What attracts us to the image of Bazarov? What I appreciate in Bazarov based on the novel Fathers and Sons (I. S. Turgenev). What do you like about the main character Bazarov and what is controversial for you in his image?

What attracts me to Evgeny Bazarov and where I disagree with him

One of the main tasks that the author has set for himself is to show the “new man” of the 60s era. Turgenev wrote: “The basis of the main figure, Bazarov, was based on one personality of a young provincial doctor that struck me... In this wonderful man, embodied - before my eyes - that barely born, still fermenting principle, which later received the name of nihilism.”

Bazarov is a “nihilist”, “new man”, commoner. He lived a “bitter” life, went through a harsh school of labor and hardship. It was in this image that Turgenev showed his understanding of the democracy of the “new people”.

What attracted me to Bazarovo was the constant desire to work and great willpower. This is a man of a sharp and strong mind. Bazarov is a persistent, courageous man, always self-confident. His hatred and love are always sincere and deep. All these features of Bazarov speak of his democracy. And the democracy of this person is manifested not only in his character traits, but also in his portrait, and in his speech, in his attitude towards serfdom, towards religion and, of course, in his attitude towards ordinary people.

Bazarov denies serfdom and religion, popular poverty, everything that is generated by the “ugly state of society.” He has a special approach to to the common man. And when a “strong, heavy” passion comes to him, he knows how to win a difficult victory over it, showing how much higher and more humane he is than Odintsova, the one he loved so passionately.
I completely agree with all these features of Bazarov’s worldview. Turgenev very correctly and truthfully conveyed the typical features of revolutionary democrats of his time, but at the same time, the writer conveyed to the image of Bazarov features unusual for revolutionaries.
I completely disagree with Bazarov’s denial of art, music, poetry, and painting. Bazarov knows neither the biography nor the work of A.S. Pushkin. According to him, a decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet. Rafael, according to Bazarov, “isn’t worth a penny.” It is impossible to agree with this.

True democratic revolutionaries denied only “pure art,” but not art in general. Bazarov identifies the laws of nature and laws human life, physiological and mental phenomena. And the most important thing is that this person only denies, but does nothing, does not fight those life phenomena that lead him to indignation. He never seeks to convince listeners of the correctness of his statements. These traits make me antipathy towards Bazarov.

I can't say that I like this person. There is a lot of good and bad in it. My feeling for him is uncertain, since the wonderful qualities of his character are balanced by an incomprehensible contempt for everything beautiful and exciting and complete inaction in the lordly environment that he hates.

What do you like about the main character Bazarov and what is controversial for you in his image?

What do I accept in Bazarov and what do I argue with?

Bazarov is a holistic person, a role model for many people, but they are only a kind of parody of Bazarov himself.

Reading the novel, you understand that you cannot be indifferent to Bazarov: he either delights, or irritates, or both.

Bazarov is an ideal in a sense. This is what attracts me to him. With his courage, fearlessness, steadfastness and even some kind of audacity, but a special audacity. A clear demonstration of all this is last days the life of Evgeniy Vasilyevich, when he comes face to face with death.

“Three days later, Bazarov entered his father’s room and asked if he had a hellstone.

Eat; what do you need?

It is necessary... to cauterize the wound.

How about you! Why is this? What kind of wound is this? Where is she?

Right here on your finger. Today I went to the village, you know, where they brought a typhoid man from. For some reason they were going to open it, but I hadn’t practiced this for a long time.

Well, so I asked the district doctor; Well, I cut myself.”

This fragment clearly demonstrates the alleged manifestation of Bazarov’s nihilism, but I believe that under the guise of “nihilistic sentiments” he hides a kind and generous heart... Why do I think so? Yes, because Bazarov’s relations with the “common people” are in their own way, trusting and warm, in other words, their own. But Bazarov treats even these relationships with contempt, calling the Russian people worthless, lazy and useless. I admire the way Bazarov behaved in the last minutes of his life. He retains a sense of his own pride and self-awareness: “I don’t want to be delusional,” he whispered, clenching his fists, “what nonsense!”; “Eka, just think!” said Bazarov. “What does a word mean!” I found him, said “crisis”, and was consoled. It's amazing how people still believe in words. If they tell him, for example, he’s a fool and don’t kill him, he’ll be sad; They will call him smart and won’t give him money - he will feel pleasure. This little speech by Bazarov, reminiscent of his previous “antics,” brought Vasily Ivanovich into emotion.” Bazarov is surprisingly unshakable. He has the spirit of life, strength, power and fearlessness. I think this is why he is an idol for many. Many people in Evgeniy Vasilyevich’s place irritated their relatives and friends, demanded the impossible from them and hoped in every possible way for long-term consolation. But Bazarov is not like that: he does not demand anything for himself, he only asks his father to send a messenger for Odintsova. Taking such a step, he can die peacefully. Odintsova arrives, and they had a small dialogue with Bazarov, in which Bazarov’s regret and bitterness is felt: “You will forget me,” he began again, “the dead are not a comrade to the living.” In the end, I want to say that Bazarov for me - let and not a role model in general, but in his fearlessness and resilience in the face of twists of fate, this is for me an example to follow. As for what I deny and do not accept in Bazarov, it’s everything else. I am truly outraged by Bazarov’s contemptuously cold attitude towards the people around him, he does not take them into account, the only person with whom he communicates as an equal is Odintsova. She changed his attitude towards women.

Besides this, I don’t like nihilism - looking at an object from a critical point of view. So nihilism for Bazarov is a destructive point of departure. After all, Bazarov is not like that, he is generous and does not have a hard heart, as it seems at first... Bazarov, following fashionable trends, ruins his life, spoils relationships with people and even encroaches on the sacred! Criticism of art becomes the denial of art itself:

“In my opinion,” objected Bazarov, “Raphael is not worth a penny...”

Denials of the position of romance are the denial of love. That is, by denying everything that exists, exists and lives, Bazarov denies life itself! And that means there is no point in living further, since there is no need to live, and Bazarov’s death is the logical conclusion of the novel.

Bazarov combines neglect and basic disrespect for elders, denial of all moral and ethical principles, consumerist attitude towards people, and this upsets me.

For me, Bazarov will always remain a bright personality, one of a kind, he is a bright representative of his generation, the generation of the 60s, but much about him repels me and makes me disagree with most of his actions, but despite all this, there is something in Bazarov something you rarely see in people. Durability and inner core.

Bazarov is an extraordinary, interesting, complex personality. It is impossible to unequivocally express your attitude towards him. Along with the positive qualities that attract the reader so much, there is also enough negative in his personality that repels him.

Of course, Bazarov is smart and brave. His positive qualities include the fact that he is a man of action. Even after arriving to visit, Evgeniy continues to work. It’s great that Bazarov never deals with matters superficially. He has a goal in life that he wants to achieve. An important advantage of Bazarov can be considered the strength and energy emanating from him. He is not one of many, he is a leader. These qualities endear the reader to him. But there is a lot in Bazarov that causes bewilderment, bordering on hostility. His credo, his life position are often repulsive. Thus, Bazarov considers it necessary to destroy the established order and radically restructure society. What is the reason for Bazarov’s denial? What is the program of social reconstruction according to Bazarov?

The nihilist refuses to discuss these issues with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. During the argument, Bazarov directly says that he does not and cannot have any positive program, because he does not and cannot have any other goal other than the goal of destruction. Extremist democratism turns into Bazarov’s contempt for the overwhelming majority of people and their division into gods and boobies. The position “we break because we are strong” is also repulsive in Bazarov. The reasoning that strength does not give an account to anyone. Right equals power - whoever wins is right.

Bazarov stands on the fact that a free person is not morally bound by anything in his decisions and actions. And again, this is not just a principle, profession, science, family, marriage, altruistic feelings, such moral categories as duty, right, obligation, principles. Altruism is truly alien to Bazarov. For him, unreality is more undeniable than the law of the struggle for existence, when every now and then the instincts of a strong beast make themselves known, for which everything encountered on the way is a threat, or prey, or an obstacle.

Often Bazarov uses people - he acts as he wants, as it is convenient for him, and simply does not take everything else into account. It is also noticeable that Bazarov not only declares the denial of art; he really has no “artistic sense”, he is really alien to poetry and indifferent to it. Of course, even in love, Bazarov remains himself. He feels in Madame Odintsova a strength equal to his own: he is driven by the temptation to fight and the need for victory. The impossibility of a reciprocal feeling is experienced as defeat, the feeling of one’s powerlessness gives rise to anger, and Bazarov’s passion itself is akin to anger, something “almost brutal” is visible in it.

Bazarov is a man born “at the wrong time.” Despite the fact that he always has his own opinion, life principles and interests, at the same time he denies beauty. This is where Bazarov’s conflict with the “fathers” lies. Bazarov is a “new” person in a society of “ordinary” people. Why is he dying? Obviously, he has no place in this world: one against many.

In the novel “Fathers and Sons” Bazarov main character. Right from the first pages of the novel, the hero attracts me with his appearance and unusual behavior. Tall bazaars. If you look closely at his face, “long and thin, with a wide forehead, a pointed nose flat at the bottom, large greenish eyes and hanging sand-colored sideburns, which were enlivened by a calm smile and expressed self-confidence and intelligence.” Evgeniy Vasilyevich is lazy, but courageous voice, calm and bright face.

Bazarov is very proud

by his democratic origin, because all the best that is in him was absorbed by him from the people's environment along with his mother's milk. What I like most about him is his hard work ethic. Bazarov can always be reached for business. Evgeniy gets up earlier than everyone else in the morning and goes to the pond to catch frogs in order to perform experiments on them. In his room there is a specific smell on the floors mixed with tobacco. Another trait I like about him is his willpower. It is thanks to courage and the endurance of enormous willpower that Evgeniy turns out to be the winner in ideological disputes with Kirsanov, helps to cope with the strong feeling of love for Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, but his willpower is especially clearly revealed in the death scene. This scene is an amazing scene in the novel, making me both suffer with the hero and admire his courage. Bazarov is struggling with the approaching death, he does not want to surrender to it without a fight and with a huge effort snatches from her minutes, seconds of conscious life, so as not to delirium, he tries to count. He denies the church and religion and remains in his denial until the end.

Bazarov captivates me not only with his deep intelligence, but also with his nobility. I see this nobility in the duel scene. Not only does he not take revenge, but he even refuses to fire again and treats the wounded man medical care. I like Bazarov and his kindness, which he shows towards his parents. Bazarov is kind to ordinary people too, and they repay him with sincere love.

The only thing I don’t like about Bazarov is that he denies art, poetry and does not read Pushkin, that in his opinion Raphael is not worth a penny. And I wish there were more such people, but, unfortunately, there are very few of them.

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In a letter to Dostoevsky, Turgenev wrote with disappointment: “Nobody,
doesn't seem to suspect that I tried to imagine in Bazarovo
tragic face - and everyone is interpreting - why is he so bad? Or why
Is he that good?
Who is he - this Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov?
In my opinion, the image turned out to be complex, contradictory, but
certainly interesting. In many ways, this ambiguity of assessment
the hero depends on the author's attitude towards his hero. With one
On the other hand, Turgenev justifies and appreciates Bazarov,
sincerely admiring his intelligence, firmness, ability to defend
your ideals and achieve what you want. Gives this image the features
which he himself does not possess. But, on the other hand, the reader
feels that Bazarov is alien to the author, incomprehensible. Turgenev sincerely
wants to force himself to love his hero, to “fire” with his idea,
but to no avail. The author and his hero remain on opposite sides.
This is precisely what suggests the idea of ​​monstrous loneliness
Bazarova. He is titanic, remarkably strong, but at the same time
endlessly unhappy and lonely. This is probably the lot of any outstanding
person. And Bazarov himself does not strive to please
people, rather, the opposite. According to his own remark,
“a real person is one about whom there is nothing to think, but about whom one must
obey or hate."
Bazarov is constantly looking for a person equal to himself in strength, and does not find
his. The only one who dares to resist this stormy
flow, - Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. In disputes with Bazarov, Kirsanov
defends his past, his life, which he does not think about
different, and this gives him strength in “battles” with the nihilist. Bazarov
he can only oppose himself, his powerful personality.
But despite the obvious that Bazarov is not right about everything, he
ardor and conviction are admirable.
The author seems to be constantly trying to help the reader see the merits
your new hero. Turgenev wants to convince the reader that
Bazarov is not an evil genius, but above all unhappy, lonely and, despite
with all the strength of mind and energy, defenseless in front of the most ordinary
human feelings man. In a relationship with
Odintsova reveals his vulnerability. Subconsciously Bazarov
looking for love. Odintsova expects mature feelings from him - in her life
there is no room for shocks.
Bazarov can no longer imagine himself without the “storm” of experiences, he still
does not understand that an indispensable condition for achieving spiritual and moral
ideals is stability. And then it turns out something
vicious circle. Bazarov rushes about in this circle - lonely, desperate.
He is contradictory to the point of absurdity. Bazarov denies romanticism,
but is essentially a romantic; he renounces his parents
from the “stupid life of our fathers,” but in a fit of revelation he himself admits
Arkady in his love for them.
Bazarov sincerely believes that he does everything for well-being
of their homeland. But does Russia need Bazarov? Even so strong
and an independent person like Bazarov is scared to feel
in such a vicious circle of contradictions. The only permission
These contradictions turn out to be death. In one of Turgenev's letters
admitted that when he wrote Bazarov, he ultimately felt
there is not dislike for him, but admiration. And when I wrote the scene
death, then wept bitterly. These were not tears of pity, these were
the tears of an artist who saw the tragedy of a huge man in whom
some features of his own ideal were embodied. In the novel
there is not a single significant scene in which he does not participate
Bazarov. This is an amazing image that from the first chapter to the last
changes more than all the other characters in the novel. And his
the change also leads to a change in the reader’s attitude towards it. He
no longer seems so “gloomy, wild and doomed to destruction”
“, as Turgenev’s contemporaries spoke about him. Bazarov is
the hero of the future, and therefore he carries the features of the future - strength,
openness, honesty.