Useful tips for vacationers. Useful tips for tourists going to Thailand. Housing in Gelendzhik

Useful tips coming to Thailand

Thailand is not only an exotic paradise, but also a country with a unique culture. This also applies to the island of Phuket. As for the culture of behavior in Thailand, there is a significant difference here with the norms to which Russian citizens are accustomed. However, every tourist must clearly understand that the attitude towards local traditions can only be respectful, otherwise various troubles may arise on this basis. Therefore, when going to Thailand, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of behavior, as well as read the advice given by tourists who have visited this area more than once.
Tip 1. If necessary, you need to avoid various types of touching that could be regarded as an insult to a person.
Tip 2. Raising your voice when clarifying everyday problems is also a sign of ignorance and will not bring the desired result. It will be most effective to address the problem to people in high positions. Raising your voice is a sign of something serious and may result in the police being involved.
Tip 3. To contact a police officer, it is better to opt for a representative of the “tourist police”. He speaks English, and he exudes even greater friendliness than when communicating with his colleague from the regular police.
Tip 4. Thailand is characterized by freedom of morals, but attempts to preach nudism may result in a fine.
Tip 5. Dollars must be exchanged in banks; airports and hotels are not suitable places for this due to the unfavorable exchange rate. Try to use only local money, as exchanging outside the bank building is comparable to a real robbery.
Tip 6. Photocopies of all documents, including the ticket back home, will guarantee your salvation if the documents are lost.
Tip 7. When going for a walk, try to take with you the business card of the hotel where you are staying. Thailand is one of those countries where it is very easy to get lost. It will be difficult to hear the name you say. That's what a business card is for.
Tip 8. You should not make calls to Russia while in a hotel room. A call from a street payphone will cost you several times less, or even better, buy or take a free SIM card from any cellular operator - the cost per minute is 1-2 rubles.
Tip 9: Before you get into a taxi, you need to agree on the price. It is also worth remembering that the fixed fare is much higher than the metered fare.
Here are the main useful tips when visiting Phuket or another province of Thailand.

Tips for vacationers on the island of Phuket
We will try to give some advice for everyone who is planning to go and have a good rest in Phuket.
Diving shops located on the island offer modern equipment for rent, and for beginners there is the opportunity to take lessons.
The cost of one day of scuba diving is approximately 3,000 baht, but the most popular are five-day excursions to outlying islands. An example of such islands is the Similan Islands, which are famous for the purity and transparency of their water, as well as its high temperature, thanks to which it is possible to get around without a special suit.
Tipping is usually carried out for porters, taxi drivers and those hotel workers whose service is provided at the highest level. Restaurants where the cost of services is not included in the total bill suggest a tip of 10-15% of the paid meal.
The national transport of the Thais is the tuk-tuk; it does not have a meter, but the cost of travel on it is several times cheaper than a taxi. However, such transport is unlikely to be suitable for long distances.
Souvenir shops in Thailand, and any other shops, usually open within 12 hours. Here, tourists have opportunities to purchase souvenirs for relatives and friends. It is also worth remembering that in Thailand there is a ban on the export of ivory products and figurines depicting Buddha.
When it comes to clothing, you should give preference to loose ones, made of cotton. A suit and tie will only be needed if you visit a certain restaurant.
You can take photos everywhere, but using a video camera is not as free. It is not allowed to film without specific permission in the building of the Grand Royal Palace and the Temple of the Emerald Buddha.
Most of dishes prepared in Thailand are distinguished by their characteristic spiciness.
Most restaurants can offer menus not only in Thai, but also in English and Russian.
Salt, as a rule, is not present in dishes; fish or soy sauce is a substitute, so to speak.
Drinking tap water is not recommended to avoid infectious intestinal diseases. It is better to order clean water directly to your hotel room.
Holidays in Thailand are associated with an abundance of fruits, which can also be dangerous for the intestines. Therefore, washing them every time before eating will eliminate this possibility to a minimum.

What dangers await us on vacation?
Marine life.
An encounter with jellyfish in Thailand can happen anywhere. The coastal waters of Phuket are home to a huge number of species of jellyfish. At popular resorts there is no such danger, but still, it will not be superfluous to have knowledge of what the danger of meeting a jellyfish can be. A jellyfish can sting, but there are no toxic substances in their venom and the possibility of death from their bite is zero. But there are also jellyfish whose bite can actually kill you. For the most part, their location is the coastal waters of Hua Hin.
Some species of fish that live in coral thickets are also dangerous. Therefore, snorkeling is dangerous, as it can lead to encounters with poisonous fish that cause injuries incompatible with life. All this gives reason to unquestioningly follow safety rules when in the water.
Thailand is also home to snakes, of which there are several hundred species. Some are not dangerous, but from some you cannot expect such nobility. An encounter with a snake can also occur while in rural areas, and in the very center of the big city. Those places where there is grass and greenery can put you at risk of encountering a snake. For some snakes, their characteristic feature is passivity, while others, on the contrary, are overly active. You should be afraid of snake bites, as they can cause death. In the event of a bite, immediate treatment should follow medical care. But the doctor will need to know which snake caused the bite in order to prescribe the necessary medications. As a piece of advice, we can recommend avoiding contact with any snakes, since some are simply indistinguishable from each other.
An encounter with scorpions in Thailand can happen with the same probability as an encounter with a snake. In most of them there is no danger to the human body, except for a fairly strong sting, from which the likelihood of dying is very small. In the event of a bite, a visit to a doctor must be made to treat the wound.
The meeting place with a dangerous animal can be anything, even a hotel room. When going for a walk, you should not touch unfamiliar animals to avoid unwanted consequences. Even centipedes can be dangerous.

Features of Thailand
Thais are strong individualists with remarkable tolerance. Following Buddhist traditions became a teaching for them to overcome and mitigate conflicts and disputes as much as possible, without bringing them to the point of flaring up. Thus, speaking in simple and understandable language, if some actions are committed that relate only to one person, then no one has the right to interfere with them, but if the public is affected, then everything done is subject to strict regulations.
Thais are characterized by neatness in their clothing. You can hardly see anyone here in torn jeans and worn T-shirts. Wearing shorts is acceptable on the beach or while staying at a hotel. At the entrance of every house a necessary condition is the removal of shoes, the same applies to temples.
In Thailand, you must avoid stroking anyone's head, be it a small child or an old person. And in a cross-legged position, you cannot point your feet towards people, as well as towards the statues of Buddha and the king. The royal house cannot be mentioned even casually in conversation. This topic is inherently taboo.
There is no wrong place for politeness. The rules of politeness are no different from the rules in force in other countries. But here it is important to have information on some cultural characteristics, if violated, you can hear insults directed at you. Expressing anger outwardly is considered rude and ill-mannered in Thailand. All doors will be open here for calm and smiling guests.
Public displays of affection between a man and a woman are not accepted here. Modern couples are allowed to walk arm in arm, but only if they receive approval from society. For a young guy and girl holding hands, such behavior is unacceptable and indicates a violation of morality.
The traditional greeting is “wai,” which requires folding your palms together and placing them on your head or chest. Significant persons are greeted with this gesture longer than others. Although in everyday life everyone gets by with a banal nod of the head.
As national characteristics It is worth especially highlighting the sacredness of all images of Buddha, the punishment of all those who decide to somehow desecrate Buddhist shrines, respect and reverence for the royal family, and the removal of shoes before entering the temple. In addition, touching the head or showing the bottom of the feet is unacceptable. When visiting a cinema, you need to know that before the start of the show the royal anthem will be played, which you will have to listen to, just like everyone else, while standing.

10 useful tips for tourists
1. No need to take it with you a large number of of things. There are often cases when payment is required at the airport due to excess baggage. Take only the essentials with you on the road.
2. You should not choose a direction that is too high in cost. Many cities deliberately inflate the price, thereby leaving tourists without money at the end of their vacation.
3. Most tourists do not look at the weather forecast for the period of their trip, which leads to unplanned purchases of warm or summer clothes.
4. A lot of travelers go broke on calls from mobile phone due to the high cost of roaming. Therefore, before your trip, you need to inquire about the tariffs of your mobile operator and connect to the tariff that will be the most profitable in the country’s conditions. In addition, it would be advisable to clarify the availability of Wi-Fi adapters in the hotel. As a rule, Wi-Fi in hotels is provided free of charge, which will significantly reduce the cost of calls to your home country. Some local operators typically provide tariffs for calls to their home country on favorable terms. You also need to ask your guide about this in advance.
5. Before the trip, it is necessary to analyze all the necessary things, including electronic devices: laptops, mobile phones.
6. Making a trip during the peak season will not add to your impressions; on the contrary, there is a high probability of encountering too much high prices. Travel agencies advise coming to the island of Phuket in Thailand between March and April.
7. You should also expect that a considerable amount of money will be spent on tips to hotel and restaurant staff during your trip. Knowing the places where tips are taken and their amount will help you avoid unexpected expenses during your trip.
8. You should not save on buying insurance, because if something happens you will have to pay for medical services yourself, and this costs a lot of money abroad.
9. Using taxi services is expensive and may not be affordable for everyone. Despite the speed and comfort provided during the trip. So in Phuket, the cost of a taxi fare (minimum) is 300 baht, and this amount does not depend on the distance that needs to be covered. Therefore, before your trip, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the surface urban transport map and the metro map.
10. A significant part of hotels and airlines use a system of accumulative points and discounts in their work. Therefore, you should not delay with the registration of special credit cards and earning bonus points, with the help of which booking a room in a good hotel or buying a plane ticket can be done quickly and for less money.

It seems that it could be easier than rest. Relax and enjoy! But we know how a seemingly completely insignificant, but for some reason unaccounted for trifle can ruin the impression of the entire trip. Psychologist Elena Kryukova advises how to prepare for holiday surprises.

A school geography course plus regular viewing of the “Film Travelers Club” program (okay, okay - Discovery Cahnnel!) gives a complete picture of the world

Oh, how many wonderful discoveries each trip prepares for us! When you travel to distant lands, you will be surprised to learn a lot of unexpected, and sometimes simply stunning, things. We paint our goal with large strokes, without imagining the little things that may well come to the fore later. Who, for example, would have thought that Greece has so many mosquitoes and it’s so difficult to use repellents?

Many of us studied geography in school, and even then not very hard. One of my friends, having arrived in Turkey, was pleasantly surprised by the abundance of majestic ancient ruins. them on this seaside resort it turned out to be no less than in Greece, and they were quite worthy of a detailed multi-day study, but the trouble is that an acquaintance came across them by chance, on the day of departure, between lunch and a jet ski ride.

CONCLUSION Often our heads are filled with erroneous patterns and preconceived opinions. Before your trip, carefully review directories, brochures, magazines and ask the travel agency manager about your chosen destination.

You need to travel under the slogan “I take everything I own with me”

The lady was checking in her luggage... Who would want to pay extra for 20 extra kilograms of cargo from unknown sources? In addition, it has been verified: a quarter or even half of the collected luggage turns out to be unnecessary. If only I knew in advance which one it was!

CONCLUSION You need to pack your suitcase only after you have learned more about your future trip: climate, forecasts, excursion routes and, of course, the customs of the country. So as not to end up with a suitcase full of open sundresses in the very heart of a harsh Muslim state. In general, it is best to travel light - but with full set plastic cards and traveler's checks. Fortunately, converting them into cash is not a problem in civilized countries.

You need to relax with the whole family or with a large group of friends

A constant circle of communication is wonderful! But how can you get new impressions and make new acquaintances while communicating in your own, absolutely self-sufficient little world?

In addition, even the closest people have different route preferences. Is it worth forcing your loved ones to constantly compromise and, at the same time, give up on their dreams? One of my friends has long wanted to go to a bullfight. His wife didn’t seem to mind, but she didn’t really want to join him either. As a result, from year to year they went again and again, either to the sea or to some European capital for shopping. One day, while flipping through a random prospectus, an acquaintance of mine saw an offer for a three-day tour to a Spanish bullfight... At home, he said that it was a business trip. By the way, after this little prank, his marriage only became stronger - after all, there was one less reason for quarrels in this family.

CONCLUSION Make your own impressions. Sharing (or not sharing) them with loved ones is a special pleasure.

The best vacation is in the summer

This misconception has remained with us since childhood, when it was in hot weather that we went along one of three routes: to the dacha, with our parents at the seaside, or to visit our grandmother in the village. Now we have access to both the ocean in the tropics and eternal summer in the jungle. This means you can have a vacation at any time of the year.

By the way, the pleasure can be extended: for three months bright evenings travel around your city, look into open cafes, walk along the embankments. And when the sky of your native land becomes cloudy, take a legal vacation and go to warmer climes with the swan geese. In Egypt, Tunisia or the Canaries at this time, swimming is like being in fresh milk. New Year in Paris is almost always +3. And in the alpine village, even in February it is quite cozy.

CONCLUSION Vacation is a time when you feel wanderlust. This legitimate desire can be realized at any time of the year!

You need to take a vacation for a month at once

Previously, it was somehow taken for granted that a person should rest once a year, for a long time and thoroughly. Of course, from a medical point of view, the ideal vacation is at least 2 weeks, so that the body has time to adjust to “vacation mode”. But it just so happens that it’s difficult for a busy person to go on vacation for more than a week.

Well, if the situation is this way, you can rest for a week - just somewhere in your zone, so as not to injure your body with sudden climate changes. By the way, “in your own lane” does not necessarily mean “at the dacha in Kukuevo.” Amsterdam, London and Warsaw are also suitable!

CONCLUSION You can have a good rest even if you only have a weekend at your disposal. The main thing is to spend it usefully and fill it with new impressions. During the year you can have time to plunge into the sea, wander through the ancient streets, and look into the designated museums.

Be sure to bring shopping and souvenirs from your vacation

Every female tourist, even, imagine most male tourists, certainly has clothes or a wonderful souvenir they brought from their trip somewhere in the very depths of their closet. Moreover, there is no way to wear clothes in our conditions, and souvenirs... How many of them are there, these little things, the names of which cannot be translated into Russian, and the native word was forgotten a minute after the purchase?! So decide for yourself: is it worth spending your precious vacation time on a thorough inspection of boutiques and buying up the entire assortment of nearby shops?

CONCLUSION If upon arrival your entire suitcase is not filled with souvenirs, this does not mean that the trip was a failure. After all, the main souvenir is good memories.

While you’re chilling here, everyone is working hard at work, and at home they can’t cope without you.

This myth arose with the advent of the telephone and took hold after its creation. mobile communications. And when did people go on trips without cell phones before?

Today, some cannot break contact for an hour, as if they are remotely controlling the front lines at the moment of the decisive battle. However, it should be recognized that some household members and subordinates are so accustomed to being looked after that they really begin to give up everything as soon as their Hope and Support goes beyond the threshold. They do not see the necessary things under their own noses and are forced to call Miami to find out where the bathroom switch is or the number of a regular customer. Say: “Did you break the window (missed the order)? Well, we'll have to deprive you of gifts for New Year(subtract from salary).” You will see - the cries for help will subside, and subordinates (household members) will begin to grow up by leaps and bounds.

CONCLUSION Think about it: why are you so worried? Maybe you're worried about your own irreplaceability? Believe me: they can cope with a week at work or at home without you. And you, having put everything out of your head, will have a much better rest and, therefore, will work even harder when you return.

First of all, you need to visit popular places of tourist pilgrimage

It is believed that a successful person today must not only build a cottage, grow a bonsai tree and send his son to a private school, but also visit all the famous points on the map. So to speak, to check in at high-status gathering places of your peers. Previously, the set included Sochi, Yalta, Gagra, Jurmala. Now - Paris, Canary Islands, Ibiza. Or London, Maldives, Courchevel. Even if you can’t stand boutiques, skis and sand, go ahead. It seems difficult to stay in your own social group, without answering affirmatively to the question, “Have you been to... (even the famous name follows)?” But the “national health resorts” are becoming increasingly crowded, and architectural monuments are becoming more and more familiar thanks to television. So, maybe you’ll like a cozy village near your city much more?!

CONCLUSION Now you can no longer crowd into one resort, but go to less trampled places to see sights that are also worthy of visiting and, if you understand yourself, perhaps better suit your interests. For example, go to Cologne, Strasbourg, Sicily, Malta, Lisbon, Madrid, Madagascar, Japan. Your stories about adventures in Panama or the Norwegian fjords will create a real sensation! And then you can go to Paris and Tahiti. If, of course, you want to.

You definitely need to try everything your friends recommended.

Of course, half of the friendly recommendations are not just useful, but life-saving! Some of our fellow citizens would have received completely different impressions of Asia, having forgotten, on the advice of friends, to take medicine for dysentery with them. It is the pioneering friends who will tell you about the best route and tell you where wonderful Prague beer restaurants are located, or give the address of a Milanese store where “the most fashionable appears first.” But be more attentive to the directives under the slogan “You must definitely try!” or “Weak?!” This can completely ruin your plans and harm your health.

CONCLUSION “Whoever has not dived in a spacesuit, climbed a pyramid, jumped into the Eiffel Tower, or tried spicy Thai cuisine has not seen life,” a friend will say. Do not rush to prove your “self” by following these instructions. Only you can decide how to spend your holiday the best way. Maybe you can get an unforgettable and safe experience by simply dipping your slippers into the ocean, inhaling the scent of the spices of Asia, or wandering through the ancient streets on your own route?

You will never forget what happened to you during this wonderful time

At first, you will really remember all the details constantly. You will dream about them, but let's bet that in five years the memories will fade, and in ten years from the whole vacation there will be a couple of vague images in the back of your mind. Therefore, take photographs of places, write down names and funny incidents, so that in 50 years you can amaze your loved ones with memoirs about your golden times.

CONCLUSION Take a video camera on vacation and free up space on the shelf for photo albums... However, maybe it’s better not to overload your memory (and shelves!), but strive for new and even more interesting experiences?

Many vacationers going on vacation to one of the cities of Russia believe that nothing threatens them anywhere. However, this attitude is fundamentally wrong. After all, each city has a special way of life, and taking into account the fact that Sochi is already an international resort, this aspect must also be taken into account. Too many people of different nationalities come here during the hot seasons. And among the local population there are those who are ready to cheat in order to get additional profit from those who are new to Sochi. So, what do you need to know?

Before the trip.
- Decide in advance on the area where you would like to stay. Even if you are traveling as a wild person, check out the offers on websites, call the owners of hotels, apartments, houses where housing is rented, and discuss the conditions of accommodation. It might even be better to order a service such as a transfer.
- If you go to a sanatorium, consult your doctor in advance, as it may turn out that some of the procedures offered in health resorts will be contraindicated for you.
- Have you decided to use the services of a travel agency? Carefully read the terms of the contract, which discusses what the organization is responsible for. Otherwise, it may turn out that having paid for the transfer and some living conditions, you will end up getting something completely different.

At the airport and train station.
- Even if you arrived or flew in at night, most likely on the way out you will meet a lot of people who will offer you accommodation. Whether you agree or not is your business. Here sometimes you can really find inexpensive options, but do not rush to give money until you are sure that the living conditions are suitable for you. If you still have doubts, ask for a rental agreement.
- If you decide to use taxi services, then choose only cars with the appropriate designation. Are you hiring a private driver? Discuss your travel route and cost in advance.

At the hotel.
- Never leave the entrance or balcony door open if you are not in the room. Breaking through a balcony is a favorite technique of thieves.
- It is better to lock all jewelry and valuables in a safe. Many hotels offer their clients a similar service.
- Keep a record of the towels that are available in your room. Unfortunately, there are enterprising employees who, in collusion with the cleaning services, may demand payment for missing accessories in the room when checking you out of the hotel. Therefore, if something is missing or something has disappeared, please inform the hotel administration.
- Do not invite new acquaintances to your room. They can turn out to be anyone - including scammers who are encroaching on your property.

On the sea:
- Do not take valuables with you if you have no one to look after them.
- Don’t rush to immediately run into the water. Take a sunbath and then go swimming.
- Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun at midday. Best time for swimming it is morning and evening.
- Before going to the beach, it is recommended to drink a glass of milk or water. You should not go sunbathing on a full stomach or on an empty stomach.
- Choose sunscreens according to your skin characteristics. The time spent in the sun also needs to be properly regulated. It’s worth starting with 5 – 10 minutes, gradually increasing it.
- Take a bottle of water with you to the beach, which will help your body restore its water balance.
- If you have children with you, then monitor all their actions. After all, a child’s skin is more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. And because of their love for water, babies do not want to get out of it, which is fraught with the appearance of seizures and other unpleasant consequences.
Enjoy your holiday!

Before you go on vacation to Gelendzhik, you need to familiarize yourself with several useful tips for vacationers that will help you not ruin your vacation and save your family budget. In the article “” we will look at useful tips for vacationers that will help make their vacation unforgettable and interesting.

  1. Flights to Gelendzhik

It is necessary to think in advance for what date to buy tickets and do this as much as possible in advance, since in the summer there is a large influx of tourists and directions to Gelendzhik are always in demand. Many tourists purchase air tickets in winter, as it is much cheaper. It is advisable to purchase air tickets in two directions; this will help significantly save money. You should also buy train tickets as early as possible, as they are sold out at breakneck speed and only the top and side shelves are left.

  1. Housing in Gelendzhik

When choosing housing in Gelendzhik, you need to take into account the area where you will live. Gelendzhik is a city that is located in the mountains and foothills, which means that the streets are located at an angle. The further your home is from the sea, the more difficult it will be to reach it. Of course, going down will be easy and even fun, but going back up the hill, and even in the sun, is a completely unpleasant event. If you are on vacation with children, it is better to choose housing closer to the sea or with the smallest possible angle of inclination. A good option housing near the city clinic, such streets as: Shevchenko, Tchaikovsky, Telman. Ostrovsky Street is relatively flat without a strong slope, as are Kurzalnaya, Krasnogvardeyskaya, and Tamanskaya streets. In the article " Where is the best place to relax in Gelendzhik?", you can learn more about all the districts of the city and their attractions.

  1. Sun in Gelendzhik

For the first time in days, tourists cannot enjoy the sun, sea, tan, but they have to be very attentive and careful. The sun in Gelendzhik is very bright and tanning occurs extremely quickly; you must use sunscreen, even if you are on an excursion. Don’t forget about a hat; excessive exposure to the sun without a hat leads to sunstroke and unpleasant symptoms, which tourists often confuse with poisoning. There is a time when the sun is most dangerous for tanning and during such hours it is better to stay at home or in the shade. The best time for sunbathing is from 09:00-11:00 and from 16:00-19:00. The time from 12:00-15:00 is the most unfavorable. Always carry water (still) with you wherever you go; remember, being in the heat, the body needs a large amount of fluid.

  1. Food in Gelendzhik

In the article “We’re going to Gelendzhik” we can’t help but mention food. The most important rule is not to buy street food. Many chefs prepare pies, samsa, pizza from early morning and the food sits in the sun uncovered for hours, and this entails very serious consequences and your vacation can be ruined until you leave. Do not buy ready-made food on the beach, in tents on the embankment, soft ice cream in installations, undisguised sweets (apple on a stick, cockerel). It is better to purchase such food products in a store; it will be much cheaper and of better quality. Many businessmen, under the pretext of local wine, open small points with wine by the glass; as a rule, such points are temporary, located on the embankment and the wine in them is powdered, diluted with alcohol. In the article " Wines of Gelendzhik» You can learn more about local wine and where you can buy it. It is better to purchase local wine in stores; almost every store has Gelendzhik wine, with an excise stamp.

  1. Hygiene in Gelendzhik

Hygiene is very important on vacation. The body of tourists is in the acclimatization zone and is at risk of “catching” an infection. To prevent harmful consequences, it is necessary to follow basic hygiene rules:

  • wash your hands before eating;
  • wash vegetables and fruits;
  • drink bottled water;
  • wash your hands after going outside;
  • pay attention to the expiration date of food products;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • Carry alcohol wipes or antiseptic with you.

While resting, do not forget about the main rule of drinking plenty of water.

In the article “We’re going to Gelendzhik” we looked at the most important aspects in vacation, which are worth paying attention to, so that nothing spoils your vacation, and it goes at the proper level. To make your vacation memorable for a long time, you can use excursions in Gelendzhik, where you can see the beauty of the Krasnodar region and get acquainted with local attractions.

Some people may not believe it, but all the advice listed below is not a joke, but examples of stories that happen on the Crimean coast from year to year. It seems that the council is no longer in the yard, people abroad have learned to relax, but for some reason the percentage of those who continue to step on this rake over the years does not decrease. So read and be sure to share your experience in the comments.

  1. The fogginess of the human mind one hour away from a vacation that has been dreamed of for a whole year and traveled thousands of kilometers is understandable, BUT this very hour is critical. All Crimeans know this, and unscrupulous people successfully take advantage of it. Therefore, when you fly or arrive in Simferopol, get into a taxi with the first guy you come across, without specifying the final cost of the trip (if you have an extra 50-100 dollars, of course). Best case scenario. I’ve also heard stories about how they charged 500 bucks for a 50 km trip from Simferopol airport.
  1. At the end of June, be sure to buy a watermelon. You've come to the south. It doesn’t matter that the average annual air temperature here is only a few degrees higher than in central Russia - watermelons still ripen one and a half to two months earlier. This is Crimea, whoops!!!??!...Not getting poisoned by watermelon in Crimea is downright bad form. By the way, Crimeans start buying watermelons only at the end of August.

  1. In forty-degree heat, buy a few glasses of boiled shrimp at the beach or open market. It’s tasty, low in calories, goes well with beer and, if you survive, you’ll lose a couple of kilograms. Not the most in a pleasant way, of course, and there is also a chance that you will return home with a gray-green face without a tan, because... you spend your entire vacation either in your room or in the hospital, and yet...

In general, shrimp on the beach is like Russian roulette, maybe it will blow over (sorry for the tautology), but the probability is 50/50.

  1. In August, when sea ​​water the warmest, let your children drink it on the shallow beach where a lot of people are swimming. I don’t even want to joke about the consequences. You have little idea how crowded children's infectious diseases hospitals in coastal cities are at this time of year.
  1. Never wash fresh fruits purchased at the market, or simply sprinkle them with running tap water (which, by the way, is technical, i.e., not suitable for drinking or food. Generally not suitable for consumption inside the human body ). You are used to eating everything from a tree in your dacha or garden. Nothing has happened before. Why now?!!??

Maybe because figs, grapes of different varieties, churchkhela, smoked suluguni, and all the other goodies that were sold next to those fruits that your stomach is not used to grow in your dacha. Don't waste your time on fruit later. Crimeans also have troubles after eating figs. You just need to remember that (perhaps) you are not in your climate zone and, if you overeat with unusual foods, do not think that stale cookies are to blame for the consequences.

  1. When you see the sea for the first time in your life, or have not seen the sea for a long time, be sure to swim behind the buoys. On.. in general these things are hanging out there? In no case should you pay attention to the fact that jet skiers are based nearby; there is a pier for pleasure boats, the weather is perfect for windsurfers (by the way, their boards have no brakes), and not always sober people ride catamarans. By the way, that’s exactly why these things (buoys) are hanging out there...
  2. When going to the beach, put on all the gold that you are used to wearing (well, how can you part with “my charm”), take all the money and, of course, your passports. I haven’t met “golden” gopniks on the beach, but I’ve heard a lot of stories of divers who were paid not for an underwater excursion, but for searching for lost chains, bracelets, and rings. Why do you need to take money and documents with you? But what about it? You like to sit close to the surf. Should the towel just get wet or take it out to sea?

This is of course not full list. So to be continued after the next season...

    Guest: Regarding taxi drivers, you are absolutely right, you shouldn’t jump into the first car you come across. Otherwise, not only will you not pay, but you will owe it until the end of your vacation.

    Guest: I absolutely agree, especially considering that many come with children - and it would be nice if they themselves didn’t monitor the purity of the products, they themselves would pay for their indiscretion... But what a pity for children who have inattentive parents, and then - poisoning...

    Guest: 500 bucks for 50 km?? I'd rather go on foot. Maybe for some it’s not money, I understand, but you have to have a head on your shoulders. And also - I love figs) And I never felt bad after it.

    Guest: It was amusing. The list is certainly interesting, but it needs to be supplemented. I'm waiting, waiting for the continuation..

    Tatyana: Bah! Do we, generally reasonable people, become such idiots on vacation? And I will find out. This is quite common in other regions as well. By the sea, a concentrate of carelessness is simply created. A portion of iodized air poisons the consciousness of the average vacationer)).

    Guest: Very good advice! Let me add: you should also definitely try a hot dog skillfully prepared by culinary masters somewhere on the coast; the ideal time to enjoy its truly unique and unforgettable Crimean taste will be the hottest days: mid-late July - early August. And to the beach, in addition to money and gold jewelry, be sure to take an expensive iPhone, smartphone, tablet or laptop, and try to “shine” it as much as possible: sunbathe demonstratively while scrolling social media- show everyone that you are a modern and wealthy person, and can afford all the latest gadgets;-)

    Guest: Heh, smiled) about shrimp especially, in general, markets in any resort towns can take you to the rim of the toilet in a matter of minutes) be careful when you visit such places

    Guest: Such advice can be applied not only to vacationers in Crimea. In my opinion, everywhere taxi drivers make a fool of non-residents, everywhere people swim behind buoys, everywhere they are poisoned by exotic dishes and fruits, etc. There is only one main piece of advice - to think with a sober head before doing something.

    Guest: Funny, if it weren’t so sad. I agree with your bad advice. I'll be waiting for the continuation :)

    Guest: I liked the seventh point the most, similar things always happen to someone, losing money, keys, phones, etc., but I’m generally silent about gold, since I myself found gold chains not far from the shore)

    Guest: Wonderful tips - thank you, I laughed. The most interesting thing is that, despite the presence of the Internet and access to information, the advice continues to remain relevant. I have always been amazed by people cheerfully offering fresh shrimp, brine and other seafood on the beach in the heat. It's scary to watch, to be honest. But they buy it. Jewelry worn on the beach has also been known for a long time. Local treasure hunters go out to the coast in the evening with a metal detector and your jewelry will definitely not be lost)))

    Guest: Everything is spot on. Five points. I was especially pleased with the advice “wear all the gold” - such people always made me laugh. I’ll add one piece of advice from myself, if you allow me: In the forty-degree heat, don’t forget to take a bottle of vodka to the beach, there’s absolutely nothing else to do there.

    Guest: Yes, yes, the list goes on. For example, advise vacationers to pay a 100-dollar advance payment for accommodation without first seeing their room (accommodation) “in person”; go to Crimea with Visa card; set a ringtone with a Ukrainian folk song, etc.

    Guest: Good advice, you should definitely use them, thank you!....)))) to be honest, I learned quite a lot of new things, I will be more attentive in the future, thanks for the anti-advice))

    Guest: Your bad advice is good. Especially for “non-Russians”, because... they are not used to the fact that they can be deceived. I have vacationed in Crimea more than once, but only once did I encounter the fact that 15 minutes from the sea was actually half an hour at a brisk pace. Now we no longer stay in the private sector; after all, hotels are more reliable, but also correspondingly more expensive.

    Elena: Yes...and don’t forget to explain to your little bastards that you don’t need to catch crustaceans for the aquarium, they’ll die on the train....
