USSR during the years of collective leadership. Test on the History of Russia test on history (Grade 9) on the topic. Agricultural management

Test work on the history of Russia for grade 9 on

I - option.

1) After the death of Stalin, he led the party:

a) N.S. Khrushchev; b) G.M. Malenkov; c) K.E. Voroshilov.

2) The conspiracy against Beria led:

a) G.M. Malenkov; b) N.S. Khrushchev; c) N.A. Bulganin.

3) The program of agricultural development G.M. Malenkov includes:

a) increase in purchase prices for agricultural products;

b) increase in the tax on the farm; c) the establishment of farms.

4) Match

A) Chairman of the Council of Ministers 1) G.M. Malenkov

B) First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU 2) L.P. Beria

C) Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council 3) K.E. Voroshilov

D) Minister of the Interior and State. security 4) N.S. Khrushchev

5) The term "thaw" is associated with:

a) with a quote from the speech of N.S. Khrushchev; b) with the title of the story of I.G. Erenburg;

c) with the time of the death of I.V. Stalin.

6) One of the most popular literary and art magazines became during the “thaw” period:

a) "Crocodile"; b) "New World"; c) Leningrad.

7) The film “thaw” refers to the film:

a) “Kuban Cossacks”; b) "Young Guard"; c) "Cranes are flying."

8) The consequences of the XX Congress of the CPSU DO NOT include:

a) a nationwide discussion of Stalinist politics;

b) conducting large-scale rehabilitation; c) the resignation of the government.

9) The first Soviet artificial satellite was launched:

a) in 1955; b) in 1957; c) in 1960

10) Social policy 1953 - 1964 characterizes:

a) wide housing construction;

b) the absence of a shortage of goods and food;

c) support to farms.

11) As a result of the reform of industrial management in 1957 appeared:

a) economic councils; b) drug addicts; c) ministries.

12) Agricultural reforms crashed due to:

a) their sabotage by local authorities; b) natural disasters in the country;

c) ill-conceived and inconsistent.

13) The 1962 nuclear missile crisis is called:

a) Caribbean; b) Egyptian; c) Berlin.

14) The deterioration of relations between the USSR and China began:

a) in 1953; b) in 1956; c) in 1961

15) The most important goal of helping the USSR to the countries of the "third world" was:

a) strengthening the ideological influence of the USSR on developing countries;

b) obtaining strategic raw materials from developing countries;

c) the formation of Soviet colonies in developing countries.

16) The mass release of political prisoners and the review of cases of dead prisoners of camps and prisons is called:

a) rehabilitation; b) reorganization; c) restoration.

17) The term "sixties" means:

a) the intelligentsia advocating the de-stylization of society;

b) people who have reached 60 years of age and who have received the right to retirement;

c) Soviet citizens who received personal plots in the 60s.

Test work on the history of Russia for grade 9 on the topic

"USSR in 1953 - mid 60-ies XX century. "

II - option.

1 ) 1953 - 1955 called the period:

a) the reign of Khrushchev; b) the rule of Beria; c) “collective leadership”.

2 ) The arrest and execution of Beria took place:

a) in 1953; b) in 1955; c) in 1966

3 ) In 1955, G.M. Malenkov:

a) resigned as head of state; b) was arrested and repressed;

c) received the sole leadership of the party and government.

4 ) The policy of "collective leadership" includes:

(a) The end of the Cold War;

b) the termination of the "case of doctors";

c) the dissolution of collective farms.

5 ) The reasons for the failure of the course of domestic policy G.M. Malenkov does not apply:

a) sabotage of party and state bodies;

b) preservation of the foundations of the Stalinist system;

c) the inconsistency and ill-conceived course.

6) Report N.S. Khrushchev about the Stalin personality cult and repression sounded:

a) at the XIX party congress;

b) at the XX party congress;

c) at the XXII Party Congress.

7 ) Find an extra surname among writers and poets of the "thaw":

a) R. Rozhdestvensky; b) A. Voznesensky; c) A. Solzhenitsyn; d) O. Mandelstam.

8 ) The conspiracy against N.S. Khrushchev in 1957 was headed by:

a) G.M. Malenkov, L.M. Kaganovich, V.M. Molotov;

b) K.E. Voroshilov, N.A. Bulganin, A.I. Mikoyan;

c) L.P. Beria, G.K. Zhukov, L.I. Brezhnev.

9 ) "Thaw" in the field of literature characterizes:

a) the abolition of censorship of works of art;

b) the emergence of progressive literary and artistic magazines;

c) mass publication of poets and writers of the early XX century.

10 ) Relate the names of cultural figures and their works:

A) M.K. Kalatozov 1) novel “Not by bread alone”

B) G.M. Kozintsev 2) the film "Cranes are Flying"

B) M.I. Romm 3) the story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich"

D) B.L. Pasternak 4) the film "Nine Days of One Year"

D) V.D. Dudintsev 5) the novel "Doctor Zhivago"

E) A.I. Solzhenitsyn 6) the film "Hamlet"

11 ) An attempt to remove N. Khrushchev from the party leadership in 1957 was due to:

a) rejection of the processes of reforming society as part of the country's leadership;

b) Khrushchev’s refusal from the reform course;

c) new mass repressions against the old leadership of the country.

12 ) To the development of the education system in 1953 - 1964 Not applicable:

a) the introduction of 8 - year compulsory education;

b) strengthening the connection of school and production;

c) the introduction of alternative lyceums and gymnasiums;

13) Social and economic reforms of N.S. Khrushchev were carried out:

a) gradually and according to a predetermined plan; b) rapidly and without a general plan; c) only in the field of agriculture.

14) N.S. Khrushchev's Housing Program:

a) completely solved the housing problem in the USSR;

b) partially solved the housing problem in the USSR;

c) did not bring any results.

15) At the beginning of the 60s. collective farmers:

a) received the right to conduct an industrial economy; b) received a passport;

c) stopped paying taxes.

16)   The invasion of Soviet troops in Hungary occurred:

a) in 1956; b) in 1958; c) in 1959

17) The foreign policy course of "peaceful coexistence" was put forward:

a) Beria at the June plenum of 1953;

b) Malenkov at the February plenum of 1955.

c) Khrushchev at the XX Congress of the Party in 1956

18) International relations 1953 - 1964 characterized by:

a) establishing personal contacts of political leaders of the opposing blocs;

b) the elimination of military - political blocs in the world;

c) the collapse of the socialist system.

19) "Collective leadership" means:

a) the solution of all important issues of industrial enterprises at the general meeting of workers;

b) temporary joint management of the country by the closest associates of Stalin after his death;

c) the new UN governing body, which includes state leaders of the leading countries of Europe.

20) The term “voluntarism” means:

c) a new direction in the literature of the 60s.

Test work on the history of Russia for the 9th grade on the topic: “USSR in 1953 - mid-60s. XX century. "

III - option.

1)   In the spring of 1953, at the initiative of Beria, the following was carried out:

a) amnesty; b) agricultural reform; c) party conference.

2)   The economic program of G.M. Malenkov did not include:

a) the accelerated development of light and food industries;

b) improving the efficiency of agriculture;

c) accelerated development of heavy industry.

3) L.P. Beria was eliminated due to:

a) his large-scale democratic reforms;

b) fear of eliminating his dictatorship in the country;

c) disclosure of his connection with the American intelligence services.

4) The policy of G.M. Malenkov as a whole was directed:

a) to strengthen the totalitarian regime in the country;

b) the liberalization of all aspects of society;

c) to maintain the previous regime in the country.

5) G.M. Malenkov was removed from the post of head of government:

a) for health reasons; b) as a result of the political struggle for power;

c) due to the transfer to the post of head of the party.

6) During the "thaw" were not rehabilitated:

a) participants in the "Leningrad affair"; b) Kalmyks, Chechens, Ingush; c) Vlasovites.

7)   In 1958, the novel received the Nobel Prize:

a) "Doctor Zhivago" B. parsnip; b) “Russian Forest” by L. Leonov;

c) "Terkin in the Other World" by A. Twardowski.

8)   As a result, the report of N.S. Khrushchev at the XX Congress of the CPSU:

a) the process of de-Stalinization of the community has begun; b) the totalitarian regime in the country intensified;

c) a democratic regime has been established in the country.

9)   The process of democratization in the field of culture cannot include:

a) the activities of the Sovremennik Theater;

b) literary readings at the Polytechnic Museum;

c) the exclusion of B.L. Pasternak from the Writers' Union.

10)   The consequences of the 1957 event do not include:

a) removal from the leadership of the country G.M. Malenkov, V.M. Molotov and L.M. Kaganovich;

b) dismissal of the Minister of Defense G.K. Zhukov;

c) strengthening the position of the head of government N.A. Bulgarin.

11)   The first Soviet astronaut to fly around the earth on April 12, 1961:

a) A.A. Leonov; b) G.S. Titov; c) Yu.A. Gagarin.

12 ) Nobel laureate of the mid-50s - mid-60s is not:

a) L.D. Landau; b) N.N. Semenov; C) P.N. Lebedev; D) I.E. Tamm.

13)   the slogan “Chase and Drive” meant:

a) achieving a higher level of development compared to the United States;

b) achieving a higher level of development in comparison with the socialist countries;

c) restoration of equilibrium in the development of agriculture and industry.

14) Combine in logical pairs:

A) Yu.A. Gagarin 1) the first spacewalk;

B) A.N. Tupolev 2) the creation of the TU - 114 aircraft;

B) S.P. Korolev 3) guidance on the creation of Earth satellites and flights;

D) A.A. Leonov 4) the first flight into space.

15 ) The purpose of the polytechnic school was:

a) in providing the national economy with competent specialists;

b) in the preparation of managers for industry and agriculture;

c) in training specialists for economic assistance to socialist countries.

16)   The policy of the Cold War in 1953 - 1964:

a) received further development, b) remained unchanged;

c) gradually replaced by a policy of "peaceful coexistence."

17)   The West Berlin crisis of 1061 ended:

a) the reunification of the two parts of Berlin;

b) the construction of a wall between two parts of Berlin;

c) the local armament of conflicts between the GDR and West Berlin.

18)   In 1953 - 1964 THE USSR:

a) provided economic assistance to the Third World countries;

b) advocated the restoration of the colonial system;

c) pursued a policy of non-interference in the affairs of the Third World countries.

19 ) The concept of "liberation of the countries of Eastern Europe" Eisenhower did not include:

a) US economic pressure on socialist countries;

b) US ideological pressure on socialist countries;

c) the beginning of hostilities against socialist countries.

20 ) Combine dates and events:

A) 1956 1) The Caribbean crisis;

B) 1961. 2) the entry of Soviet troops into Hungary;

C) 1962 3) The Berlin crisis.

21 ) The result of the Caribbean crisis is:

a) a compromise between the USSR and the USA and mutual concessions on the deployment of missiles;

b) the beginning of the war between the USSR and the USA; c) a complete break in relations between the USSR and the USA.

22 ) The term “thaw” means:

a) climate warming in the USSR as a result of the greenhouse effect;

b) changes in the political development of the country and public consciousness;

c) a new method of sowing, developed in the 60s.

23 ) The economic, political and ideological pressure on the socialist countries from the developed capitalist countries is called:

a) the doctrine of liberation; b) the doctrine of deterrence; c) the doctrine of confrontation.

24 ) The term “voluntarism” means:

a) a political course based on strong-willed, often ill-conceived decisions of the leadership;

b) conducting a popular discussion of important political documents;

c) a new direction in the literature of the 60s.


Option - I.

1) a; 2) b; 3) a; 4) a1, b4, c3, g2; 5 B; 6) b; 7) in; 8) in;

9) b; 10) a; 11) a; 12) in; 13) a; 14) b; 15) a; 16) a; 17) a;

Option - II.

  1. IN; 2) a; 3) a; 4) b; 5) a; 6) b; 7) g; 8) a; 9) b); 10) a2, b6, b4, r5, d1, e3;

11) a; 12) in; 13) b; 14) b; 15) b; 16) a; 17) in; 18) a; 19) b; 20) a.

Option - III.

  1. a; 2) in; 3) b; 4) b; 5 B; 6) in; 7) a; 8) a; 9) in; 10) in; 11) in; 12) in; 13) a;

14) a4, b2, b3, g4; 15) a; 16) in; 17) b; 18) a; 19) in; 20) a2, b3, b1; 21) a; 22) b; 23) a; 24) a.

Test on the history of the USSR in the years of collective leadership for students in grade 11 with answers. The test contains 10 tasks.

1. Which of the above happened in the 1964-1980s?

1) “Leningrad affair”
  2) the creation of a scientific center in Novosibirsk
  3) the persecution of B. Pasternak for awarding him the Nobel Prize
  4) expulsion from the country of G. Vishnevskaya and M. Rostropovich

2.   Which three of the listed events, phenomena of scientific and technological development relate to 1964-1985?

1) the creation of an atomic bomb
  2) the creation of the world's first nuclear installation
  3) the creation of Proton rocket carriers and the Salyut orbital station
  4) the emergence of a new science - genetics
  5) the first docking of Soviet and American spacecraft
  6) launch of the first artificial Earth satellite

3.   Read an excerpt from the speech of L.I. Brezhnev and write the year to which it relates.

“In order to make full use of all the possibilities of the socialist mode of production, it is proposed to strengthen the economic method of managing the economy. Using a system of economic incentives, it is necessary to create a direct interest of each worker, foreman, technician, engineer and employee of the enterprise in introducing new technology, in improving technology, increasing labor productivity and product quality. The expansion of the rights of each individual enterprise will serve the same goals ... The party puts issues such as socialist economic calculation, the use of profit, price, credit, business contracts, etc. in the planned management of the economy, the development of the doctrine on the organization and management of socialist industry in the unfolding scientific and technological revolution, a combination of central planning with the economic independence of enterprises and others ... "

4.   Which three of the following events relate to the cultural life of the USSR in the 1964-1980s?

1) publication of the books "Small land" and "Tselina"
  2) publication of the novel by I. Ehrenburg "Thaw"
  3) the appearance of samizdat
  4) the creation of the theater "Contemporary"
  5) publication of the novel "Young Guard"
  6) exit to the screens of the film "Garage"

5.   Match dates and events. For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second.

A) 1969
  B) 1975
  B) 1979
  D) 1983

1) the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan
  2) the aggravation of relations between the USSR and NATO countries due to the downed South Korean plane
  3) the conflict between the USSR and China over the Damansky Peninsula
  4) Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
  5) visit of US President R. Nixon to the USSR

6. Establish a correspondence between cultural works and their creators. For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second.


A) feature film "Andrei Rublev"
  B) a monument to the Soviet soldier-liberator in Berlin
  C) “The Gulag Archipelago”
  D) the novel "Doctor Zhivago"

1) E. Vuchetich
  2) A. Solzhenitsyn
  3) A. Tarkovsky
  4) K. Simonov
  5) V. Pasternak

7.   Which of the following was the result of the Cold War?

1) eastward expansion of NATO
  2) strengthening the international authority of the USSR in Europe
  3) strengthening ideological confrontation between capitalist and socialist states
  4) introduction of a moratorium on nuclear weapons tests

8.   Read an excerpt from the document and indicate what event it refers to.

“... There is no doubt that ... events have radically changed the political situation in the world. They jeopardized detente, created a direct threat to peace, not only in this area, but everywhere. They made it difficult (or perhaps made it impossible at all) to ratify the SALT-2 treaty, which is vital for the whole world ... Soviet actions contributed to ... an increase in military budgets and the adoption of new military-technical programs in all major countries, which will affect many more years, increasing the danger arms race. At the UN General Assembly, Soviet actions ... were condemned by 104 states, including many that had previously unconditionally supported any actions of the USSR. Inside the USSR, the ruinous supermilitarization of the country is intensifying ... "

1) on the entry of Soviet troops into North Korea
  2) on the entry of Soviet troops into Hungary
  3) on the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan
  4) on the entry of Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia

9.   What position of the above characterizes socio-political life in the 1960s and early 1980s?

1) the development of the dissident movement
  2) development of the concept of civil society
  3) adoption of the Constitution of “victorious socialism”
  4) the final erasure of the boundaries between the city and the village

10.   Compare the policies of de-Stalinization and neo-Stalinism. Indicate what was common (at least two characteristics) and what was different (at least three differences). Confirm the answers with examples.

Answers to the test on the history of the USSR during the years of collective leadership
10. general characteristics
  - recognition of the thesis that I.V. Stalin made a major contribution to building socialism in the USSR
  - justification of repressions of the 30-40s.
  - preservation of political censorship
  - the impact on social life of socialist ideology

collective leadership

management method based on joint discussion and resolution of issues. Collectivity allows you to find the most appropriate solutions, effectively combine the common responsibility of the personal. Collective leadership is the most important aspect of democratic centralism.

The leadership of the Communist Party, the activities of elected state bodies, trade unions, the Komsomol, and other public organizations are based in a socialist society on the basis of collectivity. The management of production, transport, communications, the leadership of the armed forces, as well as a number of other areas of state activity, due to their specific features, is carried out on the basis of the principle of one-man management based on various forms of public participation.

The collective nature of leadership in a socialist society stems from the very essence of the socialist system, the economic basis of which is social ownership of the means of production, and the political basis is the power of the working people, of the whole people.

Using the collective experience and knowledge of the leadership of party, state and public organizations, taking into account the views of millions of communists and non-partisan workers, the need for a balanced and comprehensive approach is due to the gigantic scale and complexity of the tasks of communist construction, and the high responsibility of the governing bodies in a socialist society for the people. As the practice of real socialism shows, the development of scientifically based policies and the implementation of effective leadership are possible only on the basis of a comprehensive consideration of the knowledge and experience of a wide range of communists and non-partisan masses. Collective leadership allows you to correctly and realistic approach to any, including complex, business. At the same time, exchanges of exchanges and the determination of the will of the majority serve as a necessary premise of unity of action, conscious party and state discipline. To ensure the proper effect of K. p., It is not necessary the formal, but the actual functioning of the collective body, active participation in the work of all its members. The nature of the relationship between the members of this body, on the one hand, and the leader, on the other, is of great importance. Recognition of the important role, responsibility and authority of the leader has nothing to do with the coexistence of personal power. The leader acts as the organizer of the work, he must show great tact and interest in ensuring a free exchange of views, creating an atmosphere of collective creativity. He bears a great responsibility, but in resolving issues he has the same rights as other members of the collective body. All of them are called upon to contribute to the solution of general affairs, to show activity, independent thinking, and adherence to principles. A necessary condition K. r. serves as a close relationship of the joint consideration and resolution of issues with discipline and responsibility for their implementation. K. p. involves both the general and individual responsibility of each employee for the work entrusted to him, the fulfillment of collective decisions. Lenin emphasized that “in all cases and under all circumstances, collegiality must be accompanied by the most accurate establishment of personal responsibility each   persons for for sure   a certain matter ”(t. 39, p. 46). Serious significance for the success of K. p. have business support for the work of collective bodies, elimination of their practice of hype, ceremoniality and fuss of judges.

In providing K. p. the party and its governing bodies are particularly demanding. Being a voluntary political union of like-minded communists, the party conducts all work on the basis of collective cooperation, not administration. “... All the de-parties are leading,” noted Lenin, “directly or through representatives, the parties are all-inclusive, on equal rights and without exception ...” (v. 14, p. 252).

The collective procedure for considering and resolving all the most important issues of the life and activities of the party and its organizations is enshrined in the CPSU Constitution as “an indispensable condition for the normal activity of party organizations, the proper education of cadres, the development of activity and the initiative of the communists”. “The personality cult and related violations of internal party democracy,” the Charter says, “cannot be tolerated by the party, they are incompatible with the Leninist principles of party life.” In every party organization, the exclusive right to consider and resolve all the most important issues of party life and activity belongs to the collective body: in the primary party organization — the general assembly of the communists; in the district, city, district, regional, regional organizations - the corresponding party conference, in the republican organization and the party as a whole - the congress. The executive bodies of the party and its organizations — party committees and bureaus of all levels — are also collective bodies. An important guarantee of observance of collectivity is the firm deadlines established for holding congresses, party conferences and meetings, as well as plenary meetings of party committees. Such a guarantee is created by a clearly established procedure for the election and reporting of party committees and to the top from the bottom to the bottom. Further strengthening and development of the principle of collective leadership in the CPSU in recent years has found expression in increasing the role of plenums of the Central Committee of the CPSU, as well as plenums of local party bodies, the assembly of communists, and the expansion of internal party information. Collective leadership bodies also have trade unions and the Komsomol. In Councils of People's Deputies of all levels, the most important issues are considered at sessions of the Soviets, and between sessions, at meetings of the presidiums and executive committees of the Soviets. The CPSU is constantly improving the activities of these tried and tested collective thought batteries. To increase the level of K. p. the party’s efforts were directed to educate the communists, leading cadres and all working people in the spirit of ideology and principle, to improve their awareness.

K. p. - an important political asset of the Communist Party and socialist society, which is of great importance for using the advantages of developed socialism in the interests of the people, for the successful construction of communism. Expansion and improvement K. r. contributes to the development of socialist democracy, serves as a prerequisite for a gradual transition to communist public self-government.



(collective leadership)   The principle of collective leadership was usually applied in the Soviet party hierarchical system immediately after the death or removal from office of the general secretary. This happened after the death of Lenin in 1924, the death of Stalin in 1953 and after the removal from office of Khrushchev in 1964. However, the leading role of the new general secretary was very soon restored.

Politics. Dictionary. - M .: "INFRA-M", Publishing House "All World". D. Underhill, S. Barrett, P. Burnell, P. Burnham, and others. General edition: Doctor of Economics Osadchaya I.M.. 2001 .

Political science. Dictionary. - RSU. V.N. Konovalov. 2010.

See what “COLLECTIVE MANAGEMENT” is in other dictionaries:

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Brezhnev and the "collective leadership"

The new words in the political vocabulary: “voluntarism”, “subjectivism”, which the party allegedly overcame, became for many years the euphemisms of the Khrushchev's “thaw” and the characteristics of Khrushchev himself, whose name they have since tried not to mention. He lived in the country under the supervision of “organs” and, as it turned out later, very much bothered his successors, for he began to compose memoirs. The 1964 coup was carried out in the interests of the political elite, shaken by the restless, restless Khrushchev and longed for peace, measured, predictable work and a lawful, comfortable rest. According to one version, at first it was supposed to make Alexander Shelepin, the leader of the KGB and one of the initiators of the overthrow of Khrushchev, the leader. But the young, strong-willed, ascetic “iron Shurik” frightened his colleagues with their determination to “tighten the screws”, “to put things in order”. And he was gradually “pushed back”. The first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee was Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, who turned 58 in 1964. He was a quite ordinary party worker, without brilliance, but an executive, business, healthy man, not evil in nature, not devoid of charm and humor, who loved life and the joys (no frills) that it brought him: elegant suits, hunting, fishing , Marlboro cigarettes. As one historian wrote about him, "Brezhnev showed the only talent that a party leader needed - the ability to lead: give general instructions on all issues, without being a specialist in any of them." It seems that in addition to power, Brezhnev’s main passion was cars, or rather, fast, if not crazy, driving them. Brezhnev was known as a caring family man, had many friends and fellow countrymen from Ukraine, from Dnepropetrovsk. He never forgot them and placed them in important posts, no matter where his life as a nomenclature worker casts: in Moldova, Kazakhstan, Moscow. Subsequently, thanks to this, they will talk about the "Dnepropetrovsk Mafia".

Brezhnev suit many. He was moderately progressive, but also moderately conservative. At first they were afraid that with his arrival, the Stalinists would restore the cult and monuments to their immortal leader. But Stalinization did not happen. Brezhnev made a kind of "balance" of Stalin's assessments, when the mean negative characteristics of the Generalissimo were uniformly combined with positive, but moderate assessments of his merits during the years of the war and the construction of socialism. But still, in general, with each new edition of the textbooks on the history of the party and the USSR, they spoke more and more stingy and stingy about the lawlessness of the Stalin era. The rehabilitation of victims of Stalinist repressions ceased. They tried to forget about the Stalinist past, sought to avoid mentioning the repressions that destroyed millions of people. Censorship passed only vague hints about the fate of the innocent victims in the gulag prisons and camps. In the preface to his book, it was customary to write about the executed writer and artist as follows: “In 1938, his career ended ...”

Formally, there was a triumvirate in power: Brezhnev led the party, A. N. Kosygin - the government, and N. A. Podgorny was the formal head of state (Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council). However, in the 1970s. Brezhnev gradually “ate” his colleagues in the triumvirate, and at the same time those who represented a potential danger to him. In 1977, Brezhnev became the head of state instead of Podgorny, and in 1979, Kosygin replaced “his man” from Dnepropetrovsk - N. Tikhonov.