Complex star of self-regulation Hasai Aliyev. Synchrometer. Supernal Star of Self-Regulation - The Key. Basic reflex techniques

  The essence of the "Key" self-regulation method

Khasai Aliyev in the early 80s of the XX century was engaged in the development of methods for adapting astronauts to zero gravity. During the research, a group of astronauts who had already traveled into space, recalling the sensations of the weightlessness they had experienced, felt lightness in their hands, their reflex “ascent”.

Further, in the control groups during such exercises, people experienced headaches, stress, and fatigue. H. Aliyev compared this information with the ritual traditions of the peoples of the world and concluded that combining movements with a figurative representation leads to amazing possibilities in the psychophysiological self-regulation of a person.Aliyev’s method was later used as emergency assistance in very sad moments of our history: in hot spots and in extreme situations throughout the country.

A group of specialists headed by Kh. Aliyev arrived in our city at a defense enterprise, but conducted several courses for the civilian population.

Impressions of mastering the Aliyev method.

I got to self-regulation courses on the Aliyev system when I studied healing methods . Before classes, they asked about three qualities in which it would be easy for a person to master the method. I had them available.

  1. I dreamed of flying in a dream.
  2. During a long run I had a "second wind".
  3. Woke up at the right time without an alarm.

We were offered to master exercises, united by one name."Star of self-regulation."

“Levitation of hands” -   This exercise was liked the most, it turned out right away and surprised. It was necessary to get up, lower your hands down, close your eyes and imagine that they rise themselves, as if gaining weight and become light, without weight. And so it happened - hands rose easily, as if in zero gravity. This feeling coincided with those that were from exercises to restore vision..) I highly recommend reading in more details about all the exercises of the method in the books of Khasai Aliyev.

I was late for the courses and came to the 3rd lesson out of 10 offered. And immediately got from the ship to the ball. The host suggested at the beginning of the lesson that our hands are wooden ... After that, two people who expressed their consent were pierced through their hands with long, thin needles. There was no blood, no signs that these people were hurt.

My experience of using the method of self-regulation.

Having become a psychologist, I applied the Aliyev method in individual and group work. I will give an example.

With a group of first-graders who have problems with the development of the school curriculum, I conducted the exercise “Take-Off Hands”. Then I used the exercise “Free movements, or Find your key.” And at the end of the exercises, she offered to take fountain pens and write her first and last name. Two first graders were immediately able to write letters better than before. First of all, the children took off the clamp, anxiety before a difficult task, and there was an adjustment of coordination between the eyes and the hand, which is the key to successful writing.

It was important for a woman who had a strong concern about relationships with her adult children (as she said, put an end to herself), to throw off negative emotions, pay attention to her condition, and not focus on aimlessly experiencing the problem. She got the exercise “Shaking” and “Meeting Hands”. These manipulations helped her become more self-confident and relieve psychosomatic symptoms.

The Key method, according to my observations, also helps well when the needs of the body have been ignored for a long time. We spend too much time at computers, indoors, in the strain of the eyes, the spine, which is not very good for health. Preventing the consequences of such an overload is what the Key method can do. Aliyev’s self-regulation can be safely included in his arsenal of auto-training.A complex approach   In this case, it once again increases our opportunities in self-development, implementation of plans and solving daily life tasks.

How often do you have to get into stressful situations? You may not notice this, but any nervous tension leaves an imprint on your well-being, working capacity, attitude and other characteristics. Internal barriers and clamps begin to form, which prevent you from living and realizing yourself in all spheres of human activity. The “Key” method of Khasai Aliyev is called to help get rid of these "fetters."

What is a Key?

The "Key" method of Khasai Aliyev appeared while the researcher was working on the adaptation of astronauts to extreme flight conditions. Having studied the reflex state of the limbs under zero gravity, Aliyev came to the conclusion that levitation of the arms and legs helps relieve nervous tension and completely relax the body. In addition, the feeling of moral and physical fatigue disappears.

The result of the work that Aliyev did was the Key method. This is a set of exercises based on ideoreflex techniques. A day will have to spend on classes no more than 20 minutes. The result will be the elimination of stress, the harmony between physiology and mental processes, the elimination of fears. In addition, regularly exercising, you can discover some hidden resources.

The development and testing of the method was carried out at the Cosmonaut Training Center. Yu.A. Gagarin. It was subsequently approved by the Ministry of Health. The "Key" method of Khasai Aliyev has no analogues in the whole world. Due to the speed of action, it is used to remove children and adults from the stress resulting from terrorist attacks and emergency situations. Even where traditional psychology is powerless, the Key is effective.

The main advantages of the method

In the scientific, research and practical work of Hasay Aliyev, the Key method plays a crucial role. It has such indisputable advantages:

  • quickly relieves of internal clamps, which allows a person to be confident and successful, as well as maintain self-control in emergency situations;
  • improves mental abilities, which allows you to quickly make decisions and even discover creative resources in yourself;
  • makes it easier to carry loads of a physical and mental nature;
  • provides quick recovery after stress, without requiring a separation from work or an arc of the main activity;
  • allows you to quickly and effortlessly enter a state of meditation.

Application area

In order to assess the significance of Khayai Aliyev’s Key method, it’s worth looking at the scope of its application. These are the following areas:

  • in psychotherapy, when traditional methods do not bring the desired result;
  • in personal development programs to get rid of complexes and;
  • in education, in order to improve concentration and create a favorable psychological climate;
  • in production, to reduce the time of development of new activities;
  • in creativity to remove psychological barriers;
  • in sports to maintain optimal physical fitness and accelerate recovery processes;
  • in the workforce to normalize interpersonal relationships.

Another area where the Key method can be applied is eye treatment. Hasai Aliyev recommends performing exercises with closed eyelids (or at least half lowered). This allows you to relax not only the nervous system, but also the visual apparatus, which over time leads to the restoration of its functions.

Hand breeding

It is believed that a lot of opportunities can open before a person if he learns the "Key" method of Khasai Aliyev. Exercises are good because they can be performed while standing, and sitting, and even lying down. The first trick is the "divergence of hands."

You need to keep your head straight, and arms outstretched in front of you, without straining them. Now you need to relax, close your eyes. Mentally give your hands a command to disperse. This action must occur by an effort of will without any muscle tension. A mental image may help.

Of course, beginners are allowed to produce mechanical arms. However, in order to achieve the desired state, you need to remove the internal barriers that make you think logically and practically. This can be achieved not only by "turning off" thoughts, but also by finding the optimal body position.

If this technique is not given to you, then you have strong nerve clips. To alleviate the condition, it is worth doing a few simple exercises with your hands, and then try again. But you should not go in cycles too long. If the reception has not succumbed to you, proceed to the next.

Hand toe

If you want to try the "Key" method of Khasai Aliyev, the exercises will not seem difficult to you. The second technique is the opposite of the previous one. Everything needs to be done in the same way, only hands will not need to be parted, but brought together.

If after several attempts the exercise does not succumb to you, return to the first again. This will help establish some internal connections in the body and mind. Alternate exercises while trying to control your arms on

If you feel that the method has begun to succumb to you, but at a certain place the movements freeze, you can slightly push them with muscular effort. If you are tired, do not force yourself to continue your studies. Lower your hands and relax.

Hand levitation

If you have internal barriers and clamps, these techniques will help show this. Hasai Aliyev developed the Key method by observing the astronauts, and therefore all the tricks look like you want to get into a state of zero gravity.

To start the third exercise, you need to give up. Eyes can be closed or directed to the hand of one of the hands. Set yourself up so that she begins to rise up spontaneously. To ask yourself such an installation, imagine yourself an astronaut. Draw in your imagination pictures of weightlessness when limbs fly apart in the air involuntarily.

Even if you fail to achieve a state of levitation, this does not mean that the exercise was futile. This is something like a game that will help you escape from worries.


If you do not fully understand the essence of the methodology, Hasai Aliyev will give you some information on the "Intelligence Interrogation" video portal. The Key method is designed to bring you into a state of weightlessness and levitation, and therefore you should feel something like a flight.

This exercise is a logical continuation of the previous one. As soon as you managed to "lift" one hand into the air, then "release" the second. To make your limbs soar in the air, imagine yourself a bird that hovers above the ground. By letting go of your imagination, you can get a new sensation that will relieve you of feelings and stress.

It is worth noting that "Flight" is the main exercise of the complex. It is it that allows you to gain inner freedom. Having first mastered this technique, you will feel something like euphoria, which will seem unusual to you. Nevertheless, this pleasant state will soon become familiar to you.


Khasay Aliyev’s “Key” method of self-regulation implies a gradual transition from levitation to automatic body vibrations. This is not some kind of violent effect on the body, but a completely natural process that occurs with a person when he is relaxed. In this case, the hands may remain in a state of "zero gravity" or may be lowered down.

If you cannot achieve this state only through relaxation, you can again resort to visual images. Imagine yourself as a tree or a stalk that sways in the wind. If you were not able to cause a wiggle through ideomotor techniques, the first few times you can give yourself a mechanical impulse.

The state during the exercise can be compared with the one in which the child is cradled or who is riding on a swing. In this case, you will come across such a thing as coordination. The inner core helps you stay in a relaxed, oscillating position without losing stability. This can not be achieved immediately, but through regular training, you will learn not to fall.

Head movements

There is an exercise in the Key system for the head. You can perform it both standing and sitting. The situation does not matter, you should be comfortable. Relax your neck as much as possible, allowing your head to arbitrarily take a comfortable position. Now all your mental efforts should be directed at making her turn in any direction. If this technique doesn’t work, try giving your head a light mechanical impulse. At the same time, movements should not be characterized by any rhythm or sequence.

By listening to your body, you will feel the moment when the muscles can be relaxed, and the head will continue to move independently. To achieve this, try to set an axis that will go around the pain points. When the head reaches the optimum turning point, you will feel not only bodily, but also emotional and mental relaxation. To facilitate the search for this position, it is worth using eyeballs, which should rotate haphazardly.

How to finish exercises

Before starting the practice of self-regulation, it is recommended to read the books of Khasai Aliyev. The Key method not only involves learning how to enter a trance, but also explains how to get out of it correctly. The main thing you have to learn is to feel yourself. This applies not only to the body, but also to consciousness and the subconscious.

In order to get out of the state of self-regulation, you just have to want it. But sometimes it happens that the body just needs rest. It’s okay if you give yourself a few more minutes of relaxation. At the same time, you must tune yourself to the fact that when you regain consciousness, your gloomy thoughts and problems will not return to you. Imagine that you are full of strength and vitality, and your head is clear and full of new ideas.

Visual images help not only to enter a trance, but also to get out of it. If you cannot force yourself to “wake up,” begin to imagine what you have associated with vigor and activity. For some, this is the ringing of an alarm clock, for someone it’s a cup of strong coffee, for someone it’s a cool shower. Having regained consciousness, one should not immediately begin active work. Sit a bit, stretch, as after a dream. You can even do light exercises.

How to understand that the "moment of truth" has arrived?

The development, thanks to which Hasai Aliyev became famous, is the "Key" method. The inner doctor, he claims, lives in every person. Nevertheless, to help yourself get rid of stress, you need to understand what condition you should come to.

After the end of the session you need to sit comfortably and relax as much as possible. In this case, the eyes should gradually close (but not by force). When this happens, you will have a certain feeling of emptiness in your head. There will be neither bad nor good thoughts in it. This is the complete one that gives impetus to the accumulation of new energy.

Course duration

The training course is usually conducted within 5 days. Every day you should spend about half an hour working out the above exercises. This time should be enough to develop the necessary skills for self-regulation.

Then you can start daily full-time workouts lasting 20 minutes. You can perform the exercises sequentially, as well as combine them at your discretion. The course of the lesson needs to be adjusted independently, based on your inner feelings and physical well-being.

The number of elements included in a workout may depend on the situation. So, on a typical day, 1-2 exercises are enough for relaxation. If you are facing a responsible event that causes you to experience, this will not be enough. Training should be comprehensive and longer than usual.

If nothing happens

Many people, dreaming of peace of mind and a surge of energy, managed to try out the system that Aliyev Hasai Magomedovich offers. The "Key" method for a beginner may not immediately yield. If you have never before encountered meditative practices, you will have to learn everything from scratch, which will take some time. If after hard training nothing changes, it is possible that there are some hidden problems in your body. You may need the following measures:

  • psychological consultation, which will help to identify blocking factors, "sitting" in your mind;
  • a medical examination to detect osteochondrosis or abnormal intracranial pressure;
  • psychotherapy to suppress depression, as well as feelings of anxiety;
  • manual therapy;
  • massage of problem areas; reflexology.

The methodology is based on the scientific discoveries of Dr. Aliyev, in particular, the “New Model of the Brain,” which allows controlling previously uncontrolled functions of the psyche and the body.

KEYbased on controlled reflexes -   "Ideo-reflex receptions."He enters   Synchrometer Khasay Aliyeva new class of methods synchronizing the actions of a person with his current state: Key, Synchro-gymnastics, Key-2, Key-3.These methods serve for quick stress relief , proactively increasing stress resistance to emergencies. They give quick and obvious results. health improvement   and the disclosure of creative potential, healing and self-healing, prevention of treatment and rehabilitation of predominantly neurosis and psychosomatic diseases.

Self-Regulation Method Key Hasay Aliyevand - a find for those who do not have free time for long recreational activities, as well as for the lazy and people with disabilities. Because the Key significantly reduces the time of any training or training.

The key of Khasay Aliyev - is most effective in conditions where a person works on the verge of his mental or physical capabilities.

   Book of records and achievements of the Key method

Hasay Aliyev Key to yourself

Key Method   was originally created by a young doctor - psychotherapist and reflexologist Khasay Aliyev for the non-contact inclusion of the reaction of biologically active points. So his first invention appeared, the method of “Signal reflexology”. The work of a promising scientist attracted the attention of specialists and in early 1980 he was invited to the Cosmonaut Training Center. Yu.A. Gagarin. Khasay Aliyev’s “Key” Method   began to form during experiments on modeling the state of weightlessness in an astronaut in terrestrial conditions, overcoming stress and overload. The discoverer highlighted and combined the advantages of auto-training and psychotherapy, created high-quality new method of human self-regulation   - for modeling the state of weightlessness, overcoming stress and overload. The need for this work was due to the impossibility of self-control of pilots under hypnosis in orbit. Key Method of Dr. Khasai Aliyev It was formulated, reported at the Scientific and Technical Council of the Cosmonaut Training Center with a demonstration of the effects of a group of trained testers, and received approval from space industry experts, doctors and psychologists. So there was a method of self-regulation Key.

The name of the Aliyev’s Key method was prompted by testers - cosmonauts of the Center named after Yu.A. Gagarin.

Aliyev: the Key method in 2017 marked the 37th anniversary.

Today Aliyev’s Key has been improved. Although some sections, mainly dealing with the topic “Key Stress Management,” remain closed to this day. During its existence, the technique was used in the space and military fields to train psychologists of power structures and special forces, as well as members of the All-Russian club of directors of industrial enterprises and senior leaders of the country, adults and children affected by terrorist attacks and emergencies. Method Key Khasai Aliyev exercises   and the know-how of the author was tested in a number of the largest research institutes of the country, implemented at a number of defense enterprises to reduce visual fatigue among operators - microassemblies, in the energy sector to train dispatchers for the reliability of their activities, they were used in professional sports.

Aliyev Keyit was approved by the USSR Ministry of Health in 1987 and recommended by the USSR Ministry of Education for the prophylactic reduction of stress and fatigue, the preventive increase in human stress tolerance, and the optimization of learning, training, and recovery processes. Currently, the technology that opens the key to life, the key to success, the key to health - is available. In fact   Aliyev’s method is the Key to himself: to unlimited creative abilities and huge reserve human capabilities, to independent achievement of high results.

In Russia and other countries of the world - Aliyev’s Key is already used by about 10 million people. Because of its simplicity and effectiveness, interest in the method is growing steadily.

Aliyev Hasay Magomedovich Key method   - This is not only stress relief, but also stress management, the use of its energy for the benefit of health and desired goals. KEY 2-   second of the synchrometer class called Stress Springboard . But only those who possess the first KEY are allowed to study it. Stress management technique master trained security officers, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergencies. By incorporating Aliyev’s method, skills help relieve tension, gather at a decisive moment almost instantly and regardless of the environment, whether it is a battlefield or an emergency. It is no coincidence that it was Dr. Aliyev who returned to normal life the victims of the attacks in Kizlyar, Kaspiysk, Essentuki, Moscow, and Beslan. He trained specialists who raised the sunken submarine Kursk. And Aliyev’s Key also helped to find the key to success and become champions in the business for football players, hockey players, yachtsmen, wrestlers, chess players, as well as representatives of large business.

Discover the great athlete, artist, writer, scientist, politician; remove neuromuscular clamps, get rid of stereotypes of thinking, fear, complexes; as well as the healing of neurosis and psychosomatic disorders without pills, anesthesia, treatment and rejuvenation of the body, stress relief, inner peace and freedom - all this is the Aliyev Key method.

Sync Gymnastics Exercise Key - Complete Courses, master classes and Books by Khasay Aliyev   better to buy in the official author.

Aliyev Key Exercise   - This is a minimal action, unique ideo-reflex techniques that allow you to relieve stress automatically. Enter a controlled state that causes a mode of self-regulation - regardless of the theme of experiences. This is a new copyright " The principle of selection by enumeration"Through simple actions - exercises leading to a special state in which the psycho-physiological self-regulation of the body occurs. Despite complex scientific terms, key method is very simple. A person selects the most light and comfortable actions from a complex of simple exercises - Synchro-gymnastics, based on synchronization of movements with the current internal state. This is the first in the world discovered by Dr. Khasay Aliyev "Criterion for individual compliance."

The Key Method of Khasai Aliyev is the easiest and fastest way to relieve stress and fatigue, tension, and, if desired, on the contrary, mobilization, which is listed in the Russian Book of Records and Achievements associated with the Guinness Book of Records.

The Key Method of Khasai Aliyev Exercise include several sets of techniques. The first ones help for emancipation, removal of blocks, tightness. The latter serve as a tool for inducing a special state - “self-regulation mode”, relaxation, absolute peace, nirvana. With the help of this, it is possible to control your psycho-physiological state, to overcome internal barriers. Recovery, treatment, healing from ailments by turning on the pharmacy of the body, relieving stress and, of course, increasing creative potential, connecting the body resources and the psyche to the problems being solved!

Aliyev’s key exercises for self-regulation   or anddeo-reflex receptions are movements or another reaction of an organism that occurs automatically in response to its figurative representation.

Ideoreflexive techniques synchronize mental and physiological processes, that is, create a connection between the mind and body. Therefore, stress is relieved and the "Self-regulation mode" is opened in which a person can control previously inaccessible functions. For example, remove psychological barriers, manage your motivations, include reserves that were previously unpredictably included only in emergency situations. Method "Key" synchronizing exercises need to be done without muscle mechanical effort - a strong-willed team, the power of thought. In the classic version, they received the names:

  • 1. "Hand divergence"
  • 2. "Hand toe"
  • 3. "Hand Levitation / Flight"
  • 4. "Body oscillations"(" riding a train, motion sickness of a child ")
  • 5. "Head movements"(slow rotation in a circle)

Running this program: 5 key exercise method   preceded by Key stress test, which serves to determine the state of tightness / emancipation. This is a "Success Indicator." If a person is shackled, immersed in obsessive thoughts, fears, and is held captive by stress, his hands “will not go,” let alone “fly.” Especially if the student learns the technique on his own without the participation of the master or his certified specialist students, you may not immediately achieve the desired effect and think that the key method does not work.

Everything works - checked repeatedly! It is worth reading the section key method reviews, it may seem that this is a magic panacea for healing all diseases - there is no scientific method based on the natural nature of man, discovered by Dr. Khasai Magomedovich Aliyev.

Synchro-gymnastics according to the Key method

The essence of the key method - identify the most comfortable and enjoyable exercises with which it is possible to achieve maximum emancipation. Then return to the ideo-reflex movements of the Synchro-gymnastics - and achieve a special state. The basic techniques in the classic version totals key 5 exercise method:

  1. "Whip",
  2. "Skier",
  3. "Humpty Dumpty"(spinning)
  4. "Vis forward - backward"(unbend and bend down)
  5. "Light dance"(special exercise).

There are many additional exercises for individual selection by searching on the basis of the Key. They can be replaced by your loved ones, but under the guidance of a specialist.

   Synchro-gymnastics - Khasai Aliyev Key Exercise.

Almost everyone can learn the Key. Suddenly, you joyfully acknowledge that you have found your key to health, joy and success, having mastered the following exercises without much difficulty according to Aliyev’s method. They are also called the method of single permutation according to the Key, it is also a selection method - by means of search. So, if ideoreflex movements are not very effective, you need to find out the reason. To do this: "Diagnostic Scan"- any physical exercises of your choice in the form of repeated movements for 30 seconds.

a) at the level of the head (e.g. rotation, inclinations)

b) at shoulder level

c) at the level of the hips

d) at the level of the legs

With a selection of movements that turned out to be the easiest.

Despite the fact that a huge amount of material has accumulated in the network

I gave you the Key to myself. Self-regulation method Key. Or in another way - SYNCHROMODOD. A new class of methods based on synchronizing actions with the current individual state of a person, and therefore giving fast results.

I presented you with the Key Stress Test, which causes a release of stress and a state of well-being, and if it doesn’t work, the methods of emancipation are Synchro-gymnastics, and if it doesn’t work, the New Principles and the Rules for selecting individual exercises, and the Criteria for individual compliance, using which you quickly pick up individual tricks for yourself.

You try it right away, you get the result right away - a feeling of relief!
  BUT maybe something starts to work out, but something doesn’t. Do not focus on failure, but look for what happens!
  And so the striking effect - the first time!

You can relieve stress, fly, get inspiration.
  And if something is wrong, then re-read this book. And no matter which page. It is possible from the first - backward, or from back to front.
  Open any page right away.

Read from anywhere.
And then again from anywhere.
  It does not matter - most importantly - you still learn how to manage your condition.

This is a special book.
  This book is written in a special way.
  This book will give you what you need to live first.
  Because there are special Receptions, Principles, Rules, Examples, which include a special state.
  You need this condition for rest, recovery, flight, inspiration, rejuvenation, creativity.

It does not matter what is immediately clear or not very clear, but everything will become clear in just a few minutes.

You just browse, you can not try, read easily, like an unexpected story in which you want to understand a little.
  And do not rush.
  All the same, everything will be fine.

For example, you are now reading the lines and do not understand anything. This is not important. After some time you will return to them, and what is written there will be revealed to you.

Therefore, do not strain. Read lazily.
  This unusual special book.

This book works as if by itself.
  This book gives you what you need for your whole life.
  This book gives you New Principles, Rules and Techniques
  ease, examples of mood. You will see what happens to you when you read this book.

I gave you a stadium and childhood toys! Key 2 - modeling of voltage peaks and activity fragments, this is the 21st century! This has never happened anywhere. I gave unique principles and rules of the Key in posts and videos, gave a unique criterion for selecting individual actions, you have everything in your hands, friends, the rest is already possible only on Skype

They wrote to me -
  I like to dance, I go to a disco, music plays, I dance, and stress is relieved!
  I saw in a movie how one girl famously dances, makes various movements, breathtaking !!! Can stress be removed like that?

MY ANSWER - thanks, Cool \u003d if we are talking about movements, then you can choose those that are suitable for yourself and do it at home without any disco for a few minutes - this will be an individual Synchro-gymnastics, provided that you think about what I think, and when stress is relieved - right there, continuing these movements, dream against their background that you can then relieve stress and better solve various problems without these movements. Key 2 - This is a transition from a disco to self-regulation skills, because it turns out that dancing without music can be done, that is, simulated fragments of activity (which usually relieve stress in life), and this develops skills to relieve stress without this activity, for example, then, when there is no time and place for dancing (Key 2 element)

I gave you a stadium and a whole room of toys, carry them with you in your “pocket,” and use them when you need big savings, ”I said joyfully, giving Madame the principles and rules of Part 2.
  Because I saw with my own eyes on skype how she understood the principles and rules, and before my eyes she already "toyed" skated, and shook the baby in her arms, twisted a hula-hoop, and sang her favorite songs - and she freed herself from the load of worries and, younger, as it was in life then - in fact ...
  What kind of miracle is it that a person can now do with himself with the help of Key 2 at any time? Exactly - 21st century!
  But it’s hard for me to give these rules and techniques without Skype - without feedback control.
  However, those who really need it will collect it in pieces, like a mosaic, walking through my last posts and videos, and will discover the Secret Key 2.
  I have been looking for decades, and I give you the opportunity - my suggestive posts. Therefore, this secret will be easier for you to open.
  Let this secret beckon and inspire you to think. There is for what!