws, patterns, principles, methods of upbringing and teaching students, knowledge of the methodology of teaching their subject).

    In the third issue of "Bulletin high school»For 1974 was published an article by M.V. Pototsky "On the psychological foundations of a mathematical course", in which he writes that the teacher's ability to use the knowledge of psychology is becoming the number one problem in university education. Naturally, psychology should not act as a substitute for mathematics, but to help it. Acquaintance of the mathematician with the character of the student's thinking, with the possibilities of his memory, etc. will help to understand which way of presentation will be more acceptable for the student, what level of requirements will be available to him, what explanations to give him, what examples to give, what to interest, etc. ., that is, this will allow you to choose the best from many ways of presenting mathematics. Another group of knowledge consists of:

    Knowledge of management theory and leadership educational process at the university;

    Knowledge of related scientific disciplines (for a teacher of pedagogy, related disciplines will be psychology, physiology; for a teacher of philosophy - psychology, logic, ethics, etc.);

    Knowledge of the main achievements of science and technology, literature and art.

    The first group of knowledge is necessary in the constant activity of the teacher, at the same time it ensures the effectiveness of the application of the second group, which, in turn, contributes to a more creative and profound use, especially for educational purposes, of the first group of knowledge.

    Each lesson, the teacher's performance requires from him not only the reproduction of knowledge, but their known transformation, generalization, processing, use, taking into account specific conditions (topics, audience, achievement of problematicity in teaching, etc.), which is impossible without creative thinking, imagination, care and observation.

    “Master of pedagogy,” writes V.A. Sukhomlinsky, “knows the alphabet of his science so well that in the classroom, in the course of studying the material, the focus of his attention is not on the content of what is being studied, but on the students, their mental work, their thinking, the difficulties of their mental work”.

    A teacher's skills are automated components of his pedagogical activity, actions; have reached a high degree of perfection and do not require special efforts and concentration of attention in their implementation.

    The most important teacher skills are:

    Skills in studying students, their activities, states and qualities, relationships in teams, successes, achievements, difficulties, mistakes in learning, etc. This includes the skills of observing the behavior of the audience and individual students, the external expression of attention, fatigue, interest, etc. . NS.;

    Preparation and conduct skills different forms classes (skills in studying literature, compiling and using abstracts, skills in distributing attention, estimating time, etc.);

    Speech skills (construction of phrases, free use of expressive means of language, pronunciation, stress);

    Skills of managing the collective and individual activities of students (managing attention, thinking, mental states), organizational skills (maintaining discipline, assigning tasks, etc.);

    Skills of highly cultured external behavior (possession of posture, gesture, facial expressions, eye expression, pedagogical tact in teaching, etc.).

    The teacher's skills are one of the conditions for his creativity. With a lack of skills, for example, beginner teachers may experience mental tension, stiffness, or disordered activity during performances. The skills of presentation, according to the conclusions of experienced professors, are very close to the skills of an artist.

    The teacher's skills (primarily complex, not initial) are manifested in the correct use of knowledge and skills, especially in new and complex pedagogical situations. Skills allow, on the basis of acquired knowledge and skills, to perform certain types of activities in changing conditions. The more perfect the teacher's skills, the more freely he owns various actions that make up his pedagogical activity.

    The main skills of the teacher include the following:

    the ability to transfer knowledge, clearly present material, control and evaluate the results of trainees' work and their own work;

    the ability to form the skills, qualities of students, take into account their individual and other characteristics;

    Ability to manage the mental activity of students, organize their independent work and self-education;

    The ability to control oneself, one's mental state, the external expression of emotions and feelings, to show pedagogical tact and others.

    The teacher has to find himself in difficult situations and solve difficult pedagogical issues in the classroom. They appear unexpectedly, and a lot depends on how quickly they are resolved.

    One day, a young teacher at the beginning of a lesson handed out verified test papers and began to answer students' questions. A student came up to his desk and asked why she had a two for the test. The teacher answered her and began to talk with the second student. Suddenly, the first one loudly announced that she did not agree with the deuce and would not leave the table until she received a positive assessment. The students laughed and began to wait for the teacher's answer, and he glanced at her briefly and ... returned to the interrupted conversation. It is difficult to say why the student sat down. Perhaps laughter had an effect or the teacher's reaction, or rather, her noticeable external absence, had an effect, in any case the incident was over. Apparently, in this situation, the teacher found the right solution.

    After the lesson, the teacher shared his impressions with colleagues. One of them immediately said that he would scold the student properly. It is not known how it would have ended, another objected, such a student would not have remained in debt, and added that he would have allowed her to stand, but would have drawn her attention that, standing at the table, she would obscure the board, but if she went to wall or go into the corner, then there it will not interfere with anyone and can stand as long as you like. The third expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that only the student is condemned: the teacher, in his opinion, himself created the conditions for a breakdown by distributing tests at the beginning of the lesson, and not at the end; in addition, by his previous behavior, he obviously gave rise to such a trick.

    This example is an illustration of various ways of solving a pedagogical problem. The knowledge, skills, abilities of the teacher make up a system and are manifested depending on his individual characteristics. Moreover, this dependence is so great that the qualities and personality traits can determine the level of skill. How is this dependence found more concretely?

    First of all, in the fact that without the communist orientation, the Marxist-Leninist worldview of the teacher, his success as an educator, teacher, mentor is unthinkable. It is interesting to remember that A.V. Lunacharsky in 1919 said that he could not imagine a teacher who was not a socialist.

    Mastery is achievable only with positive motivation of the teacher's activity: interest, a sense of responsibility, etc. Of great importance are such character traits as independence, organization, honesty, hard work, observation, attentiveness, resourcefulness, endurance.

    Mastery is impossible without the ability to dialectically process educational material, to introduce into educational work something unusual, new, interesting, to explain and present educational questions in an accessible and expressive way, to use expression adequately to the pedagogical goal, to correctly perceive and evaluate the behavior of students, to be able to convince, inspire and demand ... A.M. Danchenko showed in his study of pedagogical abilities that a teacher needs for success: pedagogical imagination, thinking, tact, exactingness, sensitivity, and self-criticism.

    How are the level of skill and temperament of the teacher related?

    Research by Soviet psychologists suggests that temperament influences the methods and style of a teacher's activity, but this is not an obstacle to his mastery.30 In other words, teachers with different temperaments can become masters of pedagogical work.

    Thus, pedagogical excellence is a kind of expression not only of knowledge, skills, abilities, but also psychological processes, states and personality traits developed in accordance with the requirements of the profession.

    It is necessary to highlight and characterize in somewhat more detail such an essential part of pedagogical skill, which is the mastery of pedagogical technique and pedagogical tact.

    Pedagogical technique is a set of methods and techniques that increase the effectiveness of the applied principles, means and methods of education and training. K.S. Stanislavsky said that there is little talent - you need a technique. The teacher must have an impeccable speech technique. In addition to a wide range of both the pitch and the strength of the sounds used in the conversation, the teacher must have clear diction, pleasant timbre and expressiveness of speech. During classes, the teacher usually speaks louder than usual. The intensity of the voice of a healthy teacher is usually in the range of 65-74 decibels.

    The teacher's speech should be distinguished by clarity, expressiveness, clarity and accessibility of presentation. Too loud, noisy speech does not help to mobilize the attention of students, students begin to conduct extraneous conversations, in general, their attention is more distracted.

    Low speech creates a more business-like environment, making students listen better to the teacher. In addition, it makes it possible to raise the tone in individual cases, and the resulting contrast attracts the attention of students. Such speech provides a rich opportunity for different intonations, which makes it more expressive.

    Individual limits of vocal endurance vary greatly. Some people endure conversation without fatigue for many hours every day. Others, after 2-3 hours of continuous conversation, develop hoarseness, pain in the throat, and cramping. The reason for this may be a congenital inferiority of the speech organs or a general weakening of the body. But one cannot think that the teacher's voice remains unchanged, that it cannot be trained and developed. The task of each teacher is to train the voice, correctly formulate it.

    A.S. attached great importance to pedagogical technique. Makarenko. He wrote: “One cannot be a good educator who does not possess facial expressions, who cannot give his face the necessary expression or restrain his mood. The teacher must behave in such a way that every movement educates him, and must always know what he wants in this moment and what he doesn't want. "

    The teacher's pedagogical tact is the expediency of his actions and deeds in relations with students. It manifests itself in the correct approach to the audience, to individual students, in the skillful consideration of their condition, in observing the measure of exactingness. Tact is incompatible with arrogance, lordship, conceit, callousness, formalism, ill will. For pedagogical tact, humanism, respect for another, sensitivity, fairness, optimism, naturalness, sincerity, and an attentive attitude towards students are needed.

    K. D. Ushinsky said that the pedagogical tact, without which the educator, no matter how he studies the theory of pedagogy, will never be a good educator-practitioner, is, in essence, nothing more than a psychological tact.

    The teacher should take into account the fact that students appreciate not only a new and deeply scientific thought, but also a bold, truthful, sharp word, sometimes concerning the students themselves, their scientific growth, moral character, attitude to educational and social work, industrial practice and other responsibilities. They listen with great attention to fair, even harsh criticism, especially if it comes from a teacher they respect.

    Thus, pedagogical excellence is based on a system of knowledge, skills, and abilities that are closely related to the professionally important qualities of a teacher, allowing him to carry out his activities at a high level of performance and effectively achieve the goals of education and training of students.

    2. Ways to form pedagogical skills

    A.S. Makarenko argued that pedagogical skills are not a property of only talented people. The teacher achieves mastery after several years of work. How to accelerate the process of achieving pedagogical excellence, how to form it in future teachers who have started teaching at the university?

    The prerequisites for this are vocational guidance, right choice future teacher of their profession, scientifically grounded selection of applicants for pedagogical work, as well as, and this must be emphasized, mastering the system of necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, the formation of professionally important qualities, abilities and readiness for work in the university.

    Z.F. Esareva gives interesting data related to the pedagogical skills of teachers. Professors and associate professors at the highest level have the ability to plan their course taking into account the specialty of students and to establish links between it and related sciences. Both skills are the result of a deep and comprehensive knowledge of their subject and related scientific disciplines. Professors at a higher level than associate professors and assistants have the ability to correlate the taught material with the development of students' personality, it is least of all formed among assistants, and this indicates that they are less successful in realizing the state goal of educating future specialists. The low level of this skill also correlates with the low level of the ability of assistants to determine the most rational types of students' activities and to direct their independent work.

    A comparative analysis of the degree of formation of various design skills among teachers of different levels of experience showed that it is more difficult than others to form the ability to constantly correlate their pedagogical activity with the ultimate goal of teaching and upbringing at a university. In the perception of students' reaction to their teaching, professors are inferior to associate professors and assistants. Perhaps there is a certain stereotype in pedagogical activity, which is more and more difficult to overcome with an increase in the length of service and an increase in the teacher's age.

    Actually, the constructive activity of a university teacher is associated with preliminary thinking about the future pedagogical process, as well as with the implementation of a specific task in each lesson.

    Research data show that professors pay more attention to the selection and composition of theoretical material, highlight key concepts and patterns in it, and less attention to the method of presenting the material, do not always foresee the onset of fatigue in students.

    The development of pedagogical skill, its growth depends on personality characteristics and is characterized by a transition from a simple application of knowledge in the course of solving pedagogical problems (initial level) to their active and proactive implementation based on a deep study of the specific conditions for teaching their subject, states, experience and qualities of students (the second level). And then usually comes pedagogical creativity, independence, originality, the most optimal use of their capabilities and the capabilities of students (third level).

    The formation of the pedagogical skill of a university teacher is associated with the constant improvement of the scientific content and methods of lectures, the accumulation of experience in conducting seminars, practical classes, etc. A deep understanding of the needs of students, the ability to arouse confidence and disposition play a significant role.

    The skill of a university teacher is formed more successfully if the mastery of the theoretical arsenal of the Soviet teacher, the necessary skills, abilities, pedagogical technique, tact is accompanied by the creation in the mind of the visual and conceptual elements of a holistic image of the master of pedagogical work. “I often ask myself, being alone with my conscience,” writes A.A. Kosmodemyansky, - do I have the right to be called a teacher of a higher school in the great scientific and moral sense, called the Teacher for short? And I resurrect in my imagination my best mentors, selecting and synthesizing their pedagogical findings and discoveries, I draw in my mind the image of a real Teacher.

    I am sure that innovation is imperative for Master. This novelty can arise and grow from the depth of understanding of this science, from the creative contribution and great intellectual content of the personality of the scientist-teacher, from the ability to draw to the heights of science and show those "blank spots", the study of which the Teacher trusts and entrusts his students. I think that, ascending to the department and communicating with a young student audience, the Teacher must sincerely believe that among his listeners there are highly gifted individuals who are more capable of this science than himself. The teacher should bring to the audience the passion and excitement of genuine creative inspiration, the warmth and love of his heart. You need to be able to see the inclinations and abilities of students, gifted to them by nature, and awaken their desire for independent actions (i.e., concrete scientific thinking), causing the rapid growth and improvement of a talented human personality. The teacher should know that among the student youth there are always both "Platons" and "quick-witted Newtons", born on the Russian land, and his most important task is to awaken their intellect, convince them to believe in their talents and vocation, and also try to make for them daily, systematic work the highest pleasure. The teacher is a man of a developed mind, trained by reflections, a great love for humanity, and in particular for his student - one (but with his own specific features) of the millions of our student youth ”.

    Comparing oneself and one's real actions with such a model, establishing similarities and differences, making amendments to one's activities is one of the prerequisites for self-improvement and the formation of pedagogical skills. Such an example can be an example of authoritative teachers - masters of pedagogical work, outstanding teachers - A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky and others.

    For the development of the teacher's speech, an analysis of speech samples of outstanding speakers and tape recordings of their speeches is required, an increase in the active vocabulary, improvement of pronunciation, attention to the language of their subject. A particularly important factor in the formation of pedagogical skills is the active work of both the future teacher and the teacher himself, their study of psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature, familiarity with the works of K.D. Ushinsky, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, S.L. Rubinstein, A.N. Leontiev, B.G. Ananyeva and others.

    Comparison of the work of experienced teachers with the work of young ones shows that the formation of the personality of a university teacher and an increase in the effectiveness of his activities is closely connected with the growth of his knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology, psychological and pedagogical understanding of personal teaching experience and the experience of other teachers.

    It is quite justified in the order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the USSR "On improving the training of personnel with a university education and on increasing the role of universities in the system of higher education" in order to increase the theoretical level of teaching social, humanitarian, natural and other sciences in universities, regardless of their departmental subordination, the acquisition of departments is proposed to be carried out, as a rule, from among persons with a university education or an academic degree in the relevant specialty. This means that the most serious attention should be paid to the theoretical training of future teachers, who must know well psychology, pedagogy, and master the methods of teaching the relevant disciplines at the university.

    The work of the department team to improve pedagogical skills gives a lot for the growth of teachers. A.S. Makarenko noted that an educator, as a rule, becomes a true master of his craft only in a good teaching staff.

    In the team, there is a mutual enrichment of pedagogical experience, clarification of methods for solving pedagogical problems. This is facilitated by meetings of the department, methodological commissions, attendance and analysis of lectures, methodological conferences, seminars, etc.

    In some universities there is a seminar of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, designed for 72 hours a year. Currently, the role of retraining courses for university professors has increased. The leading article of Vestnik vysshei shkoly (1974, No. 4) emphasizes that in conditions of rapid scientific and technological progress, the importance of periodic retraining of scientific and pedagogical personnel is constantly increasing. State system improving their qualifications has become today an indispensable element of the life of higher education. A new link in this system was the seminars of the management staff of universities - rectors and vice-rectors, as well as heads of departments.

    In conclusion, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of an individual approach, taking into account the individual characteristics of the future teacher (by the teacher himself) to improve his pedagogical skills, accelerated formation positive features, on which the compensation for shortcomings in pedagogical work depends.

    Thus, for the formation of pedagogical skills, it is necessary to master the amount of knowledge, skills, abilities, the development of professionally important personality traits, which is achieved in the process of active activity, independent work, the accumulation of teaching experience, holding special events on the scale of the department, university, etc.


    1. Pedagogy and psychology of higher education. Series "Textbooks, teaching aids". Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1998.

    2. V.M. Roginsky. ABC of pedagogical work. M .: Higher school, 1990.

    3. The components of pedagogical excellence. M.I. Stankin, 1996.

    4. Fundamentals of teaching excellence. Ed. I.A. Zyazyun. Kiev: Vishcha school, 1987.

    5. "Bulletin of the higher school", No. 3, 1974

    6. Sukhomlinsky V.A. "On education", 1973

    7. Makarenko A.S. "Methodology for organizing the educational process."

    Posted on


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    BUTannotation. The article discusses the concept of "pedagogical skill" and the possibility of developing the pedagogical skill of a music teacher in the context of the implementation of the educational standard.

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    Mastery is something that can be achieved, and just as a master-turner can be famous, an excellent master-doctor, so a master teacher should and can be famous, and how much he masters the skill depends on his own pressure and determination ...

    A.S. Makarenko

    The speed of the changes taking place in society is associated with a high level of innovation processes in various socio-economic spheres, including education. Introduction of the State Educational Standard of the Basic general education makes new demands on the personality of the teacher and the level of his skill. No matter how professionally prepared a teacher is, he is simply obliged to constantly improve his personal qualities, improve professional level, skill, tk. not only successful education of students at school, but also success in life depends on his professionalism and competence.

    The phenomenon of pedagogical excellence is one of those phenomena, without the study of which it is impossible to talk about such important categories of pedagogy as pedagogical activity, professional pedagogical competence. IN different time the concept of pedagogical skill was considered in their works by Yu. P. Azarov, R. A. Valeeva, I. A. Zimnyaya, I. F. Isaev, V. A. Kan-Kalik, Ya. Korchak, L. I. Malenkova, A. S. Makarenko, A. I. Mishchenko, V. A. Slastenin, V. A. Sukhomlinsky, E. N. Shiyanov, etc. Exploring the concept of "pedagogical skill", each of the scientists focuses on one or another facet of this complex phenomenon. SI Ozhegov in the dictionary of the Russian language defines "skill" as "high art in any field, and a master is a specialist who has achieved high art in his field."

    The purpose of the article is to propose options for the development of pedagogical skills of a music teacher in the context of the introduction of an educational standard.

    Research by domestic scientists has shown that not only experience and work experience determines the level of teacher's pedagogical skill. It is important to form a humanistic orientation and pedagogical culture, acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, develop abilities and master the pedagogical technique, form oneself as a creative pedagogical individual.

    In order to increase your creative level, the level of competence, it is necessary not only to increase the amount of information received, the number of forms and methods of work used, but also to create such conditions around yourself that will systematically encourage self-analysis, self-development. Professional skill contests, open lessons and educational events, presentations with reports and messages at meetings of pedagogical communities and methodological associations of teachers, creative evenings, participation in expert commissions, and approbation of textbooks give rise to self-confidence and lead forward. Participation in a variety of activities requires the mobilization of internal resources, accurate timing, and enormous psychological stress. In my opinion, all of the above is presented as a holiday of communication, a fertile ground for professional and personal growth, the formation of creative potential.

    Professional growth a teacher is impossible without a self-educational need, and this is facilitated by refresher courses, participation in webinars, massive open online courses, etc. For a modern teacher, it is very important never to be satisfied with what has already been achieved, but it is imperative to go forward, because the work of a teacher is an excellent source for unlimited creativity.

    In addition, the palette of pedagogical skills includes several components for the formation of subject competencies, in particular, in music lessons. The study of the educational branch "Art" should ensure the development of individual creative abilities of students, the formation of a sustainable interest in creative activity;

    D. Allen and K. Rain identified several techniques in working with schoolchildren. One of them is the variation of the student's stimulation, which can be expressed in the rejection of the monotonous manner of presenting the educational material, in the free behavior of the teacher in the classroom. In addition, you can use an exciting start, little known facts, original or paradoxical formulations of the problem and much more to attract the student's interest. No less important in the formation of subject competences in music lessons is to summarize the results of the lesson or its separate part. Physical education, non-verbal means of communication (glance, facial expressions, gestures) play a significant role.

    In combination with all the methods of forming competencies, the skillful application of the system of positive and negative reinforcements actively helps. Negative Reinforcement - Negative attitudes towards the child's response (but not towards himself) may be displeased intonation or frowning eyebrows. A positive method of reinforcement (smile, kind word, praise) is quite effective and leads to the consolidation of the child's sequence of actions; a good, correct answer always leads to encouragement.

    No less important in the process of developing competencies in music lessons is the system of posing leading questions, test questions, as well as questions leading the student to generalize the studied educational material.

    The stimulation of creative activity through the use of tasks of a divergent type has a huge impact on the formation of subject competencies. The specificity of divergent problems lies in the fact that there can be not one, but several or even many correct answers to one posed question. This type of task is usually classified as creative and is closely related to imagination. In the course of performing tasks of the divergent type, children develop such qualities as originality, flexibility, thinking productivity, ease of association, hypersensitivity and other qualities and abilities necessary in creative activity in music lessons.

    For the development of subject competencies, it is very important to determine the concentration of attention, the degree of student involvement in mental work based on the external signs of his behavior: motor restlessness, frequent distractions, distraction of attention, the appearance of a feeling of fatigue.

    The use of illustrations and examples, as well as the use of repetition techniques, are no less important in the practice of forming subject competencies.

    Musical education cannot be reduced to spontaneous acquaintance with works, answers to questions and teacher's comments. A modern music lesson is always a fusion of poetry and creative analysis, direct musical impressions and reflections on music, admiration for vocal and instrumental works. The teacher stimulates a joint search for non-standard solutions that reveal the meaning of the existence of music in the life of each person and society as a whole. The perception of music is one of the main and important species activities in music lessons. There is nothing more boring than the monotony of constant repetitive traditional questions or tasks. Each lesson needs a problem, novelty, unexpectedness, an intriguing situation that is relevant and accessible to a specific class.

    In music lessons, I use different methods and techniques for enhancing creative manifestations that contribute to the formation of subject competencies. The forms of tasks that form these competencies are very diverse: writing mini - compositions, thinking about music, essays. They are interesting in their work describing a musical image after listening to music, inventing a title for a piece. The “Draw Music” technique develops the creative imagination of schoolchildren. The technique of writing tests, crosswords and puzzles on the work of composers, on the knowledge of musical notation, a piece of music, etc. is very convenient in work. Various variations of game forms of work are well perceived by schoolchildren (conducting musical quizzes, composing and conducting musical - didactic games). The use of related arts activates the process of formation of subject competencies through staging a song, its theatricalization, through the use of rhythmoplasty.

    From all of the above, we can conclude that with the transition to new educational standards, special attention is paid to the development of the creative potential of a teacher who has modern thinking, knowledge of information technology and personal culture. It is such a specialist who can ensure the introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process of an educational institution.


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