The murmur of a spring brook or the splashing of river waves. Traps ege and gia. Monological statement. Monologue Conversation

1. Focus on the first time you listen to the text. Prepare a draft, check how the pen writes. You can write text with a sharpened pencil.

2. Set yourself to write text with large spaces. Do not spare paper: in the missing spaces, when you listen to the text for the second time, insert what you did not manage to record for the first time.

3. Record everything you have, shorten the words. If you don’t have time to write something, do not be discouraged: at the second reading, add it.

4. Make effective use of the minutes you are given to comprehend the text between the two readings. Try to add abbreviated words. But the main thing: having run through all the records with your eyes, try to realize what this text is about.

5. At the second reading of the text, write in the spaces left that did not write down for the first time. If there is room, it does not matter: this is a draft.

6. After reading the text, try to combine everything that you wrote down, read what you got. If the thought of “not jumping” when reading, everything is read easily, which means that you have written the text well.

7. Proceed to shorten the text. At the same time, try to take into account all three methods of reduction:

  Replacement Method. For example, you have a sentence in the text: “Men and women, old people and adolescents came to the protection of their hometown.” You replace the highlighted words like this: "All the residents went to the guard of their native city."

  The method of exclusion.  In this case, you can exclude lexical repetitions, some homogeneous members, sentence fragments that are less significant. For example: “Kremlin stones may sound. Each wall and dome has a special sound, and together they merge into a heroic symphony, performed by a huge orchestra from the pipes of the Kremlin’s golden domes. ” By excluding a number of words, you can create the following sentence: “Each stone, wall, dome of the Kremlin has its own sound, which merges into a single heroic symphony.”

The way to merge. This is the formation of a complex sentence by the merger of two simple, narrating about the same thing. For example: “Calling is a small growth of talent, turned into a strong, powerful tree on the fertile soil of hard work. Without industriousness, without self-education, this small sprout can dry in the bud. ” We make one of two proposals: “Vocation is a small growth of talent that can dry out without industriousness.”

8. Having reduced the text, re-read it. If everything is read in one breath, if you have not faltered anywhere, then you have created a good exposition. Check where you wrote from the red line. The presence of paragraphs is an important element of the work.

9. Underline all words whose spelling is in doubt. Take a spelling dictionary and check the spelling of these words.

10. After that, you can rewrite the work in a clean copy.

   please decide the test! very urgent! and preferably correct! 111. Indicate the participle in the sentence Listen carefully, standing in the forest or among

flowering field, and you will certainly hear the wonderful sounds of the earth.

1. standing 2. listen 3. blossoming 4. wonderful

2. Choose a valid participle

1. the bush is cut down

2. pinned icon

3. harvested rye

4. sparkling stars

3. Mark the row in which the letter E is written in all words at the place of the pass

1. computing ... my, amulet ... of May

2. respect ... my, move .. my

3. cheer up ... my, kind of ... my

4. fulfilling ... my, dependent .. my

4. Mark the row in which one letter N is written at the place of the passes.

1. elm ... boiled sweater, boiling milk

2. red-hot ... th metal, grass cut ...

3. problem, very angry..a

4. fire ... fired rays, brisk ... motion

5. Choose the perfect participle

1. looking 2. reading 3. shouting 4. drawing

6. Indicate in which answer option all numbers are correctly indicated, in the place of which there should be commas in the sentence

Suddenly, the beast (1) who sensed a man (2) turned to the side (3) ran to the river (4) and rushed into the water.

1) 1,3, 4 2) 1,2,4 3) 1,2,3 4) 2,3,4

7. Define the syntactic function of the participle in the sentence.

Two steps away from the boy, the branches moved apart by hands.

subject 2. predicate 3. appendix 4. definition
8. Select a valid participle.

1. approaching hurricane 2. sewn button 3 sown land 4. done business

9. Mark the row in which at the place of the gaps in all words one letter is written N.

1. hardened .. steel, wound .. officer in the hand

2. salt ... cucumber, the walls are tinted ... s

3. sowing ... ry flour, cut through ... wrinkled face

4. battalion ... th commander, loaded ... with a stone

10. Choose the germs of imperfect appearance.

1. driving up 2. having received 3. roll out 4 having executed

11. Indicate in which answer option all numbers are correctly indicated, in the place of which there should be commas in the sentence

Arranging to spend the night (1) on fir branches (2) that are well protected from the wind (3), the rooks raise a loud scream at night (4) and from this scream I wake up every time.

1,2, 4 2) 1,2,3 3) 1,3,4 4) 2,3,4
  12. Indicate the answer number in which all words are written with the letter E.

1. corrected .. current mistake, built… home

2. built .. your house, alarmed .. news

3. seeded oats, sent out ... May correspondence

4. wounded ... in battle, mutilated ... in laurels

13. Find the word in which the stress falls on the third syllable.

1. occupied 2. occupied 3. accepted 4. occupied.

14. In what version of the answer are all the numbers indicated, in the place of which two letters of the HH are written.

1. Behind the illuminated (1) th scattering (2) th moon (3) th window, a certain (4) th wheat field was visible.

1) 1,2 2) 1,2,3 3) 1,2.4 4) 3,4

15. Indicate the line in which both words are participles.

1. lit up when thinking

2. fluffed upon seeing

3. falling, caught

4. Dreaming, knowing

16. In which version of the answer are all cases of setting commas in the next sentence correctly indicated and explained?

Arms akimbo (1) pans left (2) surrounded by innumerable servants.

1 - solitary participle is isolated
1 - solitary participle is isolated, 2 - participle turnover is isolated
2-isolates the participle turnover
1 - solitary participle is isolated, 2 - communion turnover is isolated

17. In which version of the answer are the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should appear in the proposal? Throwing my head (1), I saw above a dark wooden church (2) naively looking (3) at me from a high steep.

1 2) 2 3) 1,2 4) 1,2,3
  18. Indicate an example in which a word is spelled with NOT together.

1) surprised (no) 2) (not) recognized 3) (not) washed and dirty 4) (not) conducted experiment

   Help please make a parsing of the sentence: Listen carefully, standing in the forest or among the awakened flowering field, and you

certainly hear the wonderful sounds of the earth.

   You need to shorten the text from 7 paragraphs to 4. In the Meshchera region there are no special beauties and riches other than forests,

meadows and clear air. But still this region has great attractive power. He is very modest - just like the paintings of Levitan. But in it, as in these paintings, lies all the charm and all the seemingly invisible variety of Russian nature.

What can be seen in the Meshchera region? Flowering or mowed meadows, pine forests, forest lakes overgrown with black mugs, haystacks smelling of dry and warm hay. Hay in stacks keeps warm all winter.

I had to spend the night in stacks in October, when the grass at dawn is covered with hoarfrost, like salt. I tore a deep hole in the hay, climbed into it, and slept all night in a stack, as if in a locked room. And over the meadows it was cold rain and the wind came in slanting blows.

In the Meshchera region, you can see pine forests, where it is so solemn and quiet that the bell of a lost cow is heard far, almost a kilometer away. But such silence stands in the forests only on calm days. In the wind, the forests make a great ocean noise and the tops of the pines bend after the passing clouds.

In the Meshchera region you can see forest lakes with dark water, vast swamps covered with alder and aspen, lonely huts of foresters, sands, juniper, heather, schools of cranes and stars we know under all latitudes.

What can be heard in the Meshchera region, except for the rumble of pine forests? The screams of quails and hawks, the whistle of the orioles, the bustling knock of woodpeckers, the howl of wolves, the rustle of rains in red needles, the evening cry of harmonica in the village, and at night - the roaring singing of roosters and the beater of the village watchman.

But to see and hear so little is possible only in the early days. Then every day this region becomes richer, more diverse, more dear to the heart. And, finally, there comes a time when each willow above the stalled river seems its own, very familiar, when amazing stories can be told about it.

Text to options 1-4 (Listen carefully while standing in the forest or in the middle of a flowering field ...)

Go out into the field. Walk around the forest. Observe the night sky at night. Take a look at the birds. You must certainly hear, with a sensitive soul, these magnificent sounds of the earth. The crystal stream rings. Somewhere roaring menacing thunder rumble. The wind rustles in the curls of grass. Meadow flowers whisper tender words. And on a winter evening a merry crack of frost is heard. A song of moonlight streams from the velvet of the sky. All these are the charming melodies of mother earth. These natural sounds are not heard by a resident of the city.

For the plowman and hunter, these sounds are precious. It was from them that beautiful folk melodies were born.

The mysterious songs of the Russian land are forever preserved in my soul. These sounds so excite, delight my heart!

Text for options 5-8 (What is the most important thing in life?)

Every person has something important in life. Each has something of its own. The main thing in life should be kind and meaningful. Life should not be wasted. A person should strive to rise above his petty concerns. It is important for him to make sense in life - to serve good.

A person can live his daily interests. In this case, his life will remain unnoticed by anyone. One has to serve good deeds to others. Then people will remember our actions for a long time, because their goal is high. Evil will be forgotten.

We must serve our cause. First let it be small. If you devote your whole life to the cause, it will become great. Happy is the one for whom to serve others is the main goal of life.

Text for options 9-12 (I recalled hundreds of boys' answers ...)

When children are asked what they want to be, they name many positive qualities without mentioning kindness in a word. Kindness is not equated with courage and valor. But without kindness it is impossible to know the spiritual beauty.

The focus of humanity is considered good feelings. In a world filled with evil, people need to be careful and patient with others, committing bold deeds in the name of good. Man must follow the path of kindness.

Difficult in education is training in empathy and the ability to feel. If good feelings were not instilled in a person in childhood, he will never learn them. In childhood, a person goes through an emotional school, thanks to which kindness will appear in his soul.

Text for options 13-16 (A person has committed an offense or even a crime)

  When a person commits an offense or does not live up to someone’s hopes, those around him begin to seek explanations for his actions. He himself thinks about what went wrong in life. People blame the family first, and then the circumstances.

You should never forget that a person is the master of his fate, he can help himself by taking up self-education. The main factor helping to shape a person’s personality is a conscious attitude to life.

The process of self-education begins with self-esteem. As soon as a person loses confidence, faced with difficulties, his self-esteem falls. Too high a self-esteem is dangerous: a person becomes self-confident, stops listening to other people. A clear statement of thoughts will help determine life goals.

Text for options 17-20 (Time changes people)

Time changes people. However, besides time, there is another category that affects you more. It is a way of life, compassion for others. There is a consideration that compassion is brought up by their misfortune. I believe that compassion is a talent without which it is difficult to remain human.

An unhappy person knows about troubles, because they are inevitable. Life is designed so that a happy person seems unhappy distant. If everything is fine with you, the trouble seems to be scattered all over the world, misfortune seems atypical, and happiness is typical.

Misfortunes teach truths. A person with low sensitivity only remembers these lessons. Crying from your pain is easy. It’s harder to cry from someone else’s. “Prosperity reveals our vices, and adversity reveals our virtues.”

Text for options 21-24 (All the guys want to grow up soon, dream of becoming adults)

Everyone wants to grow up faster, become adults. But to be tall and to be an adult are two different things. It's not about growth. And in what? For a long time I could not answer, because a person does not grow up immediately. Everyone grows up differently. I know many people who have passports and have not become adults.

It's good to be an adult. But hard. An adult should be independent, overcome difficulties and be responsible for his actions. It is very difficult.

Being an adult is good. But provided that there is a high goal ahead. Such a life does not come by itself. It needs to be created. The sooner you understand this and take the first steps, the more luck will accompany you.

Text to Options 25-28

Could human art have two development paths since its inception, or did it split later? What came first: the need of a person to share beauty with society or the need to decorate the weapons that served as a battle ax? And if the need of the soul is concentrated in a splash of internal information, then does it really matter what objects it spills on.

The beauty of the surrounding world was initially concentrated in the soul of a person, and later he began to let it out. So the birth of folk art.

Later, applied art receded into the background. In cave art there is no applied character - it only reflects the cry of the soul: sorrowful or joyful. The same can be said of contemporary art.

Text to options 29-32 (Like any skilled, focused, systematic and systematic work ...)

A teacher is a skilled and systematic work, which means a profession. But this is an unusual profession, it is different from others.

The teacher works on the inner world and spiritual life of the student. He educates the mind, will, character with the help of words and the emotional impact of the beauty of nature and works of art, teaches children to live in society, build relationships. Therefore, the main thing in the teacher’s work is human studies, understanding of the student’s inner world.

What the teacher’s work will lead to, whether it will have a result, we will not find out right away, but only after years. The fruits of the teacher’s efforts are ten years later manifested creative abilities, wisdom, hard work and patriotism. That is, the teacher works for the future of each person, so he must believe in each of them, in the future happiness and achievements.

Text to Options 33-36

The life of almost every person at some point encounters an “alarm clock”, which can be a trip to the forest, summer spent in the village, the first night in a tent ...

In childhood, many things and actions can awaken interest in the great mystery of life. Growing up, a person begins to realize that everything in the world is interconnected, that the world is very strong, but at the same time vulnerable. Human life directly depends on the state of nature and the wealth of the earth. Such a school must be passed to every person.

At the beginning of everything is certainly love. In the event that she will be awakened in time, the knowledge of the world for a person will be a very exciting pastime. With this love, a person will be able to know the values \u200b\u200bof life.

Verification and evaluation of the main types of speech activity: speaking.New approaches.

  (Tatyana Nikolaevna Malysheva,deputy Chairman of the FPCR KIM for the state final certificationin Russian language FGBNU "FIPI")

Exam format

1. Conversation with the teacher

2. Work in pairs

3. Computer

General approaches:

Communicative approach

Unprepared speech

Monologue + dialogue

Description, narration, reasoning

Expressive reading out loud

Expressive reading out loud

Task 1. Expressively read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare.

Excerpt from the book of Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov - Mikitov “Sounds of the Earth”

Listen carefully when standing in the forest or in the midst of an awakened flowering field, and if you have a sensitive ear, you will certainly hear the wonderful sounds of the earth, which at all times people have so affectionately called the mother earth. The sounds of the earth are precious. It is perhaps impossible to list them. They replace us with music.

I joyfully recall the sounds of the earth that once captivated me as a child. And is it not from those times that the best is left that is in my soul? I recall the mysterious forest sounds, the breath of the awakened native land. And now they excite and delight me. In the stillness of the night I hear the breath of the earth more clearly, the rustle of a leaf above a fresh mushroom rising from the ground, the fluttering of night light butterflies, the cry of a rooster in the nearest village.

And how good, unforgettable every new morning! Even before sunrise, the birds wake up, the birds begin to sing joyfully. The awakened forest will be filled with life! In nature, there is nothing more musical than the upcoming early morning. Streams ring even more silvery, forest herbs smell more fragrant, and their aroma wonderfully merges with the musical symphony of the morning.

Assessment Criteria for Expressive Reading

Expressiveness of speech

Correctness of speech (Correspondence of speech to language standards)

The speech is correct (corresponds to linguistic norms): there is no distortion of words (or 1 mistake is made), the emphasis in words is put correctly (or 1 mistake is made). Intonation conveys punctuation of the text (or 1 mistake is made). The pace of reading is high. 2

The speech is correct (corresponds to the language standards), but there is a distortion of words (2-3 errors are made), and / or 2-3 errors are made in the accent, and / or intonation as a whole conveys punctuation of the text, but 2-3 errors are made. The pace of reading is high. 1

The speech contains significant errors (partially complies with linguistic norms): there is a distortion of words (more than 3 errors), more than 3 errors are made in the statement of stress. Intonation does not accurately convey punctuation of the text (more than 3 errors were made). The reading pace is low .. Speech comprehension is difficult.

The maximum number of points for the entire task - 3

Monological statement. Monologue Conversation

Task 2. You are given 1.5 minutes to prepare. Your statement should not take more than 2 minutes.

1. Describe the photo.

2. Tell us about your visit to the museum, which was most remembered.

Do not forget to tell

what museum were you in;

when and with whom;

what did you see;

what I liked and remembered the most.

Questions for conversation (Card for teacher)

1. Which museums do you like more: historical, art, scientific-technical or natural-science?

2. In your opinion, should schoolchildren attend museums? Why?

3. Have you heard of virtual museums? What opportunities do you think they have?

Evaluation criteria for monologue utterance with dialogue element

Photo Description

Semantic integrity

or / and the statement of the examinee is characterized by the richness of the dictionary and the accuracy of the use of words,

but monotony of grammatical constructions is traced 1

Interaction with the interlocutor

Interaction with the interlocutor has been achieved: the examinee showed the ability to participate in the conversation: listen to and understand the interlocutor’s questions, give accurate and complete answers to questions, had non-verbal communication methods (facial expressions, gestures), was polite and correct. 2

The interaction with the interlocutor has been achieved: the examinee showed the ability to participate in the conversation, but did not always show the ability to listen to and understand the interlocutor’s questions, gave inaccurate and / or incomplete answers to the questions (made more than 2 communicative errors), did not always have non-verbal communication methods (facial expressions, gestures ), was polite and correct. 1

Interaction with the interlocutor was not achieved, the examinee did not show the ability to participate in the conversation: did not understand the essence of the questions, did not give answers (made more than 4 communicative errors), did not always have non-verbal methods of communication (facial expressions, gestures), or was impolite and incorrect. 0

The maximum number of points for the entire task - 10

Dialog in pairs

Activity 2. Discuss whether a school uniform is needed. When discussing, give answers to the following questions:

Do you have a uniform at school?

What is convenient school uniform?

Why do students often don’t like to wear school uniforms?

Do you agree that clothing is part of business etiquette?

Describe the clothes you would like to see students in your school.

Criteria for evaluating dialogue in pairs

The solution to the communicative problem (each direction of the conversation is rated 1 point)

The communicative problem is solved; thoughts are stated logically, sequentially, speech is rich in vocabulary and accuracy, a variety of syntactic constructions are used. 1 * 5

Communicative task not completed;

and / or speech is characterized by poverty and inaccuracy of the dictionary, uniform syntactic constructions are used. 0

Interaction with the interlocutor

The maximum number of points for the entire task is -7

Conditional dialogue. (Interview)

Task 2. Take part in the interview. You need to answer five questions. Please give full answers to your questions.

1. Do you have a uniform at school?

2. What is a school uniform convenient for?

3. Why do students often dislike wearing school uniforms?

4. Do you agree that clothing is part of business etiquette?

5. Describe the clothes you would like to see students in your school.

Evaluation criteria for conditional dialogue

The solution to the communicative problem (1 point assesses the answer to each question)

Answer to the question

The communicative problem has been solved: a complete answer to the question has been given, thoughts are presented logically, sequentially, speech is rich and accurate in the dictionary, various syntactic constructions are used. 1 * 5

The communicative problem is not solved: the answer to the question is not given or the monosyllabic answer is given (word, phrase);

or thoughts are presented illogically, inconsistently;

or speech is characterized by poverty and inaccuracy of the dictionary, uniform syntactic constructions are used. 0

The maximum number of points for the entire task - 5

Monologue with dialogue

Task 3.  You are given 1.5 minutes to prepare. Your statement should not take more than 2 minutes.

1. Describe the photo.

Do not forget to tell

when was the holiday;

what was dedicated to;

who participated;

Evaluation criteria for monologue utterance with dialogue element

Photo Description

The examiner coped with the communicative task - he described the photo. There are no actual errors. 2

The examiner coped with the communicative task - he described the photograph, but the topic was not fully disclosed. There are no actual errors. 1

The candidate did not cope with the communicative task - he could not describe the photo, or made actual errors, including in choosing the type of speech. 0

Personal life story

The examiner coped with a communicative task - he talked about his personal life experience. There are no actual errors. 2

The examiner coped with the communicative task - he talked about his personal life experience, but the topic was not fully disclosed. There are no actual errors. 1

The candidate did not cope with the communicative task - he did not manage to talk about his personal life experience, or made actual mistakes, including in choosing the type of speech. 0

Semantic integrity

The statement is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal connectivity and sequence of presentation: there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken. 2

The statement is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal connectivity and sequence of presentation, but there are logical errors (no more than 2). 1

The statement is illogical, the presentation is inconsistent. There are logical errors (more than 2). The communicative plan is understood with difficulty. 0

Expressiveness and accuracy of speech

The testee's statement is characterized by the richness of the dictionary and the accuracy of the expression of thought, a variety of grammatical constructions. 2

The testee’s statement is characterized by a wealth of vocabulary, a variety of grammatical constructions,

but there are violations of the accuracy of expression of thought,

The testee’s statement is distinguished by the poverty of the dictionary and the uniformity of grammatical constructions 0

Interaction with the interlocutor

Interaction with the interlocutor has been achieved: the examinee showed the ability to ask questions, listen and understand the interlocutor, conduct and maintain a conversation, had non-verbal communication methods (facial expressions, gestures), was polite and correct. 2

Interaction with the interlocutor was achieved, but the examinee did not always show the ability to ask questions, listen to and understand the interlocutor, conduct and maintain a conversation (made more than 2 communicative errors), did not always have non-verbal communication methods (facial expressions, gestures), was polite and correct. 1

Interaction with the interlocutor was not achieved, the examinee did not show the ability to ask questions, listen to and understand the interlocutor, conduct and maintain a conversation (made more than 4 communicative errors), did not always have non-verbal communication methods (facial expressions, gestures), or was impolite and incorrect. 0

The maximum number of points for the entire task is -10

*Note. If the examinee did not cope with the communicative task, i.e. received 0 points according to the criteria “Photo Description” and “Narration of personal life experience”, then such work is not counted and 0 points are estimated, the task is considered to be failed.

If the examiner received 0 points according to one of the criteria “Photo Description” or “Narration of personal life experience”, then according to the criteria “Semantic Integrity” and “Speech Expressiveness” the maximum score is reduced to 1 point.


Task 3. You are given 1.5 minutes to prepare. Your statement should not take more than 2 minutes.

1. Describe the photo.

2. Tell us about your school holiday, which was most remembered.

Do not forget to tell

when was the holiday;

what was dedicated to;

who participated;

what I liked the most.

Criteria for assessing monologue

Photo Description

The examiner coped with the communicative task - he described the photo. There are no actual errors. 2

The examiner coped with the communicative task - he described the photograph, but the topic was not fully disclosed. There are no actual errors. 1

The candidate did not cope with the communicative task - he could not describe the photo, or made actual errors, including in choosing the type of speech. 0

Personal life story

The examiner coped with a communicative task - he talked about his personal life experience. There are no actual errors. 2

The examiner coped with the communicative task - he talked about his personal life experience, but the topic was not fully disclosed. There are no actual errors. 1

The candidate did not cope with the communicative task - he did not manage to talk about his personal life experience, or made actual mistakes, including in choosing the type of speech. 0

Semantic integrity

The statement is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal connectivity and sequence of presentation: there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken. 2

The statement is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal connectivity and sequence of presentation, but there are logical errors (no more than 2). 1

The statement is illogical, the presentation is inconsistent. There are logical errors (more than 2). The communicative plan is understood with difficulty. 0

Expressiveness and accuracy of speech

The testee's statement is characterized by the richness of the dictionary and the accuracy of the expression of thought, a variety of grammatical constructions. 2

The testee’s statement is characterized by a wealth of vocabulary, a variety of grammatical constructions,

but there are violations of the accuracy of expression of thought,

or / and the statement of the examinee is characterized by the richness of the dictionary and the accuracy of the usage, but the monotony of grammatical constructions 1

The testee’s statement is distinguished by the poverty of the dictionary and the uniformity of grammatical constructions 0

The maximum number of points for the entire task - 8

*Note. If the examinee did not cope with the communicative task, i.e. received 0 points according to the criteria “Photo Description” and “Narration of personal life experience”, then such work is not counted and 0 points are estimated, the task is considered to be failed.

If the examiner received 0 points according to one of the criteria “Photo Description” or “Narration of personal life experience”, then according to the other criteria “Meaningful Integrity” and “Expressive Speech”, the maximum score is reduced to 1 point.

How good and gentle these modest northern flowers! I once admired them on the shores of the New Earth, on Franz Josef Land, covered with eternal glaciers. In the short polar summer, near the un melted glaciers, delicate golden flowers bloom - polar poppies, and modest saxifrages turn blue in the cracks of stone rocks. I saw especially many flowers on the shores of Lake Taimyr, in the tundra, where we had once spent the summer and where people had not looked before.

In the early polar spring, when dense sparkling snow lies everywhere, but the setting sun is already shining, flowers begin to come to life under the snow. On the southern slopes of the hills, where the midnight sun warms more, snowy little greenhouses are visible here and there, covered with a thin film of transparent ice. In these greenhouses revive, plants are preparing for summer. Strong frosts still remain above the snowless desert, and in the snowy greenhouses, where life-giving sunlight and heat penetrate through a thin film of transparent ice. If you break a thin crystal-clear ice film covering the snowy greenhouses, the plants die.

At the beginning of the late polar summer, when the snow begins to melt in the tundra, the plants gain strength. The stems of the northern flowers are covered with a fluffy warm fur coat. From the lush flowers of the south, northern flowers are distinguished by a particularly delicate tenderness. They quickly fade if you pluck them and put them in a glass of water.

Of course, there are very few flowers in the polar tundra. They huddle on the southern slopes of the stone remains? Surprising and unusual: winter is around, snow lies almost lightly, and next to deep snowdrifts on shaggy stems, the wind vibrates the most delicate fresh flowers! Among the fragments of stones, polar poppies bloom, sivers version burns with golden wreaths, polar forget-me-nots spread out with a lush blue carpet. Polar forget-me-nots are especially good.

Already in the middle of the polar summer, when hordes of mosquitoes appeared over the tundra, I found separately growing small pinkish flowers with an amazing aroma. In the North there are no prickly and hard plants covered with lush flowers, which abound in the hot South. The meager vegetation of the far North is surprisingly gentle and pleasant.


Sounds of the earth

Listen carefully when standing in the forest or in the midst of an awakened flowering field, and if you have a sensitive ear, you will certainly hear the wonderful sounds of the earth, which at all times people have so affectionately called the mother earth. Whether it is the murmur of a spring brook or the lapping of river waves on coastal sand, the singing of birds or the thunder of a distant thunderstorm, the rustle of flowering grass grasses or the crackle of frost on a winter night, the flutter of green foliage on trees or the crackle of grasshoppers by a beaten meadow path, the rise of the lark and the noise of bread ears , the quiet fluttering of butterflies - all these are countless sounds of the earth, which city people, stunned by the noise of cars, have heard no longer hear.

It is all the more joyful for such a person, who has not yet completely lost the feeling of his native nature, to visit the forest, on the river, in the field, to gain mental strength, which, perhaps, we need most of all.

For farmers and us, seasoned hunters, the sounds of the earth are precious. It is perhaps impossible to list them. They replace us with music, and is it not from these sounds that the best has arisen that is imprinted in songs and great musical creations?

I now happily recall the sounds of the earth that once captivated me as a child. And is it not from those times that the best is left that is in my soul? I recall the mysterious forest sounds, the breath of the awakened native land. And now they excite and delight me. In the silence of the night I hear the breath of the earth even more distinctly, the rustle of a leaf above a fresh mushroom rising from the ground, the fluttering of night light butterflies, the cry of a rooster in a nearby village ...

And how good, unforgettable every new morning! They wake up even before sunrise, birds begin to sing joyfully. People sleep in stone houses, a rare car rustles, but the awakened forest is already full of life, the earth is breathing with full breasts. In nature, there is nothing more musical than the upcoming early morning. Streams ring even more silvery, forest herbs smell more fragrant, and their aroma wonderfully merges with the musical symphony of the morning.


Of the many sounds of the earth - the singing of birds, the flutter of leaves on the trees, the cod of grasshoppers, the murmur of a forest stream - the most fun and joyful sound is the song of field and meadow larks. Even in the early spring, when loose snow lay in the fields, but already in some places the first dark thawed spots formed on the warmth, our early spring guests, the larks, arrived and began to sing. As a column ascends into the sky, fluttering its wings pierced through by sunlight, a lark flies higher and higher into the sky, disappears in shining blue. Surprisingly beautiful, the ringing song is a lark welcoming the arrival of spring. This joyful song is like the breath of an awakened earth.

Many great composers in their musical works tried to portray this joyful song. Even inexperienced urban people living far from nature, traveling outside the city, heard funny songs of larks. Only the most stupid of them, stunned by the roar of cars and modern noisy music, are not able to hear the joyful sounds of the earth.

Even in the distant village childhood of mine, I loved listening to the songs of larks. You go along the path in the rye, admiring the blue cornflowers. Right and left take off, with songs rise in the sky larks. Wonderful music filled the heavenly expanse. Grasshoppers chatter loudly, on the fringe of a nearby forest cooing throats. You go, you go, you lay your back on the ground, through the thin fabric of the shirt, feeling its motherly warmth. You look and do not look into the high summer sky, on the ears bent over your face.

Larks are associated with warm land. On fields cultivated by man, among greening seedlings of grain, they make their hidden nests, breed and feed the chicks. Larks never sit on tall trees, avoid dense, dark forests. Larks live from the shores of the warm sea to the taiga forests, over the wide steppe, over fields and meadows, their joyful songs are heard almost all summer.

In past times, on a spring holiday, our mothers baked in Russian ovens molded from the test of “larks”. I well remember how my mother took out the browned dough “larks” from the oven. We rejoiced at the Russian spring holiday.

With “larks” in their hands, they ran out gaily to the bank of the river to watch the earth awaken, to listen to its spring sounds.

End of fact sheet.

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